February 08, 2013
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.02.07
Listen Download Hour 1 - Andy Gause - US Economy Down In Flames
Listen Download Hour 2 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases
Listen Download Hour 3 - Deborah Tavares - Smart Meters Being Forced On America
56k CF
Rense' site
February 07, 2013
Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.02.07
On tonight's broadcast, on the one and only Renegade Broadcasting, I
will be covering the history O f Communism In South Africa to gain
control of the diamond trade for the consolidation of resources, and to
Ultimately white genocide. If you want to see the dangers of
"Multiculturalism", then South Africa is their model.
Not just another silly show.
Renegade Broadcasting
Not just another silly show.
Renegade Broadcasting
Ford's Anti-Semitism
Watch Henry Ford on PBS. See more from American Experience.
NOTE: They talk about Fords Fight against the jews about a hour in.
What kind of things did Henry Ford blame on Jews?
Throughout The Dearborn Independent, Ford published articles that would refer to Jews in every possible context as at the root of America and the world's ills. Strikes: It was the Jews. Any kind of financial scandal? The Jews. Agricultural depression? The Jews. So "the Jew," in a way, became the symbol of a world that was being manipulated and controlled.
To me, that's one of the really crucial forces in this rhetoric -- that things didn't just happen; but rather somebody is orchestrating these developments, and it's the Jews who are doing it for their benefit. They're doing it in order [to] gain the twin-linked goodies of power and wealth. Read more here.
Moonshine Making 101
For more information go to http://homedistiller.org. By far the best source for information on everything about home distilling.
Zapoper will enjoy this one.
Australia Calling episode 5 with Derrick MacThomas 2013.02.07
The Rag heads and media are going into a frenzy as white men prepare to
defend themselves. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media has reported
this show's call on white Australians to defend themselves
if they are attacked by Muslim protesters when Dutch MP Geert Wilders
speaks in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth later this month. The useful
idiots of the multicultural industry fear a violent clash, which will
show Muslims to be the savage animals that they are and multiculturalism
to be the disaster that it is. Also, more on Middle Eastern crime gangs
and shootings in Sydney. Plus, Prime Minister Julia Gillard calls an
election and the rats begin to jump overboard.
Truth Militia Site
Truth Militia Site
Spingola Speaks 2013.02.07
Guest: 11-12: Frosty Wooldridge; author of America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans
12-1: Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies
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12-1: Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies
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David Duke Show 2013.02.07
Today: Dr. Duke begins with a great commentary on the realities of life and international politics. And he shares again some some of the incredible damning facts that there is indeed a Jewish Lobby not just an Israeli Lobby. And who says this? None other than a top Jewish leader in an influential Jewish magazine! And yet Hagel received all that condemnation for simply mentioning, a few years back, the Jewish Lobby. Then he brings on Dr. Patrick Slattery for a great program and a number of different topics that will give you a lot of insight.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.02.07
Guest: Mike Anthony.
Charles addresses the blowback from his rant on the 4th posted below. The third audio sounds to me like a clarification from Charlie to Rich of Truth Militia about his article posted after Charlie's rant. Simon Shekels shows up near the end of the show and sings a new song. LOL
Show Notes
64k CF Download
Rant on the 4th Download
Clarification to Rich Download
Simon Shekels 2 Download
Charles addresses the blowback from his rant on the 4th posted below. The third audio sounds to me like a clarification from Charlie to Rich of Truth Militia about his article posted after Charlie's rant. Simon Shekels shows up near the end of the show and sings a new song. LOL
Show Notes
64k CF Download
Rant on the 4th Download
Clarification to Rich Download
Simon Shekels 2 Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.02.06
Listen Download Hour 1 - Webster Griffin Tarpley - Geopolitical Analysis
Listen Download Hour 2 - Maj Gen Albert Stubblebine - How The Government Has 'Discussions With A Dupe'
Hour 3 - Encore
56k CF
Rense' site
Spingola Special 2013.02.06
Rodney Martin and Jim Condit debate Jim's video, The Final
Solution to Adolf Hitler Round 1
Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Axis of Light with Dana Antiochus 2013.02.06
Continuation of last weeks topics:
Observations about the "Movement," is there anything positive about internet activism or does it just create problems? Creating an elite versus appealing to the masses (both white and non); defining ourselves, talk versus action, how to avoid in-fighting, focusing on the enemy, remaining steadfast in our resolve.
Truth Militia
Observations about the "Movement," is there anything positive about internet activism or does it just create problems? Creating an elite versus appealing to the masses (both white and non); defining ourselves, talk versus action, how to avoid in-fighting, focusing on the enemy, remaining steadfast in our resolve.
Truth Militia
February 06, 2013
Second Look Radio with Will Miller 2013.02.06
This week’s Second Look will focus on Mussolini and Fascist Italy.
