Showing posts with label Brutal Honesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brutal Honesty. Show all posts

April 01, 2021

Operation Scorpio 2021.03.27 (Audio update)

Scorpio Show # 56 on

Guests: Rebel Madman Mike Gaddy & Daryl Wayne.


Topics include:

1) Reconstructing Humans in (((Their))) Image: The Ultimate Act of Satanic Sorcery & Rebellion Against God
2) Ray Kurzweil & Transhumanists Were All jews
3) Quaccinology & Suspect Whistleblowers
4) Robots Will Enforce Virus Martial Law

Revolution.Radio Studio A

Feel free to contact me:

January 29, 2021

The Goys Are Back In Town With Brutal Honesty & Handsome Truth

Brutal Honesty Chris Weinert
January 23 2021
IT'S RIPPING TIME! The master of Brutal Honesty pulls the rip cord and lets the truth blast for two hours of insight, lucidity and brutality. Surprise guest, Handsome Truth stops by... 
Thin Lizzy