June 29, 2024

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2024.06.29

Noticing Patterns With Mr. Clint Lacy

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

64 CF Download


Jumbo Patterson said...

BB9 at the Punchbowl: First half, promo chat with Monika: Second half, review of a revealing Bob Dylan video.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Boomer error!


blackbird9 said...

"Jumbo Patterson said...
BB9 at the Punchbowl: First half, promo chat with Monika: Second half, review of a revealing Bob Dylan video."

"Blackbird9 fills in for William tonight, with guest, Monika Schaefer and calls and more about Bob Dylan."

"William Repillem’s Punch Bowl, June 28, 2024"

“Bob Dylan Went To Summer Camp Herzl – The Secret Chabadnik Life of Chicken Swinger Robert Zimmerman”

The 2019 book by Louie Kemp:

“Bob Dylan and Me – A fascinating new book explores Louie Kemp’s 50-year friendship with the music legend”

“In his newly-released memoir, Dylan & Me – 50 Years of Adventures, Louie Kemp chronicles how two Jewish boys from rural Minnesota met at Jewish summer camp in 1953. “Bobby Zimmerman was 12 years old and had a guitar,” writes Kemp. “He would go around telling everybody that he was going to be a rock-and-roll star. I was 11 and I believed him””

The Jun 4, 2020 interview with Rabbi Manis Friedman, Louie Kemp & Rabbi Yossi Friedman:

“The Rabbi, Bob Dylan, and Me”

And the history of (((Summer Camp Herzl))):


– bb9

decree said...

Right after bb9 on RBN Monika Schaefer had here very first show of her first own show, so worth a mention


Erik Paul said...

No disrespect intended BB, but 'copywritten' is not a word. It's 'copyrighted.'

Please excuse my compulsive pedantic! LOL

Jumbo Patterson said...

Allergic to wool... the sneaky blighters. I'll remember that one if I get drafted