May 08, 2024

have any Canadians noticed this?


Jumbo Patterson said...

They are very racist towards foreigners as well, in India, but of course, they are all smiles when they think they can get some money out of you.

Massive racket in Canadian college education for Pajeets:

Albert said...

The only time I go to a "doctor" ...

is if I've had: a bang-on-the-head! ;-)

(An Albert Original 'Joke'! ;-) )

zapoper said...

I'll go to the doctor when I'm dead.

An original from zap.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Typical Indian newspaper headline

"300 die as bus strikes overhead power cable/topples from bridge/rolls down ravine/etc"

Grokkk said...

Judging from Albert’s writing style and thought process, I’d bet he’s hade more than just a few bangs on the head