June 19, 2024

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2024.06.18

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Frank Joseph  - True History Alive

Download Hour 2 - Mitchell Henderson  - Strategic Intelligence On China

Hour 3 - Encore

64k CF
Rense's site


Unknown said...

Rense is such a bad host, almost as bad as Alex Jones' interview skills. He constantly has to place his silly talking points, trying to shift in his desired direction, interrupting his guests. Shitshow.

zapoper said...

I know a gay man that told me that he is very angry at all this shit and says that many more are too but they are all in their 50s.

This propaganda bullshit is aimed at young morons.

Jumbo Patterson said...

"I know a gay man that told me that he is very angry at all this shit and says that many more are too but they are all in their 50s."

No doubt it was more exciting when it had to be a clandestine activity... like anything else that is banned.

Ed 'Skull' Murphy, the instigator of the first NYC pride palaver, used to make a tidy living as a shakedown artist when it was still banned, lol... if you are not familiar with Murphy, look up the article 'The chickens and the bulls'

Jumbo Patterson said...


zapoper said...

Interesting Jumbo.

"BTW zap, what are your pronouns?"

I now identify as a black obese lesbian.

Unknown said...

Mr Zap, that's so yesterday.
You really need to identify as a black transobese Asian non-binary lesbian Vegan.

zapoper said...


By the way, only Lindsey calls me Mr Zap. How have you been man?

Unknown said...

I am not Linds. He is probably still hiding in his bunker from Chinese balloons and alien probes.He probably received news of North Korea doom by now.
Just thought Sir Zap is a bit too much, so I settled with Mister Zap.

zapoper said...

Too funny!

If Lindsey is still living in Atlanta it doesn't look good for him. That city will probably one of the first to fall.

zapoper said...

"Just thought Sir Zap is a bit too much, so I settled with Mister Zap."

That actually sounds like Terry's sense of humour from northern England. WTF?


Unknown said...

Well, 2nd guess is also a miss.

My native language isn't English, but people in central Europe do have humor, despite the unfunny English claiming otherwise. :p

zapoper said...

Well Terry is English and hilarious too so there are some exceptions. LOL

zapoper said...

"Is “Space” Gay Or Straight?"

I had to fish out that one out of the spam box again.

Jumbo Patterson said...

"My native language isn't English, but people in central Europe do have humor, despite the unfunny English claiming otherwise. "

The Polish dissident class asking Fire Extinguisher Dude to autograph their fire extinguishers is a good example of that.

As an Englishman who lived half his life in mainland Europe, I can vouch for that statement; it is a dryer, more intelligent humour, which has stood me in good stead on my return to England.