"What is hateful is not rebellion but the despotism which induces the rebellion; what is hateful are not rebels but the men, who, having the enjoyment of power, do not discharge the duties of power; they are the men who, having the power to redress wrongs, refuse to listen to the petitioners that are sent to them; they are the men who, when they are asked for a loaf, give a stone."
Wilfrid Laurier
The petitioners who came to Ottawa, who asked for a reprieve in state mandates (a loaf) that had been crushing their lives for two years instead received the boots, but-strokes, chemical spray, sonic weapons, clubs and horseshoes of the RCMP (the stone).
It didn’t end there as the previous two years of waging a cultural war on it’s own citizens would continue with bank account seizures, destroying businesses, seizing property, revoking business and trucking licenses, confiscating property and locking up political prisoners for years for “mischief.”
That same political class, arm in arm as peers supported Ottawa’s totally unjustified and horrific violent crackdown of unarmed, peaceful demonstrators in the most egregious attack on western citizenry in recent memory. It would have made Vladimir Putin cringe with a remark on the weakness of a man who would use excessive force on the defenseless.
To add insult to literal injury, Ottawa justified all of this preposterous heavy handed flailing
upon the mentally ill psychosis of state funded Jewish smear merchants
at the ironic and hilariously named “Canadian Anti-Hate Network” where
“Network” is the only accurate word to describe that goblin pit of
effeminate, anti-Canadian Jewish supremacists.
hold your breath on an explanation for this Monty Python level of
satirical comedy. If only it was comedy, and not real life but hey — I
asked God to make my enemies ridiculous and he granted my request for a
silly adventure.
In case anyone is still confused,
yes, definitively - my friends and I are the reason Ottawa tried to
justify the use of the Emergency Measures Act confirmed by Public Safety Minister “Mental Marco” Mendicino to the Globe and Mail Published February 16, 2022.
After two years of extreme,
heavy handed policy from Ottawa and the provincial Premiers who relished
the opportunity to feel like an important hero during a crisis in their
otherwise unremarkable and meaningless existence, the Canadian public
reached a boiling point.
Remarks made by disgraced
Prime Minister Trudeau who was recently forced to resign for being the
most unlikeable and insufferable politician in history like;
“How long should we tolerate these people? They are taking up space”
suggesting we be placed in camps or otherwise segregated even further
from our own families and communities, people understandably felt
trapped and threatened.
They didn’t riot, they
didn’t burn, they didn’t even bring fireworks. They descended onto
Ottawa and for three short weeks, the spirit of Canada was alive and
well for the world to see. If you look back on the footage and photos
you will overwhelmingly see who was represented at this populist
demonstration — Canadians. Not Indians, Muslims, Chinese, Latin
Americans, Palestinians or their counterpart Jewish supremacists. They
were overwhelmingly Canadians as represented by our shield above. For
that reason, they were seen as a threat to this internationally captured
government that bends over backwards to pander to every ethnic group
and cause they can find while giving nothing back to the taxpayers they
take advantage of to live high on the hog. This kind of Soviet era
Police state action has never before been seen in Canada or since and it
likely never will be - lest those pesky “old stock” (meaning, real)
Canadians get uppity again. If that should happen, rest assured the guns
and boots will return, regardless of who is in power. “Blue tie, red
tie, just another gay guy 🎶.”
A Nationalist perspective of our predicament
Jeremy MacKenzie
Mar 15, 2025
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