September 04, 2024

Elton John is a Gay Right Wing Murderous Bigot (LOL)

What Kind of American Are You? | Civil War 2024


zapoper said...

And they never heard that 4x4 until the last few seconds.

zapoper said...

This one is funny too:

Honest Trailers | Civil War:

zapoper said...

BTW. A few nights ago I watched the Indian movie "RRR 2022" and I laughed out loud many times while watching it.

They call it an "Action/Adventure" but it's a funny comedy.

Instead of the usual WWII BS where every SS officer is a psychopath, this one takes place in India before 1948 where every British is a psychopath other than a woman who's a mudshark. LOL

The two Indian "heroes" have superhuman strength too which makes this movie an over the top comedy. rofl

zapoper said...

PS. I guess that Bollywood is made up of racist jews too. LOL

Jumbo Patterson said...

Hinjus, zap.

I was walking through the slums of Old Delhi, when I noticed two emaciated pajits struggling to lift a huge bundle of rags onto a cart, so I jumped in and gave it a boost for them, and then walked off. When I turned around to see their reaction, they were scratching their heads in puzzlement.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Adolf's Autos

zapoper said...

I assure you I'm not raccciiisss but I don't understand what you are saying:

zapoper said...

Thanks for making me understand how retarded I am Chains. Thank god that you're in here for that.