September 05, 2024

The Sane Asylum #264 - 2024.09.04

Giuseppe, Scorpio, Davis Lurmann and Paul CA.

64k CF Download


zapoper said...

The show where Paul called in during the last half hour:

Jumbo Patterson said...

I don't understand Guiseppe's take that the British are cowards... it's certainly not going to win him many fans on this side of the pond.

If he were to broadcast his shows from the UK, I'd give it 5 minutes before his door is kicked in, he gets thrown in the gulag and his computers are seized, never to be seen again.

Sven Longshanks is still banged up for saying much tamer things than Guiseppe says on air.

Apart from that, most Brits would be turned off by Guiseppe's hardcore approach, so it would be counter-productive and pointless.

Stick to what you know, Joe. The problems depicted in the online content about the UK situation present an inaccurate picture of the general state of the country; we're not really living in the middle of a civil war zone, mate... they are just small pockets.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

More staged deception and trauma-based mind control. As is the case with almost every school now across the US, in order to secure the Federal funding, these schools in Barrow County, GA are suppose to complete their drill requirements by October 1st.

Nothing really new to see here, other than more bad acting and giveaway statements like, "We do drills all-the-time!"

Apalachee Shooting Hoax

Scorpio said...

Well, I see Team Nihilist has checked in.
Everything is fake....except for flat earth

Is this really all it takes for you to conclude the Winder shooting was fake? You seriously believe those three young girls are all crisis actors? You must not get out much. Schools in Amerikwa really do drills all the time to instill fear and foster obedience amongst the students. That doesn't make every shooting fake.

I haven't come to a conclusion on this one yet but it would take a lot more than a few clips of some teenage girls relating their experiences to convince me. So the secret government recruited these three teenage girls to lie about what happened and they are trusting these girls not to talk and keep the secret for the rest of their lives? There must be thousands of crisis actors over the years yet somehow, none of them have gotten drunk and talked, made a social media post on Tic Tok or bragged to someone else about being recruited into a world of secrecy.

Scorpio said...

Jimbo - you bring up some interesting points about England. England is the country where the modern version of this conspiracy was hatched and it was one of the first countries where Jews infiltrated and interbred with the elite families but that doesn't make the English people cowards. England (and all of the crown countries) are further down the road of the conspiracy than America. I want to think more about this and address it on a future show.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Don't get me wrong, Dave, we can still discuss these issues but we need to use a bit of common sense and choose our words wisely. Playing them at their own game, as it were.

Kvier Stalin can say what he wants, doesn't mean anyone is going to put up with his nonsense... I'll be very surprised if he sees out his term. You may have noticed that British PMs don't tend to last very long, these days.

Donald Trump announced that anti-semites should be put to death... and not only has he not been lynched, but he is seen by many as the 'great white hope', lol.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

The timorous and condescending clown checks in once again. As if this was the ONLY information I looked at- lol! Just because I don't type-up an extensive Master's Thesis here at Miami's doesn't mean I've drawn only a provisional conclusion from two interviews with children crisis actors meathead. Only a narrow-minded nincompoop would conclude such nonsense.

It's what the media DOESN'T show that is usually of the utmost importance and relevance. Eventually one has to fill-in gaps and make intuitive leaps. One can't always rely on an empirical approach. You, like countless others, continue to give the media the benefit-of-doubt because you are still afraid to face the full extent of their deception head-on because you're worried about how you'll be perceived by others and, you still require a terra firma from which to ground yourself. As normies perceive so-called "truthers" as being off their rocker, so you perceive those of us who are willing to face the fakery full force. Stockholm Syndrome can have its affects with self-described "truthers" as well!

And, of course, your tiresome go-to is the now repetative fare of condescending and brash ridicule. You never address directly the events or topics under discussion, or offer specific refutations, just the puerile and juvenile mockery. I will debate you anytime of your choice on one of your latest "last shows." Just me and you, mono y mono! What you say? You up for the confrontation nigga?

Panzerfaust said...

Putting scare quotes around commonwealth countries belies defensiveness. The US is not the same as we have a constitution that, while degraded, still exist. Fuck Canada fuck the UK fuck you.

Panzerfaust said...

As of yet in the US there's no one in prison for dissing a tranny. Can't say the same for the Rothschild Commonwealths.

KnownUnknown said...

More like Kiev Starmer! Fuck him and Kabbalah Harris

Panzerfaust said...

"Kabbalah Harris" lol good one

Jumbo Patterson said...