Discussing the path to power of Il Duce, the conspiracies involving the
creation of Fascism, the relationship with NS Germany, and much more.
Calls encouraged, and thank you for listening.
Renegade Broadcasting
32k Download
Renegade Broadcasting
32k Download
Newtown Mother Exposing Sandy Hook Corruption at Public Hearing
By Shepard Ambellas
February 5, 2013
NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL — In a strange twist of events, Susan McGuinness Getzinger (a local resident) has come forward regarding shady actions in the Connecticut school system.
The woman stated that her husband was killed in a fatal car accident the night after she protested local corruption at a previous public hearing.
The woman calls out the 3 top administrators of the Newtown School District and mentions a law firms involvement.
The woman states in the hearing, “You walk into your PPT or Educational Hearing, they are all in on it. The staff is told not to identify, they can’t pay their mortgage if they speak out against it. It’s wrong. Fix it. Dead Kid’s that’s the price got it?”.
The woman is rather scattered during her presentation, but goes on to end the presentation before being swiftly removed from the podium with, “Adam Lanza was the first victim cause he probably had medical problems, and the attorneys sealed the records!”.
A speaker cuts the woman off as she is whisked off stage, and taken to the rubber room where she received a nice new helmet. (Clapping)
The woman also states that there were three schools in lockdown the day of the Sandy Hook School Shooting, but then never follows up on the statement in a manner that one can follow.
"This is a good lesson on how we conspiracy kooks sound when talking to the fluoride heads"
David Duke Show 2013.02.06
Today: Dr. David Duke launches into proof that there is a JEWISH LOBBY. He quotes a leading Jewish publication and one of the leading Jews of the world, former high official in the World Jewish Congress that there is a "Jewish Lobby" and the quote pro Israel lobby is actually a Jewish lobby with Jews totally directing it and supporting it from from almost every major organized Jewish entity both religious and secular! A Jew says openly what Hagel was raked over the coals for saying! Yet none of this was covered by the media. Then Dr. Thring and Dr. Duke discuss how even anti-Zionist Jews by defending Jewish power over media, finance and politics are actually helping Israel commit its crimes against the Palestinians because the Jewish tribal power structure is what enables Zionism!
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.02.06
For Those Looking for Change, Better Look in the Bottoms of Pockets and Between the Seat Cushions
-Andy Gause gives his prediction for gold and silver prices at years end. How does it compare to yours?
-It doesn’t matter that NAFTA and such trade agreements are not constitutional
-First the debt ceiling and now sequestration is kicked down the road
-What is the definition of Income?
-The CBO predicting sub one trillion deficit for this fiscal year. Right!
-Ronald Reagan and inflation the political right never talks about
-The Monetary Decontrol Act and it’s implications moving forward
-The American Plan morphing into The Chinese Plan. Oh My
What is the Bill of Rights? Why and how it was created is interesting indeed
-More on the 2nd Amendment and hear who exactly the gun control laws in the past have been aimed at.
-A listener asks what exactly are the financial challenges ahead Andy’s referring to in last weeks show titled “It’s coming and it’s going to be devastating”
-President Obama says defense cuts are troubling for employment growth
-Goldman Sachs pulls out of their long EUR/USD positions
-What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
-The creation of a U.S. Citizen from God on down
-Do you add All Rights Reserved when you sign somehting?
-Why is the West liberating Mali?
-China and Japan are dueling over islands nearby
-There’s always been a recession following a sub 2% real GDP (1.5% real GDP 2012 forth quarter)
-A proposed law in New Mexico for selling precious metals
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
-Andy Gause gives his prediction for gold and silver prices at years end. How does it compare to yours?
-It doesn’t matter that NAFTA and such trade agreements are not constitutional
-First the debt ceiling and now sequestration is kicked down the road
-What is the definition of Income?
-The CBO predicting sub one trillion deficit for this fiscal year. Right!
-Ronald Reagan and inflation the political right never talks about
-The Monetary Decontrol Act and it’s implications moving forward
-The American Plan morphing into The Chinese Plan. Oh My
What is the Bill of Rights? Why and how it was created is interesting indeed
-More on the 2nd Amendment and hear who exactly the gun control laws in the past have been aimed at.
-A listener asks what exactly are the financial challenges ahead Andy’s referring to in last weeks show titled “It’s coming and it’s going to be devastating”
-President Obama says defense cuts are troubling for employment growth
-Goldman Sachs pulls out of their long EUR/USD positions
-What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
-The creation of a U.S. Citizen from God on down
-Do you add All Rights Reserved when you sign somehting?
-Why is the West liberating Mali?
-China and Japan are dueling over islands nearby
-There’s always been a recession following a sub 2% real GDP (1.5% real GDP 2012 forth quarter)
-A proposed law in New Mexico for selling precious metals
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
Spingola Speaks 2013.02.06
Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels talks about screening mammograms; Murder by Medicine is No Accident
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