November 18, 2023

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2023.11.18

Noticing Patterns With Mr. William Repillem II

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

80 CF Download


Albert said...

I'm not sure how "comforting" this FACT is ....

--> But the mudsharks with welfare-forever-ni88let-monsters ...

"Virtue"-signal Wherever THEY CAN !!! :-o

Some men SAY: that pretty-well ONLY: "Low-Value" WHITE-women do: the mud-shark "thing" ... whereas the "High-Value" WHITE-women: Set-THEIR-Sights: On the HIGHEST-Value-WHITE-Men that THEY Can GET!

I "euphemistically" Describe: Women's Nature as: "Weighing-their-Options" .... maybe Daily ....... and, once they "FEEL" "hard-done-by" some whimsical-Day ....

-- They Make: "Very-Poor-Choices" !!! :-o -- And out of "vengeful"-VICIOUSNESS:

"Burn-Their-Bridges" sooo often ..... that Probably MOST MEN: AFTER-such ..... "Mercifully" .... are HAPPY to be "Rid" of THEM !!! ;-)

Sketchy 1 said...


powder bowl '23 said...

Donald Jeffries is basically David Duke wearing blackface. I think Catholics are inseparably tied at the hip to Jews, like siamese twins, and if anything are the more insidiously evil of the two.

I think Catholics orchestrated the majority of the immigration into white Protestant England and U.S. They say they 'are the resistance' to the synagogue of Satan, but they're just a henchman doing it's dirty work.

Their great heroes, to whom they dedicate their lives researching, are people like JFK. A crypto jew/catholic who marched negroids into white schools using armed military. Who they say was a 'champion of peace'. We've seen where the loyalties of people who claim to be catholic but are really Jews (like Biden) lie.

What are they really, Biden, JFK, Faucci, who all claim to be catholic but only support Jew cause? Why are all the alt media clowns incapable of saying that those people aren't really catholics? BECAUSE THEY ARE. They both are interchangeable identities for the same organization, the freemasons.

I didn't want to write a giant, long post. Idk how you can hear someone say 'I'm a Catholic' and not hear 'I'm controlled opposition, enemy to humanity.'

Where is any of their actual resistance to the modern era of travesty and corruption? THERE IS NONE. They import illiterate negroids who just want a meal ticket in to be their priests, since none of them want to give their lives away to a fake cause. They'd rather play 'cause-celeb' and be a podcast guest superstar.

I understand the catch 22 realizing what scumbag traitors these people really are. If christianity, especially catholicism, is merely a jewish controlled symposium of mind control and population decimation, what is there to rally behind?

How can you even organize the people, the masses, if christianity itself is a controlled op that's only designed to do one thing, deconstruct and deracinate an entire people?

Idk, you think that's how they've gotten away with it, Scooby-Doo?

This is less difficult to figure out than your capcha challenges, imo.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Hey Albert. I raised two high value girls on welfare. Single Mom. I like to brag about it. One learned from our genteel poverty that she never wanted poverty. She did sports with women and educational pursuits with boys. From an early age. She would bring home 4 or 5 boys after class & they would go into her room, close the door, listen to Nirvana and do calculus. She now has a PhD in the sciences, was pursued constantly but only did her work till done. Now she literally has it all with a high value Scandinavian man. Looks were never a thing for her, intellect and health were what mattered.

My other daughter took a different route from poverty. She wanted to be a trophy wife. (Both girls are a 10.) But she changed her mind fast when she learned surgeons are hard to live with. She worked hard, found a really good quality man. Another Scandinavian. They are in for the long haul and live well with their lovely children. Like any smart woman she sat back and waited for the right mate to come along. Lucky thing they grew up within blocks of each other, total strangers. She wanted a partner, a good provider but still works herself.

So screw your assumptions please. And your rant really made no sense in itself. I think I just wanted to answer you back.

BillyBob said...

Can I nominate Sketchy for the "COMMENT OF THE YEAR!!" ?

In response to Albert, above: "HUH?"

I choked on cereal and fell over.

Albert said...

@ I was FORCED to get "vaccinated" .... else I couldn't SEE my Grand-Children .....

I read through your Comment ... thinking ... That's-NICE, that's nice ... !!! :-) :-) :-)

-- And then the very last line ....

"... So screw your assumptions...."

It SEEMED completely-Schitzophrenic .......

... and then, While Listening to: the Latest GREAT Harry-Vox talk .... I finally "GOT" it !!! :-o

--> You are saying that YOUR: "10" Daughters ...... ARE-the-"Muds" !!! ;-)

OK .... say no more! ;-)