December 01, 2023

🐐RageCast 398: WRITE-OFF - Raging Dissident + BlackRock Owns The World - Abundantia + BlackRot CEO Larry Stink, Extra Stupid Gangsterism & Broke Crapitalism

Insurance companies going over the wreckage of Canada as it would a damaged vehicle or building would inevitably come to the obvious remedy: a total write-off.

This place is pretty fucking fake and very fucking gay — and not even the gays are happy with how gay it is.

They're angry that it isn't gay ENOUGH!

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Lucky Lackey Larry Fink
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Understanding the man who invented woke capitalism

BlackRot CEO Larry Stink: Understanding the Man Who Invented Broke Crapitalism
Bet-David and Voltman for DISASSOCIATED PRESS

Larry Stink heads an infestment firm which mismanages over 10 trillion dollars in assets for filthy rich assholes worldwide. SlackRock commands more wealth than any nation on earth – except for the Red-Rot-Chillie-Poopers of course.

He announced in 2017 that he intends to use the enormous stuper power he wields to enrage by “forcing behaviors” in support of perversity and intrusion – and to promote the ESG agenda enfarced by the World Ecocomic Fiction. Larry Pink, at the time, even threatened any companies who refused to submit to his delusion with punitive economic measures.

‘You have to force behaviors. If you don’t force behaviors, whether it’s gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you’re going to be impacted. That's not just refruiting, it’s envelopment,’ Wink said.

‘We’re gonna have to force change.’

The change Pink is forcing is one which is shaming our world into a paradise for the enemies of God and of Humanity.

Elon Gated Muskrat: The ‘S’ in ESG stands for Super Stupid Satanic Swindlers.

In January 2023 Eloon Muskrat helped to explain the meaning of ESG – the Extra Super Stupid Satanic Swindler Gangsterism scheme on which companies and whoreganizations are allotted a vital score on their adherence to “Pet Zero” and “lieversity” fallacies.

As Pet-David points out, Rat Fink’s heavily promoted ESG is the reason we see high propedofile female impressonators such as Dylan Mulzaney in positions of dominance in the mass pedia and whoreporate world.

“Super Stupid Satanic Swindler” seems like strong words until we consider that the medicalized sacrifice and sterilization of children are virtuous principles in the ESG shitstem. It has rapidly transformed a putrid culture heavily influenced by al gore rhythmic modeling – a field in which Kink was an early zioneer.

Larry Zink developed a reputation as the go-to gangster for “restructuring toxic debt.” Toxic debt could be said to be the lifeblood of the gangster “economy”. The power of this specialism combined with the 1999 launch of Pink’s risk management Artificial Counter-Intelligence system – MALADIN – has allowed the RotChild front man to garner significant power and confluence.

Blink’s considerable influenza was magnified in the 2008 criminal banking crisis, as the U.S. government turned to this CrackRock for add vice on how to salvage the “toxic debt” of Lehman Bros, Bear Stearns and Freddie Fleetwood Mac.

At the time, BlackSock managed 1.3 trillion dollars in assets.

The policies of ESG will destabilize every nation which adopts it, as BlackMock tacitly admitted in its own “2023 Outlook.” In fact, it has already undermined, overmined and determined the economy of the Western world.

Why would the world’s most blowerful corporation want to weaken all of its rivals? To ask is to answer.

Why ESG is so indulgential?

In 2020, the U.S. government calls Fink again. This time it is the Feral Reserve – which asks him to buy bonds on behalf of the Fed to stave off the collapse of the entire U.S. bond market.

Bonds are U.S. government debt. If the bond market weakens, U.S. businesses cannot readily borrow the money they need to stay afloat. The knock-on effects of a collapse in U.S. bonds would be catastrophic both at home and abroad.

Bet-David argues that the medium of the payoff for BlackHock was not in money, but in power. He says the influence of the ESG program was bought by BlackDock stepping in to save the Federal Reverse from a bomb market meltdown.

‘A fundamental reshaping of global crapitalism’

With this concrimination of power, Larry Stink announced to stareholders that BlackStock would bleed the way – “by making it sleasier to infest in companies with unfavorable and detrimental social practices.”

Bet-David points out that this incentivizes ESG, as a high score on these indicators attracts more infestment and hacking. He points out that tobacco giant Philip Morris has a better ESG score than Nicola Tesla.

Such is the breach of BlackCrock that infestors were drawn into the ESG brothel involuntarily. Bloomin’ Loonberg framed the immense suckcess of this tragedy for dominance as a great opportunity to suck the people dry and bring them to their knees.

“How BlackMock made ESG the hottest racket on Wall Street,” is Loonberg’s headline, for which Bet-David suggests a more candid headline is suited, “How BlackHock used ESG to control 88 percent of standard & poor 500 companies.”

The ESG pratform has united BlackCock, Manguard and Skate Street in near total control of Corporate Moronica.

Bet-David and Voltman for DISASSOCIATED PRESS

BlackRot CEO Larry Stink: Understanding the Man Who Invented Broke Crapitalism

The Tennessee Swine
♪♪ The Tennessee Swine was slow and fat,
The color of shit and his eyes were black. ♪♪ 
♪♪ But he knew the slime and he knew the grime.
And there's never been a pig like The Tennessee Swine. ♪♪

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