July 16, 2024

A vicious cycle

 Too bad who made the meme didn't spell Billion correctly.


ovadiayosefgoybals said...

The (((media))) is missing form the equation
the AIPAC kikes "give" the shekels to the shabbos goy politicians and then the shabbos goy politicians give those shekels right back to the media kikes, those shekels never leave world jewerys grubby wringing little hands

Jumbo Patterson said...

He misunderestimated the amount, too.

Someone broadcast a clip of James Trafficant recently, where the amount was way higher, and that was back then!

Jumbo Patterson said...

It was Scorp's show.

decree said...

most people dont understand the jewish lobbies corrupt both sides, run both sides, all a theater, bread and circus, democracy is an illusion if jews corrupt all politicians in power positions.

decree said...

currently im re-listening all Eustace Mullins speeches, so many talking points we still have and people dont believe

decree said...

Mullins tells alot about Rockefeller how they hijacked western medicine, but never says they are german-jews