The Renegade crew gets on the air to review the past week, discuss
what's coming up, and consider our options moving forward. Which bridges
should be burnt? What roads should be made?
This is the debut show of Terrible Tommy, on Truth Militia Radio. Tom Metzger and the Resist Crew will discuss a number of current events and pressing issues. Call-ins are welcomed.
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 3: Tom Goodrich, Author, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947.
Welcome to the 1st edition of “The Conquerors Hour.” Tonight, the
following topics will be discussed in detail… The Revival; My Side of
the Story; Dealing with People on an Individual “One on One” Basis; with
Whom Should we Ally; and What Can We Win? All of this and more. I will
be taking phone calls throughout the course of the show!
The triumphant return of Lugh’s Den! Lugh discusses what happened, why
he feels the way he does, where his show is going, and takes calls from
Our 2nd edition of Remembering Dr. Pierce will once again feature (4)
consecutive ADV broadcasts from Dr. William L. Pierce. The following
ADV’s include: Multicultural Justice; MTV and Hate; The Culture of Lies;
and Those Who Care.
Brizer's exact wording: I do not recognise you, I do not understand your intent, I have no international treaty with you, no assured value, no liability, RETURN TO SENDER
Official Offer: Offer to (bank) by you (name) to operate on account 1234 50 euro (or whatever amount) effected monthly (or weekly) as satisfaction on all account demands/obligations. Signed By: (your name and date)
Reply to any letters back: I am happy with the offer dated (date)" on their own letterhead paper and send back
“The International Jew” Study Hour presents: Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 27: “Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits.”
This chapter uses the example of the copper cartel during “Wilson’s
War” to show us in some detail how Jews manage to take over whole areas
of government-industry. TIJ asks as a final question: How can such
power be explained? … to which Carolyn and Hadding offer an answer and other issues.
Pictured: Jew Daniel Guggenheim, one of seven sons of Meyer who immigrated to the U.S. from Switzerland in 1847. The family won a lead-silver price war with ASARCO
in 1900 and took over the company. When war broke out in 1914, Daniel
was ready to ramp up copper production worldwide to aid the Allied war
effort—and the Guggenheim profits. He was a member of the National Security League, founded by Solomon ‘Stanwood’ Menken and Gen. Leonard Wood, a driving force for moving the then-neutral USA into the war.