February 02, 2014

The Insurgent Radio 10.27.2013

This is a special edition of Aryan Church. TT preaches about the religion of early Aryan's. Related news and commentary. @ 33 minutes in TT defines the 5 words.


The Last Super Bowl 2014

Comment from this post: Massive security operation under way for Super Bowl
Christopher Marlowe said...
There's a lot of foreshadowing about this. I've watched half a dozen youtubes talking about the Tom Cruise movie, the Dark Night movie, simpsons, numbers, etc...

That last super-bowl had the 30 minute blackout. I can't believe that was an accident.

If there isn't a false flag, they sure are gas-lighting the conspiracy folks.
*More information here

Texe Marrs podcast 1/3/2014

Texe Marrs reveals things the controlled media dare not: (1) Duck Dynasty controversy—Phil Robertson is right. Gays are opposed to the Bible; (2) Bill O’Reilly of The O’Reilly Factor is a Catholic who does not know the Bible. He claims the Bible says, “Do not judge.” In fact, the Bible directs that we “Judge,rdquo; and someday everyone on earth will be judged by God Himself and sent either to hell or to heaven; (3) Ministry friend sends Texe a toy robot named “M.A.R.S.;” (4) Ministry friends send generous donations that enable Power of Prophecy to continue its work; (5) Texe examines Sir Francis Bacon’s ancient plan for America to become the secret Atlantis, harbinger of the New World Order; (6) The Jewish Plan for America developed in 1890s by the World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Russia was first victim of the Zionist global conspiracy. Sergius Nilus, a prophet of God, warned Russia and the world in 1905 by publishing the Protocols of Zion; (7) Congressman Ryan and Senator Murray push through Congress a 2-year budget deal that cuts military retiree and veterans disability pay over next 10 years. Money is approved in Plan for abortion, pornographic art, illegal aliens, and other ungodly projects, plus spending was approved for ObamaCare; (8) Congress triples military spending on missiles for Israel;(9) Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leader, Pastor Russell Moore, says that Pope Francis is a ”good choice for Time magazine’s Person of the Year. SBC is now promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, the environmental movement, and other liberal projects; (10) Senator Max Baucus, who introduced the ObamaCare bill, has been rewarded by President Obama. He was recently named the new Ambassador to Red China.                 TexeMarrs.com


Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report 1/31/2014

“Liberate The Discourse Part I – Nationalism and Faux Nationalism, from Hungary to the Ukraine”: Jonathan Azaziah navigates the minefield of European nationalism, WW2 revisionism, anti-Jewish-supremacism, anti-Zionism, cultural imperialism, how they all interlock and why understanding their interconnectedness is integral to taking our struggle to the next level. You will not hear this kind of analysis anywhere else.           Show-page


Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 2/1/2014

The Protocols of Zion and Antisemitism

Blacklisted Radio Podcast - 2014.02.01

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


Security Theater; A look at the ridiculous Superbowl Police State. Their are lots of talking points and even a few laughs in today's grab bag of topics and observations.


February 01, 2014

Our German Ancestry 1.29.2014

Ruthless Rob vents on Renegade broadcasting. Show titled "U.S.S. Renegade Adrift With A Drunken Crew"


Our German Ancestry (TalkShoe)

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.02.01

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Both Clay Douglas and Lee Rogers, former host of Live Free or Die Radio and contributor to Blacklisted News  join the Fetch.

32k CF Download

Listen on Shoutcast

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
Oracle Archive
ITEL @ Archive.org

Cordite Country 9.11.2011

Prayer for 911. Combating Cancer Naturally. The Ancients supposed this Thistle to be a specific in cancerous complaints, and in more modern times the juice is said to have been applied with good effect to cancers and ulcers


Beta-Blockers Killed 800,000 in 5 Years: “Good Medicine” or Mass Murder?

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/art... Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Andrew Saul about beta-blockers, drugs commonly used in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension).

New Google patent suggests automatically sending your videos and photos to law enforcement

We come across tons of interesting patents each and every day, but recently none have caused as much concern and curiosity as this one. Google recently filed a patent for a system that identifies when and where a “mob” event takes place and sends multimedia alerts to relevant parties. The patents are actually titled “Mob Source Phone Video Collaboration” and “Inferring Events Based On Mob Sourced Video“.
No… not that mob. In this case a “mob” is essentially an activity or event attracting an abnormal amount of attention in the form of video recording and picture taking. Here’s a quick blurb from the patent description:  
Excerpt from US Patent #20140025755
“When there are at least a given number of video clips with similar time stamps and geolocation stamps uploaded to a repository, it is inferred that an event of interest has likely occurred, and a notification signal is transmitted (e.g., to a law enforcement agency, to a news organization, to a publisher of a periodical, to a public blog, etc.).”
Read more here 

Hmmm?  I wonder, wouldn't this service be nice for the cops when they are beating the shit out of some poor guy. As in they will be notified if people start talking about it online and uploading videos etc.  They can shut it down and start to cover their tracks and arrest people video taping them. Or see if what their doing is getting the effect that want on the sheeple. (example: Boston Bombing)

Snippits and Snappits Saturday Cartoons 2.1.2014

If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito

Massive security operation under way for Super Bowl

Is False Flag terror in the works for the Super Bowl psychological operation?

