June 05, 2024

Iodine: the universal nutrient

Author: Guy E. Abraham
Date: Dec. 2005

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It is self-evident that the essential element iodine is important for normal functions of the whole human body, not just the thyroid gland. However, due to thyroid fixation, the essential element iodine is mentioned in textbooks of medicine and of the subspecialties, only in connection with the thyroid gland and the most severe deficiencies of this nutrient: extreme stupidity (cretinism), iodine-deficiency induced goiter and hypothyroidism. Many physicians would be surprised to learn that more than a hundred years ago, iodine was called "The Universal Medicine," and was used in several clinical conditions. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Gyorgyi, (1) the physician who discovered Vitamin C in 1928, commented:

"When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI was the universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good. We students used to sum up the situation in this little rhyme:

If ye don't know where, what, and why

Prescribe ye then K and I.

Our medical predecessors,... were keen observers and the universal application of iodide might have been not without foundation."


Jumbo Patterson said...

Iodine is a constituent of raw sea salt, I buy the French stuff from the West coast... very tasty and very healthy.

doubleplusgood said...

I take Swanson 12.5 mg iodine supplement daily. Iodoral 12.5 mg tablets are also excellent, but more pricey than Swanson. 12.5 mg dose is roughly equivalent to a Japanese man's dietary daily intake with a traditional diet.

zapoper said...

@ Jumbo

I've been using Redmond real salt for like eight years now and I think that it's a better option than regular sea salt.



zapoper said...

@ Eph 6:7

Lugol's iodine is the way to go in my opinion.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Not sure I trust those Mormons with my grub, zap... only kiddin'!

It's a bit pricey this side of the pond, though. Sel de Guerande can be had quite reasonably in bulk over here.

I use Dead Sea salts, as well, but only topically because it contains bromide. It is high in magnesium which is good for processing sugar/starch, and must contain some iodine too. I think it has been hijacked by the Israelis though.

I could harvest seaweed for food where I live, but we have been having sewage spill problems lately (I'm sure it is deliberate, but with plausible deniability, of course)... that is what you get when you sell the water utility off to private interests.

zapoper said...

So I'm just saying that oceans might have been polluted by now but where they are getting that salt from is clean.

Jumbo Patterson said...

That is a concern zap, but I have been consuming it for years with no ill effects.

There is a warning about Lead (Pb) content on a French government health site, but yeah, you know how that goes... they like to use scare tactics about anything that is super healthy.

Like the FDA and NIH warning about Comfrey being carcinogenic; a plant that has been used traditionally for many thousands of years. These are the same grifters that approved Aspartame, Glyphosate, etcetera ad nauseum.