Starmer is barely 2 months in office and he has already pissed off about 90% of the population... I can't see him lasting.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

I honestly don't see any argumentation from this presumptuous pinhead at all. No line of reasoning, no addressing of the specific topics at hand, or any refutations offered-up to counter what's been claimed. Just the mostly haughty diminishment of those of us who have zero issue with the notion that the media would exploit deception to its maximum and upper limit to deceive the muddleheaded multitude. Almost as if to say, "the media lies and deceives us but they would never stoop to utilize continuous fakery and manufactured deception to con the unsuspecting general public."

David, with his clever cowardice and petty soul, has convinced himself that he's more perspicacious and insightful than he actually is; as if he possesses some omniscient all-seeing Eye of Horus which we lowly men of knowledge lack, hence the continuous condescension.

In actuality David wants to punish with his invisible revenge towards our willingness to see things with a more daring and different lens. His bad conscience seeks to punish us for just those intellectual virtues that he lacks!

Ed in Salt Lake said...

If people are asked to recall specific notable domestic events involving criminal involvement of the the US government where multiple American lives were lost, usually what immediately comes to mind are typically 9-11, Oklahoma City/Murrah building, Waco, and Ruby Ridge.

One that regularly flies under the radar of many truthers is TWA 800 from July 16th, 1996 where 230 lives were lost over the Atlantic Ocean just off of Long Island. Of note, the US Navy was conducting exercises simultaneously to the occurrence of TWA 800's demise.

Rather than go into excessive detail, which is required for this incident, due to the multiple factors, eyewitness claims, governmental agencies involved, violations of chain-of-command and protocols, I've just decided to post for those maybe interested in researching this tragedy, a 2014 20th Anniversary documentary by CNN which basically maintains the "official" explanation of the tragic event. Then, I've posted the collaborative and independent investigation by ARAP(Association of Retired Aviation Professionals)and FIRO(Flight 800 Independent Researchers Association)which took place roughly two years afterwards and, in response to the bogus governmental version of events, will allow viewers to cross-refer and compare the two.

Witnessed: The Crash of TWA Flight 800

TWA 800 Independent Investigation

Jumbo Patterson said...

The office cat ate the radar data... sorry.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

This might be some of the best duping delight I've witnessed over-the-years. This little Shaniqua is looking at the reporter with a "you ain't buyin' this poppycock- are ya?" countenance. Then, there are the ppl off-camera assisting her because they know she's bad- real bad! It's just astounding how fraudulent and phony our world has become!

Apalachee HS Shooting Hoax- Low Energy Crisis Actress Duping Delight And Coaching

Jumbo Patterson said...

Mass production of consumer goods is no longer viable in any Western nation, but there is a fair bit of high-end and specialised manufacturing going on.

British craftsmen are still doing well, especially since the Eastern Europeans have gone home and taken their shoddy workmanship with them, bless them. No offence intended, but there is no comparison... they were cheap and cheerful.

zapoper said...

Please go troll somewhere else Chains. You are certainly pissing me off right now. Heads up!

zapoper said...

You are an arrogant know it all! Don't call me, I'll call you!

Jumbo Patterson said...

It has always been a struggle for the common folk in this country, and yet we are pretty resourceful. Most of us have a side hustle of some sort; it's always been a necessity.

All things considered, a lot of the working class/ middle class are probably doing better than they have ever done , if they have the skills to offer, but they have to work hard for it The government is the basket case, not the people..

Jumbo Patterson said...

Awareness is on the rise; there is a new wave of younguns looking into the 'freeman on the land' nonsense... hopefully they will grow out of it and start sorting the wheat from the chaff in that department.

cjag said...

Oh boy!!!

Come on lads.

We need not to be at odds with each other at this current point in time...
Especially when we are all, somewhat, liked minded folks , hanging out here...

We need idea's and suggestions.
Not rehashed opinions of other's...

Think positive !

From Ontario

zapoper said...

I drank way too much "truth serum" last night. lol

Panzerfaust said...

It's 9/11 and I'm wondering what should I do with the huge library of 9/11 videos, MP3s, pdfs, & screenshots I saved off the web from 2008 to 2020? It is in the GBs.

Panzerfaust said...

Opps I should have 9/11 week. Coffee time.

cjag said...

Keep it all on disc's or extra hard drives...

It's still important information and we need to keep it....

Original copies of older doc's would be ideal, but, disc's and hard drives / usb sticks are just as good...

from Ontario