What does the latest intelligence say about potential threats?
"We're not picking up any direct threats against the event itself," Bratton said. "But please, be aware. Notice that backpack someone drops or walks away from."
In the Boston Marathon attack last April, there were two backpacks -- with bombs.  There was no warning before the explosions.  Venizelos worries about a similar homegrown, lone-wolf attack.
"That's probably our biggest concern, somebody who's not on the radar, who's just determined to do something and determined to do it anytime they want," said Venizelos.
At joint command centers at the stadium in New Jersey and in lower Manhattan, dozens of federal, state and local security agencies are monitoring real-time images from more than 2,000 security cameras.
***Read article and see video here***
*More information here 
* We Need a False Flag 

American Free Press Editors Roundtable 1/31/2014

 AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper's editors and reporters discuss the weeks top stories.          Show-page



Mind Control in American Politics


Keith Johnson's The Revolt of the Plebs 1/28/2014

Keith interviews ‘Orwell’s Daughter’ and discusses his Sandy Hook debate with James Fetzer.





*Here is some more Jew Think
*And some more


This week:
Story #1: Obama Misleads Nation on Iran Deal
Obama Brought 60,000 Troops Home From Afghanistan, But Sent 50,000 There
In State of the Union, Obama Silent on NSA Crypto Reform
Nuclear Ambiguity: Israel's "Secret" Arsenal

Story #2: Major Patent Expiration Could Spark a Second 3D Printing Revolution
Key 3D printing patent expired yesterday
Solutions: 3D Printing

Story #3: First American Arrested With Help From Drone Is Sentenced
NWNW Flashback: Drones Assist In Corralling North Dakota Cattle Rustlers (Dec 15, 2011)
West Virginia Official Says Residents Breathing Cancer-Causing Agent After Chemical Spill
Showering in Formaldehyde? Fresh Fears in West Virginia

Chicago Grassroots React to State of the Union--Obama, The Big Let Down


January 31, 2014

America Under the Talmud: Will It Work for US?

WARNING: I highly suggest taking your high blood pressure medicine before reading this article or anything else on the source's website!

The Talmud comes to America, and our country is changing. Some people may be happy with the changes, some unhappy. Let's go direct to the Talmud to see how its laws will affect our lives and culture.
  1. America's New Government Church — Finally, a solution to doctrinal diversity. The rabbis have designed a one-size-fits-all religion for Gentiles: we bring you news of the Noahide Laws. Those who proclaim Jesus is their Savior will be put to death for idolatry. Congress has already begun putting the foundation in place.
    Appendix: Why Christianity Makes Jews Uncomfortable
  2. Sex with Children by Talmud Rules — Using young children for sex (including homosexual sex) is not forbidden by the Talmud Sages - provided the child is young enough. If older, they may defile the adult. Meanwhile, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a well-known Orthodox Jew, speaks out against pederasty.
    Appendix: The Rights of the Child — Italian Case
  3. Talmud Laws of Menstruation — A woman's menstruation is everybody's business: During her period, she defiles everyone and everything she touches. It is an offense for husband and wife to have intercourse during this time. Daughters of Israel insert testing rags into the vagina to confirm fitness for marital duty. Neighborhood Watch makes the system work.
    Appendix: Niddah 14a Excerpt
  4. Jewish Harems in Talmud Law — Though a medieval synod discouraged polygamy because it upset Christians, some still do it in Israel. The Word of God in the Talmud provides laws for handling a harem. Up to 48 wives are permitted, perhaps.
    Appendix A: The Jewish Encyclopedia on Polygamy
    Appendix B: Polygamy and the Slave Hagar
  5. Really, Really Kosher Sex — Tips from the Talmud Sages help you improve your sex life. Things you never thought of …
  6. Talmud Daughters Become Talmud Wives — Under Talmud law, the acquisition of a wife is much like the acquisition of any other property. Curiously, in 50 years of feminism, none of our Jewish feminists have made an issue of the sexual inequalities in the Talmud.
  7. And So a Talmud Marriage Ends — The marriage belongs to the man. He may divorce his wife at will. To avoid paying a settlement, he can claim she has bad breath, moles, her breasts are too far apart, etc. The sidebar continues with the issues of modern feminism.
  8. Life under the Rabbis — Special guest appearance by Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein, editor of the Soncino Talmud.
    According to the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, the Very Reverend the late Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, the goal of Judaism is to regulate absolutely everything, public and private: "Religion in the Talmud attempts to penetrate the whole of human life with the sense of law and right. Nothing human is in its eyes mean or trivial; everything is regulated and sanctified by religion. Religious precept and duty accompany man from his earliest years to the grave and beyond it. They guide his desires and actions at every moment. Food and sleep, civic duty and family life — all are under discipline of the Torah, a discipline accepted freely and joyfully. While every religion attempts such regulation, the Talmudic system represents this striving of the religious idea in its perfection. 'In our eyes,' says Arsène Darmsteter, 'this is its greatest title to the respect and consideration of thinkers. In Judaism we have thus the completest, and consequently the most perfect, expression of the religious idea.'" — Rabbi Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, from his Foreword to the Soncino Talmud.
    Law brings order, and order brings peace. Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein gives us a view of everyday life when the Talmud is the law of the land.

    Title: America under the Talmud
    URL: http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/index.html
    Version: August 12, 2010

    I think I found a site the Swej have been keeping under our jewdar, lots of interesting shit on this website