January 16, 2025

No Agenda Episode 1730 - "Pam Bondage" - 2025.01.16


decree said...

if you want to learn something listen to Devon Stacks yesterdays stream at least for me the story was new, you as americna sure know it already, here in germany is heavy glorification of the natives, not only since Karl May, famous writer of "fiction" on natives and "cowboys"
think Devon told the story as an example how it really was

decree said...

Curry with his superdumb remark "i always thought the jews control Trump" sure he ment it sarcastic, which makes it even more dumb looking at Trumps connections and background, its all jewish

decree said...

and how Curry dumps "terrain theory" from a listener comment, never liked him

decree said...

at 2h 48m when they rush over the AfD topic "she blames it all on Merkel" (what germany is in) shows again how uninformed they are, Merkel was a big piece of the disaster germany is now in, unforgotten Merkels twitter post the invitation to all people who want to come, 2015 opening the flood gates, 8 millions came after that until today