August 17, 2013

Scott Horton 2013.08.16

Adam Morrow

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses how the Egyptian media is silencing pro-Morsi protests; parsing through faked videos to find the real atrocities; the US government’s preference for a cooperative Egyptian dictator instead of unreliable democratically elected leaders; and how the former Mubarak regime has worked to undermine Morsi since day one. (Duration: 29:08 — 6.7MB)

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No Agenda Global Radio

Gold Gone? Germany baffled as Fed bars access to bullion

Baha'i's In My Backyard

Bahá'í Faith (wiki)

Alternative Saturday Cartoons 2013.08.17

See more cartoons @ SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS

Creepy! First TV Commercial Shown after JFK Assassination
The media brainwashed the public into believing JFK Lies. Without the power of the TV and aid of mass psychology to frame events, the establishment never could have passed off such a stinker with the Warren Commission and 50 year cover-up of conspiracy. Hint: Though you have been conditioned to disregard the term "conspiracy," it is factually the act of two or more parties in plotting/committing a crime, and it happens with regularity in real life.

The “Israel Lobby” threatens freedom of speech in Germany

Jewish groups led by the American Jewish Congress (AJC) has demanded that popular German daily Stuttgarter Zeitung apologize to Jewish people for publishing a cartoon which implies that Netanyahu is ready to kill the latest Israel-Palestinian peace talks initiated by John Kerry.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu sitting on a park bench, pouring poison from a bottle labeled “settlement construction” over a piece of bread which apparently he intends to feed to a (Mahmoud Abbas) Palestinian peace dove.
 Early this year, British Jewish lobby groups chased daily The Sunday Times for publishing Gerald Scarfe’ cartoon which depicted Israeli prime minister Netanyahu “a blood thirsty Israeli”.
***Read article at INTIFADA***

Breast Implant Bombs? Heathrow Airport on High Alert

They explode apparently?!
London’s Heathrow Airport has been placed on high alert by U.K. officials over fears that female suicide bombers might hide explosives in breast implants.
U.K. experts said there is evidence that al-Qaeda could go after flights out of London.
These implants are special, officials added, because if they are injected with another liquid, it could cause an explosion capable of taking down a plane, according to a report from a British tabloid.  (

Kerry Says Internet “Makes it Much Harder to Govern” and “Organize” People

John Kerry. Liar.
Speaking to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil this past Tuesday, John Kerry made some very revealing comments.  Not only did he pay homage to Henry Kissinger, but he also took the opportunity to demonize the internet and complain about how difficult it has become to control people following the cold war.
In other words, the slaves were easier to keep in line before they had all this information.   (

Regardless of Screeching Media Banter, Whistleblowers are our Bravest Heroes (Original Content)

Takes guts to say what's right!...
Earlier this month, I published an article about Edward Snowden, an NSA whistleblower who bravely spilled the beans about how the NSA and their affiliates are wiretapping the planet. Snowden is a wise man who made the right decision in not trusting the U.S. Justice system, who recently was granted temporary asylum in Russia. However, I want to focus on a different unique individual and give credit to whistleblowers in general.  (

Jane Harman (D) caught on tape, making deal with Israeli spy

Who Controls America?

The Massacres in Egypt Are a Precursor to a Wider Global Conflict Between the Elites and the World’s Poor

The worlds poor. Elite Enemy Number 1.
The engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing global economy, a world where the wretched of the Earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot.
What is happening in Egypt is a precursor to a wider global war between the world’s elites and the world’s poor, a war caused by diminishing resources, chronic unemployment and underemployment, declining crop yields, overpopulation and rising food prices.   (

DoomCast ep.3 - 2013.14.08

3rd Broadcast in the now weekly format..
In this episode of the Doomcast Charlie McGrath and Doug Owen discuss the state's inability to control media, and what that means for whistle-blowers and a freer press. We also talk NSA, political prisoner Barret Brown, and sidebar into religion and the worshiping of government and Obama.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.16

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Harry Cooper - Germany In Argentina During & After The War

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Harry Cooper - Germany In Argentina During & After The War - PHOTOS

Hour 3 - Encore

56k CF
Rense' site

August 16, 2013

McDonald's Chicken McNuggets found to contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures; Natural News Forensic Food Lab posts research photos, video

(NaturalNews) Today we announce the first investigation conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory, the new science-based research branch of Natural News where we put foods under the microscope and find out what's really there.
Earlier today I purchased a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets from a McDonald's restaurant in Austin, Texas. Under carefully controlled conditions, I then examined the Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope, expecting to see only processed chicken bits and a fried outer coating.

But what I found instead shocked even me. I've seen a lot of weird stuff in my decade of investigating foods and nutrition, but I never expected to find this...

Brits: We can STOP TROLLS if we know where they LIVE - poll

Govhater & Yeawhatever drown their sorrows after being banned.
The Great British Public want an end to anonymous registration for social media accounts in the aftermath of high-profile online abuse cases, pollsters have claimed – and the older and more conservative they are, the more likely they are to want it.
A YouGov survey found that 72 per cent of the British public want social media sites to demand the the names and addresses of users. (

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.16

Guest: Christina England talks about Gardasil for babies and the HPV Vaccines Can Kill And They Do!; Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form (adapted from Ken Anderson’s original)

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.08.16

Today: Dr. David Duke leads a program today on Health, Life and fitness Friday about living a meaningful, happier, creative and achievement life. He and Kay Whalen discuss the science of happiness, and the way we overcome depression and negativity and create a life with possibility and beauty rather than resignation and hurt.

David's site

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Meanwhile in Egypt

The International Jew Study Hour 8/15/2013

B’nai B’rith Leader Discusses the Jews – Episode 60

Justin Amash Argues With AIPAC Stooge Over NSA Spying