May 12, 2024

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2024.05.11

Noticing Patterns With Mr. Mallificus Scott III

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

64 CF Download


decree said...

I think BB9 was in for Robert Reyvolt today, i really enjoyed the history lesson Mr Blackburn gave us, look up the RBN Archive for the show, worth a listen, and maybe you learn something new

LV Prog Rocker said...

Learn something new? I have listened to him say the same thing for 5 years. I shut it off.
Revolt has done 1 show in 6 weeks.

cjag said...

I personally think that RBN is on its last legs...

The quality of the content is lack luster at best.

Pretty much a broken record, day in and day out...

Callers and topics discussed...

Only stuck around for certain folks, who are all gone now.

Scorpio,(hope all is well?) being one of them. Robert Revolt, soon, I'd imagine, as well...

Anyways, on a side note about RBN...

Before John Stadtmiller died.

He was going on and on with guests about the greatest story never told documentary, from Dennis Wise.

He was flabbergasted by it, I literally remember his awakening happening, to the NAZI LIES...

He would stop folks in conversation in the interview whenever they started talking about nazi's...

He would say hold on, have you seen this yet...

This happened for about a month or two before, John , had his untimely heart attack...

His audience was always boomer's, who, probably shit red, white and blue...

That audience could not continue to hear what John was saying, any longer...Hence his death !

IMO they got to him.

RBN has been falling apart ever since he died.

from Ontario

cjag said...

I forgot to add this...

from Ontario

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

I remember Stadtmiller making a comment about something happening with the skin on his arm the day he died (or maybe the day before) very strange.

Ingri Cassell quit her show shortly after Scorp not sure why

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

BB9 sounds like Gomer Pyle and is repetitive af. If Revolt leaves RBN is finished

Ed in Salt Lake said...

I think, like me, putting a magnifying-glass to our corrupt and declining times has its affect on Robert. He's admitted as much on a few occasions. Add to that the fact that his uncle recently passed, whom he was very close to, and he still works full-time job- I think Robert gets demoralized and, I can perfectly relate.

He understands that he has a lot of listeners that like his show; if he didn't, I think he might have called it a wrap awhile ago.

Many listeners treat these shows as a "consumable commodity" and, if the content-creator doesn't "make the product available," they get upset. I can see how some of these hosts can get fatigued with rehashing the same basic talking-points over and over with the "preaching to the crowd" echo chamber on full display basically every time.

Some shows have the same callers, same regurgitated history, and the perplexing and frustrating questions on what is to be done and how exactly to move forward from this point, especially as one sees the proverbial "walls closing-in!"

Jumbo Patterson said...

The RBN format is psychologically damaging for the listeners as well as for the hosts and guests... the constant interruptions, shilling for funding, advertising, idiot callers, network issues and having to run to a tight schedule... it's tantamount to torture!

I think it is ultimately counter-productive to what is hoped to be achieved.

cjag said...

Exactly, Jumbo...

Most likely by design...

Most of he caller's are either autistic or shills...

Tom, from Florida, being the big dog!

That dude is the biggest trumptard in the world...

There were times in the past where ,Paul from California, and others, called Tom out on Trump...

Tom would change the tune and agree, the next day, on the trumptrain hard

Then , in the past year or two, we had the wave of female callers...oh boy !

Lyla from Canada, holy shit. bat shit crazy that one...
Before John Stadtmiller died he had it out with her. She was hysterical...

Now she thinks she owns the place... arrogant cunt.

from Ontario