April 03, 2024

So how much of this was concocted according to you guys? (Grace VanderWaal 2016)


Sean said...

Hard to say these days, how much of it is Hollywood magic. Seems like a sweet and talented kid, but give it a few years, and the Jews will have her shaving her head, piercing her tongue and flashing devil horns, in the halftime show.

Unknown said...

She will be destroyed before she is 20.

zapoper said...

She is 20 now.

The sparkle seems to have been snuffed out of her. Her voice is now "normal" I don't know if she grew out of it or if she was coached out of it but it's definitely not what it was.

She made a movie that came out in 2020 called "Stargirl" where her love interest is a non threatening scrawny white kid. They now have removed it from the Disney streaming service but they came out with a sequel in 2022 which was called "Hollywood Stargirl" where all her friends are black and her love interest is an ugly little black kid too. To top it all off they made her get a feminist haircut.

The whole thing is sad and I'm sure that it ain't worth the couple of millions that she's gotten since 2016.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

She looks ok today. She was wonderful on AGT, refreshing. I remember watching her. I have a feeling, since she was 12 at the time, her vocal chords went through some changes.

zapoper said...

Blah blah blah...