September 11, 2024

The Sane Asylum #266 - 2024.09.11

Giuseppe and Scorpio.

64k CF Download


Jumbo Patterson said...

Excellent stuff guys! Just like the old days.

Panzerfaust said...

I was just rewatching clips of yesterday's debate. David Muir is supposedly not Jewish but his nose says otherwise. Also, it just dawned on me he sounds EXACTLY like Paul In California.

cjag said...
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cjag said...

I had a busy day yesterday and I couldn't watch/listen live.
Monday, I was able to enjoy the show live. It's nice to be able to chime in on chat.

Anyways. Listening to yesterday's show, this morning...

The show always goes good with my morning coffee and my hashish !

from Ontario

Panzerfaust said...

Whites are the real Jews lmao

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Living is Salt Lake City, I generally don't have to deal with the levels and extent of crime, homelessness, foreigners, graffiti, littering, etc. that the larger cities of a San Francisco, Chicago, N.Y., or a St. Louis do however, being here for a few decades now, I've witnessed this, formerly dominant Mormon-milktoast metropolis and racially white well-to-do, be transformed into another refuse and cesspool of pestilent parasites, whose mere presence creates a leveling and burden on the rest of the relatively homogenous population.

Everywhere we look now, the country is coming apart at the seams. So many now are definitely sensing that "the time is out of joint!" Confused and indoctrinated, they still look to "muh guberment" to fix or correct what they feel and see as being an obviously corrupt situation. Yet, not understanding or seeing the much larger causation behind our rapidly approaching demise, they can only plead with their local city council, mayor, or governor to "do somethin!"

We are most definitely fast approaching a socially-transformative dystopian precipice now. It's simply a matter of waiting now.

Really Graceful has made some respectable content over-the-years. Here's a piece she put together in two-parts dealing with the insanity of our situation. No need to really watch Pt. 1, as Pt. 2 basically has what was in the former.

Something Strange Is Happening...Between Springfield, Ohio And Haiti(Pt. 2)

Jumbo Patterson said...

Israelites, perhaps, rather than jews.

The lost ten tribes of Israel. Or like historian Alan Wilson said "We weren't lost... we knew where we were, but no one else did."

Ed in Salt Lake said...

The Lesson Of Hati - William Pierce

zapoper said...

I had to fish your comment out of the spambox. Thanks Ed.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Thx Zap!

Scorpio said...

Ed - I have to give credit where it is due - insightful comment and good links as well. I think on one level we are experiencing an NPC/Orc invasion.

Panzerfaust said...

You have proof of that?

Panzerfaust said...

Jumbo Patterson said...

Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett have done all of the hard work, and have been attacked for it and ignored by academia, but their books are well referenced historical accounts.

Here is a two part interview with the guy who has taken on the republishing and re-editing of their books in which he gives a brief synopsis of the content of the books.

This link I have posted on here before, which includes an interview with Alan Wilson which went out on satellite TV back in the day:

Jumbo Patterson said...

I have just discovered that the three brave gentlemen Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett and their publisher Ross Broadstock have recently and sadly passed away within fourteen months of each other.

May they rest in peace.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Why is the Lion stone of the Judeans in Wales?

A large stone representing the Lion of Judah and pointing to the mound where it is believed the Ark of the Covenant is buried, as described in hieroglyphic carvings previously translated by Alan Wilson.