March 25, 2024

The Scorpio International Holding Company LLC with Scorpio 2024.03.24

The Scorpio show #23 on RBN.
  Topics include:

           1) Trauma As An Engine of Control

           2) The ISIS Movie Part II
           3) Settler Jews Gone Wild

           4) 133 - 322 - 11 

    Hour 2 Guest: UK Steve Returns for part III

Feel free to email Scorpio at

64k CF Download


zapoper said...

No Shit???


zapoper said...

LOL for sure.

decree said...

Traficants tractor flipped over and killed him, sure they can flip over but how often do you hear or read that and this time esp on such persona.

decree said...

Jews did not even kill all Palestinians but are already handrubbing over the money they can make with the gaza beach and water properties, and in their backhead they sure got the natural gas reserves in front of gaza.

decree said...

Always smile when i hear Vic Nudelman, you know Nudel is german for noodle

decree said...

Starlink and Neuralink and others are darpa projects, but it looks dumb when the US army runs such giant satellite network and people would not get internet access through US Army, or buy a brainchip from the US Army, darpa is DoD, i only used US Army its more obvious wording. Elon is frontman/salesman for the DoD, selling their brainchips, darpa its neuroscience is far ahead, you can listen old presentations from Prof Giordano who leads neuroscience at darpa to get a glimpse but they are sure far far ahead, those presentations are 10 years old and still contain things which are still called conspiracy theory. I dont know with Tesla, they sold like 400k vehicle last year but are more worth than Volkswagen who sold 11 million in the same time, i dont know, Tesla is part of the overhyped climate scam, they are silent about resource use on EV and long term use etc, all a scam.

cjag said...

Good show, Scorpio...

Thank GOD ! for the technical difficulties...

Less callers the better, Unless , of course, they bring up non-trivial information. Which only a handful actually do...

95% of RBN CALLERS are completely lost within the left-right paradigm...

Not too mention those who go on and on about the border, Trump and age old trivial mundane hoopla!

Never once have any of them offered up any idea's or suggestions on how to get things started in the right direction...

I personally think the majority of the EVERYDAY and EVERY SHOW CALLERS are big donators to the station.
Hence the time they get to go on and on, many times repeating what was just said...

Or, perhaps their paid to do so???
Maybe, just maybe some are legitimately insane???

But I digress.

Now is definitely the time to keep the mind wide open to wonder, than to be held to a belief...

from Ontario...

Sean said...

There is nothing “insensitive” about not falling for global ZOG psy-ops. I have been noticing that the current crop of “influencers” are trying hard to guilt and shame us back onto the reservation, with regards to the trauma inducing “events”, as though it hasn’t been proven time and time again that many of these events have been staged to promote the agenda. There was no “shooter” at the sandy hoax. There were no real victims at the Boston smoke show. There was no 19 highjackers on 9-11. Just because they show us some grainy footage, it doesn’t mean shit. Fake until proven real, the only shameful position, is believing anything these liars tell you.

Sean said...

I think this may be why they no longer allow real callers into these shows. ZOG would rather you believe the government killed these people than for people to realize their reality is a scripted shit show.

Sean said...

YES, panz, fake as fuck!

Sean said...

Got a bridge to sell you, BTW. Gimme a ring.

Panzerfaust said...

Everything fake.

Hal K said...

I have been listening to David Scorpio for a few years, going back to when he and Giuseppe used to do regular commentary with Jim Fetzer. Now I find Scorpio's anti-Ukraine bias to be objectionable. Anti-Ukraine bias is surprisingly common in the the alternative media. One would expect more diversity of opinion from truly open-minded people. Is the pro-Russian bias being engineered somehow?

Here are some examples:

1. Around 15:30, Scorpio says that Ukraine is the most likely suspect for the terrorist attack in Moscow, given the "cui bono" approach. This doesn't make sense. Ukraine cannot benefit from this attack. To the extent that Putin is successful in pinning the blame on Ukraine, it will help him whip up public opinion, which is needed for his the new mobilization plans. Putin is the only one who can benefit from this attack. I know Scorpio wouldn't say that Gaza benefited from the October 7 attack on Israel. Why can't he apply the same logic to the Ukraine conflict?

2. "Without America there would not be a real war going on in Ukraine." Russia is an imperialist country. Ukraine does not want to be part of that. Russia has a long history of sending Russian immigrants to subjugated territories and suppressing the languages of the local inhabitants. They did that in the past in Ukraine, the Baltic countries, and all of the other non-Russian territories currently within the Russian sphere of influence. It is quite understandable that these subjugated peoples would want to go their own way. Ukraine and Russia had separate histories up until a couple hundred years ago. (I don't know the precise timeline off the top of my head.) The original Rus' inhabited the present-day area of Ukraine, and Ukrainian identity and language go back to that time. The old Muscovy empire had nothing to do with the Kievan Rus. In fact, the name "Russian" for the language of Moscow is a misnomer. Moscow did not even exist when the Kievan Rus flourished (or if it did, it was an obscure settlement in the middle of nowhere). Moscow gained power by aligning itself with the Mongol hordes. Due to Moscow's close association with the Mongols, there are many words of Mongolian origin in Russian, but not Ukrainian. It is incorrect to say that Ukrainian and Russian are similar languages. Ukraine belonged to the Lithuanian and Polish empires for hundreds of years. Ukraine has greater similarity to Lithuanian and Polish languages than Russian does.

As a pro-white person, I do not want to see Russians or Ukrainians killed, but if Russia wins it will only lead to the genocide of Ukraine. There will be continued suppression of the Ukrainian language. Russia will force Ukrainian men into the military for further wars of conquest. Russia will not stop if it gets the eastern part of Ukraine. If there is a ceasefire, Russia will just use it to rearm and try again. There is historical precedent for this.

Ukraine's best plan now is to keep fighting until Putin is removed from power.

3. America is not supplying all of the cash and weapons for Ukraine. I think Europe has contributed more financially, and they are not that far off in terms of providing weaponry. Europe has been providing more assistance in recent months because of the blockage in Congress.

4. Scorpio says that there will be mass nonwhite immigration to Ukraine if they become part of the EU. He may be right about that, but stopping the genocide of Ukraine by Russia should get a higher priority for the foreseeable future.

Panzerfaust said...

Ukraine after the Maidan Coup organized by the Jew Victoria Nuland is run by the Jew Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a cesspit of child trafficking, money laundering, corruption and LGBTQ+. As a self-described "white man" you're pretty fucking stupid.

WWS said...

The (((connection))): Disturbing Details Surface About the Moscow Terror Attack

zapoper said...

Waiter! I'll have a black Russian!

Fred said...

Steve believes in the fake solar system and nuclear weapons. How credible is the info coming out of this guy's clap trap ?
Scorpio is practically sucking Russian cock mentioning that Ukraine was never a nation.
Fuck Jewnited Snakes of America and emigrate to Russia.

uksteve said...


GT1681 said...

Hey team, is Scorpio still broadcasting these days? Have missed him.

zapoper said...

After all of the RBN bullshit he decided to take a break.

zapoper said...

Another one bites the dust. Fetcho, BB9 and Scorpio were/are the best. It is sad to see Scorpio walk away from this but it is understandable. Who the fuck wants to deal with trolls and much worst?

GT1681 said...

Oh man, are you saying he's not coming back? Some of us out here really dig him.

SMocko said...

Where is scorpio? What happened at RBN?