July 22, 2024

Biden, Trump, Crowdstrike, Staged Spectacles, Cyber Plandemic, Rumble Tumble, Kabala Harrass - EyesIsWatchin, Dollar Vigilante, DISASSOCIATED PRESS


Trump on the DNC Server and Crowdstrike
 Crowdstrike Commercial 2023
Rumble would have tumbled?
Kreepy Kabala Harrass
"You Wanted to Know What The Matrix is?"

Trump on the DNC Server and Crowdstrike
They used "crowdstrike" to hide all of hillary's DNC emails in ukraine... and that's where the war is... and the bio labs... the dnc emails proved hillary stole the 2016 primary and seth rich was then killed for leaking the emails to wiki leaks.... julian assange went to prison and now we have crowdstrike again in the news... what are they hiding and deleting in this update?? right after the dnc hits the crowd in their strike against trump??

Trump on the DNC server and Crowdstrike

Did I Miss Anything?
Crowdstrike Commercial 2023
Rumble would have tumbled?

Bullet Trajectories - Simulation

The Cheatles
Thunderstruck Lightning
Flooding in Spain
DISASSOCIATED PRESS – In a development that sends the con test into unchartered territory, the fake, illegitimate, corrupt and immoral impostor that the mendacious meanstream media have conditioned people to believe is THE US president, announced that he will no longer be stealing a second term.

He has thrown his athletic support behind Kabala Harris, urging Demonrats to funnel bribes through her campaign as he pulled out.

In a letter addressed to “my fellow Amexicans”, Mr Buydem said it had been the “greatest horror of my life to swerve as your Presibent”.

“While it has been my intention to steal re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the cuntry for me to shit down and shut the fuck up. Anyway, that’s what Schmuck Tumer told me. ” I guess I’ve embezzled and extorted enough money, on top of all the bribes I got, that I can retire and count on the secret service to protect me. It’s time for me to let a younger swindler, bullshitter and jewish asslicker, focus solely on fulfilling israel’s dreams of world domination.”

Bidem has endorsed Mrs Harrass as the Democritic dominee, saying: “Dumocrats – it’s time to come together and beat up Trump.”

Mr Bidem made the annuncement in a statement posted to X, in which he said he would address the plantation later this week to provide more “bs” about his derision.

“For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me re-erected.

“I want to thank vice president Kabala Harrass for being an extraordinary partner in all this highly paid work in money laundering. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have misplaced in me.”

“I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t believe – when we lie together. We just have to remember we are the United Snakes of America.”

Mr Brandon’s’s wife Jill Brandon reposted the statement on X with a loveheart.

Mr Bribem plans to sleep out the remainder of his term in orifice, which ends at noon on January 20th 2025.

The decision caught many White Mouse staff off guard, with several expressing shock the president made the announcement while recovering from BOVID in his Welaware home.
Kreepy Kabala Harrass
"You Wanted to Know What The Matrix is?
Welcome To The Desert Of The Real"


davID²³ said...

This long running, excellent blog was referenced on ACH show...

davID²³ said...

Although Andrew shud have me on his show to discuss the Christian aspects of the Billy Meier case - don't be scared.... that area has value long term...

Jeff Rense is a long term friend but him and James Neff were wrong on their conclusion...

morefiend@ - telegram or whatever it is....

Ufoalley@ 'gram

decree said...

Harris is very much like our worst foreign minister ever(im german) Bärbock, she got zero skillsets and cant even talk, she said so much bogus in the past its a shame to have her as foreign minister, but she is a working gear towards the transatlantic masters, thats what qualifies her, sure on Harris its maybe the blowjob she gave. But both have zero skillsets as politician.
Harris is jsut place holder anyway, until the Donald comes and takes away your guns haha, and now you know the potus after Donald, it will be Vance, his vice enabled this, and Vance is the one bringing you into 2030 with all the shit it needs, i always thought it will be Elon Musk one day as potus who brings the brainchips to the people, no i was wrong, Peter Thiel sponsors long time Vance as the transhumanist Potus of the future.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Decimal prices on Betfair exchange for Democrat Nominee:
Kabala 1.05 ; Big Mike 42.0 ; Clinton 65.0 ; 320.0 Bar

Decimal prices for next Prez:
Trump 1.63 ; Kabala 2.8 ; Big Mike 85.0 ; Kennedy 200.0 ; Vance 200.0 ; Clinton 230.0

zapoper said...

Can we short Kabala?

Jumbo Patterson said...

Yes, you can lay her @ 2.88 right now, which means risking roughly $19 to win $10 if she does not become president.

Or lay her @ 1.06, which means risking $6 to win $100 if she does not become the Dem nominee.

2% commission deducted from the net profit.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Betfair pulled out of Canada in 2016, though.