July 17, 2024

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2024.07.17

E. Michael Jones on Sexual Liberation and Political Control
 Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the recently released second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.  We also talk about the political impact of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and author of many books including The Holocaust Narrative.


Ed in Salt Lake said...

E. Michael Jones has definitely made a major contribution to people's understanding of Jewish history, their subversive and agenda-driven networking, and their exploitation and weaponization of music, sexuality, women, minorities, etc. to lay waste to Western societies and culture. That being said, Jones definitely possesses a certain naivete and gullibility that truly sticks out and weakens his overall "curriculum vitae."

He has almost always been reluctant to see any of the staged deceptions as the hoaxes they are; generally accepting the "official" narratives provided to him by the same Jewish-owned media he readily criticizes and asks others to do as well.

He mentions early on in this show about how JD Vance is "a changed man"- lol! That Trump might now "finally" implement the America First agenda that he's promised and propagandized the cloned American multitude with since 2015, even though Jones knows full well Trump's fanatical allegiance to the Zionist entity, along with the basically ubiquitous Jewish institutional control that renders Trump's goals and aims potentially impotent.

How Jones even begins to see or reconcile Trump as being some "authentic candidate" with his accumulated personal knowledge firmly in place is beyond me. He says, "I voted for Trump last time(2020)!" Ok! As if the political situation or process, with all of its obvious and deeply entrenched structural criminality, is itself a means to bring down the tyrannical kakistocracy that is responsible for bringing candidate Trump before the masses in the first place.

It's almost as if Jones wants to keep hope alive, no matter the absurdity of its incarnation. For Jones, Trump is the new manifestation of the Hegelian 'World Spirit,' as was Napoleon for Hegel in Jena in 1806. I don't think so Mr. Jones!

As Nietzsche wrote about over a century ago, sometimes the "will to ignorance" is stronger than the "will to knowledge" itself. Higher knowledge is only for those who have the strength for it!

scott said...

Spot on ED - I was virtually going to offer these exact comments. E. Michael is surprisingly sophomoric and shallow when having to confront the ragged edges of reality that don't fit neatly within his mythical theology...Trump and his rabid zionism; Vance and his; that human history marches on in the same murderous direction regardless of Church, creed or venerated logos.

Ed in Salt Lake said...
