June 02, 2024

ORGAN HARVESTING DISGUISED AS COMPASSION - Remarque88 + Dustin Nemos, SonOfEnos, & Victor-Hugo Break The Internet AGAIN by Calling Out the JQ - SonOfEnos + New Zioland & Lostralia Mandating The Killing Of Bees! + Trump ‘Guilty’ & The Great Remigration - Redice TV with Guest Jeremy MacKenzie


Slap Criminal
Charles Berthoud
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Redice TV with Guest Jeremy MacKenzie
Guest host Jeremy MacKenzie (AKA Raging Dissident) joins Henrik to talk about Trump's guilty verdict and the recent Muslim stabbing of Germans in Mannheim and the timeliness of the Ausländer Raus! movement.
En Nouvelle Zélande - Ils forcent les éleveurs à brûler les ruches
Massive Fire At Illinois Poultry Farm Killing 1.3 Million Chickens

Massive fire kills millions of chickens

 Slap Criminal - Charles Berthoud


Grokkk said...

Do you actually watch all of this horseshit before you post it?

Voltman said...

Look at this perpetually whining little attention whore who just can't help but shit all over the place. Go to the bathroom junior; you're spreading diarrhea all over the floor!
You're a spiteful sack of garbage and a total waste of time and space.

Find yourself another site to infest fucking loser!

Grokkk said...

I’ve been visiting this site long before you hijacked it with your endless walls of horseshit. Rest assured I am not the only one who thinks this.