June 02, 2024

The Pete Quinones Show 2024.06.02

Goebbels' 'Knowledge and Propaganda' with Aaron from Timeline Earth


Unknown said...

Goebbels was a Catholic from the Rhineland, who saw the rotten German judaized political Catholicism for what is was and still is in 2024.

decree said...

The police officer died who got stabbed by the Afghan last friday who also sliced Stürzenbergers face, 29 years the cop, RIP
not all german police officer are "pigs"

decree said...

catholics were the underdogs, always, Hitler was baoptized catholic too but in the third reich he was practizing "Deutsche Christen" which is lutheran (i am too), evangelisch-Lutheran, dunno the english word. And the catholic priests who did not like that went to Dachau, 2000 of them got into holiday camps(not only priests all sorts of catholic "worker")

So i dont believe Göbbels was practizing catholic during the third reich.
Mainstream was "Deutsche Christen" they had a fancy cross+swastika flag, i would love one but sure u cant buy this in germany now.

decree said...


Here a nice long url to Göbbels booklet "Der Nazi-Sozi" shows you the read short for Nationalsozialist, saying "nazi" is a slur and it would only mean "nationalist" while sozi still means "socialist" in germany

Unknown said...

My pity is rather limited.
If you watch the video closely, it reveals total incompetence by police girlies, and the guy who died seems to have knelt on the wrong guy, so the knife wielding thug could get up to stab another before finally shot.

Jumbo Patterson said...

It was ironic that the cop who pulled the trigger was also a muslim-looking dude, the rest of them seemed rooted to the spot... a severe case of mind control.

It's the same here in the UK, the cops have to undergo 'Common Purpose' programming... from the commie NGO of the same name, not the common law doctrine.

Unknown said...

Police here are almost all in one way or another employed by Academi(Blackwater) and similar mercenary companies and some soyboys or girlies mixed in.
During the plandemic, they deployed armed, armored thugs against grandma and had her beaten up.

I ask myself, if this was probably a staged operation.
Rather easy to hire a thug to do this with some carrot dangled in front of him.

The market place is almost empty, tons of Police around, cameras going.
The Police guy died while essentially attacking a guy who tried to disarm the thug.

What gives?

Jumbo Patterson said...

"The Police guy died while essentially attacking a guy who tried to disarm the thug.

What gives?"

May be his programming kicking in, prejudging and misreading the situation as a bunch of 'neo-nazis' attacking some poor immigrant.

Jumbo Patterson said...

I noticed that after the shooting, other cops were pinning down other members of the protest group in the 'handcuffing position'.

The cops must have missed the earlier events.

cjag said...

Women cops....lol

That is the first thing I noticed in that video...


from Ontario