
It should be clear, to all who peruse this website that the Jew is firmly in charge and we are moving into Phase Two of the communism – the bloody revolution. For the last 60 years, predominantly, courtesy of the civil rights movement and feminism (both Jewish created) society has been under a period of continued ideological subversion. This is why people in the UK are complacent, apathetic and do nothing while their government treats them like second class citizens, happily accepting foreigners into positions of power with which to further demonize the indigenous people of the UK and non one bats an eyelid.
***There is only one way out***
Every one of you has to now start networking with people in your area, reaching out to others in your village/city and to neighboring ones. I really mean this when I state:
Every single member of the police have committed treason.
Every single member of the judiciary have committed treason.
Every single member of the political class have committed treason.
The King and his family have committed treason.
Do you not get the picture yet? They are going to use the police to clamp down on any opposition to their complete subjugation of the British people. There has never, ever, ever been a time, in British history where we have faced the own annihilation of our people by our monarchy and political class. This is unprecedented. It is now time to put down anything that you’re doing and unite because if you don’t, you will either be dead or in one of their concentration camps, awaiting death. There should be nothing more important than uniting together and fighting against the police. They, the government, the judiciary, the monarchy, journalists and teachers are your enemy. You need to understand that.
Look at this idiot David Lammy, a clear DEI hire. Have you not noticed that with each new administration there are MORE AND MORE non whites within? They also are vastly over represented to population demographic size as well, while whites are now becoming under represented. Nowhere, outside of Europe, would you find people not of that nation in positions of power and authority. As stated, the 60 years of ideological subversion has blinded the indigenous to this serious threat to their freedom. The UK establishment is using Admiralty Law to arrest people on Facebook and other social media sites. Don’t get me wrong, the majority of people are stupid, failing to see that in giving their name, when signing up with FB they are pretty much walking into the prison willingly, but regardless, people need to understand the two law systems at play here.
You have an option people – to continue talking about how bad things are, on TheTruthseeker (which I don’t know how long it has because they’re coming after everyone now) or start uniting and bringing action against our enemy.
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