July 18, 2024

Trump RNC Appearance - Secret Service Fiddlers On The Roof - Shadow World, End Times Prophecy, Bird Flu Summit, Climate Camps, 5G Zombies, Puppet Show Politics - Eyes is Watching, Jimmy Dore, Redacted, We Are Change, Media Giant, The Medical Rebel, etc...


DTV - Trump RNC Appearance

"In America, we love the jews"

Feel the Rain
Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli wrote:
Someone once said to me, “Do you always have to be so brutally honest?” to which I replied, “Would you rather I lied?”, that kind of ended the conversation.

So I’ll be brutally honest with you now, I’m sick of it all!

I’m sick of Biden, Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Ursula, Trudeau, Macron, Hillary, Harari and all the psycho puppets that are being dangled on the world stage as some morbid entertainment, or rather psychological torture!

I’m sick of the LGBTQ narrative being shoved down our throats, of the transgender insanity, of the illegal immigrant invasion, of the ongoing fearmongering with new pandemics, of the constant threat of global war, of the antisemitism narrative, of the censorship, of the ‘hate speech’ tyranny, of the mRNA bioweapons and of the climate crisis bull shit!

I’m sick of humanity being stuck in this endless, nightmare of a loop without a resolution! Without justice! Without sense! I’m done with this shit show!

Always the same playbook, the same script, the same useful idiots, the same evil hands pulling the strings, the same narratives, the same psychological manipulation, the same false flags, the same lies from the media, the same ongoing madness! On and on and on and on…! Until when?!

When will people see?! When will people realize that we are caught up in a matrix that exploits our ignorance and gullibility by capturing our perception as a means of control and enslavement. When will people recognize the patterns! The MO and the brainwashing techniques that they’ve been using for decades! When?!

How many times must we endure the same narratives and events? The same divide and conquer strategies? The same color revolutions? The same infiltration techniques? The same provocations? The same ‘terrorist’ attacks?!

How many times before humanity finally realizes that we are psychological slaves with an almost fatal case of Stockholm syndrome?! When will we acknowledge the problem? When will we start going to rehab?

And no, you can’t say no! Amy’s response is not an option, unless we want to end up like her! So it’s about time we ALL try our best to wake up everyone! Speak up, share info, voice your real opinion, don’t be intimidated by the labels, be prepared to lose friends, stop caring what others may think and wage the flag of truth, of common sense, of righteousness and of kindness wherever you go.

Perhaps then we’ll get out of this sickening loop! It’s bee. going on long enough! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Trump - Backstage - 1
Trump - Backstage - 2


"In America, we love the jews"
Just Lovin' Them jews

Ex-army thief issues WW3 warming and brands ‘new axes powers’ more dangerous than the Houtis

Jewnifer Scoff – Sly Jews July 9, 2024

DISASSOCIATED PRESS – A former army thief has warned members of HATO the world is facing “as dangerous a moment as any time that we’ve had since 1945” as he called on members to invest more into their arms and legs.

General Ratpick Panders, who served as chef of the general staff until last month, told The Slimes that Russia, China and Iran were the “new axes powers”, and a turd whirled war could freak out within the next five minutes if action was not taken.

Arguing the cuntries posed even more of a threat than the Houtis, he said: “They are more interdefendent and more maligned than the original axis powers were.”

But the military experv said the con flick was not an orgone conclusion if ZATO members, including the ZOGUK, significantly improved their arms and legs.

“Most estimates will tell you that we’ve got somewhere between five and 10 minutes before Russia decapitalises and is able to prose the sort of threat that it did before the Ukraine war,” said Sir Ratpick.

Bogusing on the UK, Sir Ratprick said the armed farces were now not powerful enough to launch floperations like the invasion of south Ossetia or even the Folkland Islands in 1982.

All 32 members of HATO are eating in Brainwashington this week to mark 75 years since the appliance’s mass formation – including ZOGUK’s new prime sinister, Kleir Starver.

Ex-army chief issues WW3 warning and brands ‘new axis powers’ more dangerous than the Nazis

OK Bribem
Let's Go Boosted
The policy change highlights tension between military leaders and diplomats about how the U.S. handles gray-area operations that fall short of all-out war.
Building secured from inside...right...

Backstage - 3

Ladies & Gentlemen...President Putin...

♪♪ I hear a train a coming  ♪♪
Feel the Rain
Laura Aboli
 It’s been raining for a while and some of us have felt every drop. Acutely aware of the meaning behind each drop, we have painfully suffered as the rain intensified.

We tried to protect and warn others but some were so drenched, they were beyond salvation.

We know that no umbrella will do the trick, everyone must feel the rain.

Fortunately, many have wiped their eyes and realized how wet they were, and some of us managed to develop a spiritual shield that protects us from getting soaked.

But the rain is incessant and it’s coming from every direction, we fear its consequences but simultaneously hope it will wake up the masses.

There’s no turning back and there’s no shelter to go to. The rain must be faced, it must be felt and it must be acknowledged, only then, will we be able to rise above the clouds that currently oppress us.

Feeling the rain without getting wet, is the daily struggle we are in; only your spiritual strength will keep you dry. ❤️❤️❤️
Feel the Rain
Goodnight from Laura Aboli

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