May 17, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 455: PAY PER GOATVIEW - General Jeremy Mackenzie + The REAL Holocaust in the Rhine Meadows - Military History - Sklavenvolk - Historia Prohibida + History of the Talmud - Dr. David Neiman

!!! They Have To Go Back !!!
While unveiling Phillip's ambitious new game show idea, we learn that his past relationship with America, while glorious - maybe slightly more complicated than we had first imagined.

In math, we learn that Indians are very expensive and not worth the expense.

 Sklavenvolk - Historia Prohibida
  Germany & the Crime Explosion
 Germany Was Forced to Wage War
 April 20th - A Legend is Born
 ♪♪ It's not unusual to name the jew ♪♪
 The Talmud is a 16-volume legal code. Up until recently, Jewish communities the world-over were governed by Jewish law as interpreted in the Talmud.

The Talmud
Canadian neurologist Andrew Moulden, PhD. MD 1964-2013 explains it all here in 20 six-minute segments. He was told to play ball or have the ball taken away. He wouldn’t play ball and they killed him.

Sklavenvolk - Historia Prohibida
 Germany & the Crime Explosion
The Defense of Europe - Adolf Hitler
Germany Was Forced to Wage War
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April 20th - A Legend is Born
Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow and don't allow on Blogger. Your video titled "April 20th - A Legend is Born.mp4" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the video, making it unavailable to blog readers.

♪♪ It's not unusual to name the jew ♪♪



Jumbo Patterson said...

That David Neiman dude has been a regular caller on the radio networks over the years... I am sure I recognise his voice. He usually gets cut off.

Albert said...

decree said...

on topic Rheinwiesen, time ago i searched for a good english documentary about it, there is not much to find, the topic gets silenced i guess, i found several german and only a decent english which was narrated from the german version

watch it Rheinwiesen is an important topic, in germany they say 5000 died in the Rheinwiesen, which is a joke, these were 19 camps in the Rheinwiesen all open air, of the 13 million soldiers 8 million were in uk and US prison camps, 4-5 million enjoyed the russian gulag version. My grand father mother side was in the russian version but at least he survived, my grandfather father side died at the eastfront.