December 13, 2014

Sibel Edmonds - exposé of military industrial fraud racket stealing taxpayers' money

Gold Sells While Oil Plunges - Geneva Business Insider

Artist PERFECTLY Illustrates American Hypocrisy Over The “Torture” Report

Sorry America. From outside your borders, *this* is how the rest of us really see you.
During the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Fox News reporter Ed Henry confronted Press Secretary Josh Earnest about the President Obama’s hypocrisy regarding enhanced interrogation techniques.
Henry pointed out that two members of Obama’s current national security team helped develop Bush’s enhanced interrogation policy and the fact that Obama’s drone policy is killing thousands of innocent civilians.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.12

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitnesses

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Eyewitnesses

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - H5 Fujian Outbreak In Fraser Valley

56k CF
Rense' site

December 12, 2014

Insight into the social injustice inside Israel. Interview with Marianne Azizi.

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.12.11

Daniel Estulin on TransEvolution and the NWO

Daniel Estulin is best known for his groundbreaking journalism exposing the Bilderberg Group - the ultra-secret elite conclave that meets every year to map out New World Order strategies for achieving complete global domination. His latest book, TransEvolution, explores the techno-dystopian aspect of the New World Order's war on humanity: GMO seeds, patented genomes, cyborgs and artificial humans, nanotech weapons, total information awareness, the controlled demolition of the world economy etc.

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download

David Duke Show 2014.12.12

Dr. David Duke has a ground-breaking show again with proof of the chief rabbi of Israel demanding Nuremberg-style racial laws in Israel. Israel has the strictest laws of any nation on Earth regarding a racial basis of immigration and a racial basis of marriage. ll they while Israel condemns any other nation that desires to preserve their heritage. Learn the truth in this incredible broadcast. Also joining Dr. Duke is Don Advo, a brilliant attorney from California who shows how America's immigration policy is led by Jews as a tool to ensure their own supremacy and exploitation of the people of the United States!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Doomcast ep 70 - 2014.12.11

Almost Xmassy Doom - Doomcast!
Charlie and Doug discuss topical News-Bits In This 70th Episode.


No Agenda Episode 677 - "99 Lines of Code" - 2014.12.11

TODAY; Rectal Feeding; Show me the Money; Caliphate!; Furgeson; F-Russia; Chiner$; Space Fakes; Ministry of Truth; Vaccine$; Ebola; Common Core; Movie PR; Shut Up Slave!; EuroLand; SnowJob; NA-Tech News; Words Matter, and all your usual listening whilst preparing to snuggle down and hibernate through the Winter Favourites.

The Thursday Show


The One Man Jailed For CIA Torture Tried To Expose It

The Justice Department is unlikely to prosecute anyone connected to the brutal torture techniques outlined in a Senate report released on Tuesday, but the one man already sitting in jail in connection with the CIA's interrogation program tried to draw public attention to it.

***Read full article and see video here***

Banned Fox News 9-11 The Israeli Connection, Mossad, AIPAC, Art Students Spy Ring
*9/11:Israel did it
*The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*9/11 Exposed - 2nd Edition (2015) Full Documentary Film
*Who Controls America?
*Israel belongs to the Rothschilds

Who Is The True Israel?

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.11

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends For 2015 Preview

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Pete Santilli - Sheriff Reveals He Was An FBI Agent

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Ronnie McMullen - A Very, Very Special Tea

56k CF
Rense' site

December 11, 2014

Sandy Hook Hoax: Mark Barden's Gun Control Crusade!

Jr.: We Don't Torture People
*9/11 Suspects Can’t Mention being Tortured during Trial Testimony because Their Torture is Classified
*Military lawyer resigns in protest of ‘show trial’ of accused 9-11 mastermind
*Perpetual war, indefinite detention, and torture: The U.S. and Israel’s shared values
*Obama Minimalizing Post 9/11 Torture: 'We tortured some folks'
*CIA waterboarding is torture: International Red Cross
*Canadian government uses information extracted through use of torture

Rothschild Bankers Lobby Congress To Force Taxpayers To Insure $TRILLIONS$ Of Fraudulent Bank Derivatives!!

If Congress passes FDIC protection for these controversial and complex financial instruments, it could dwarf existing debt held by the federal government and cost taxpayers an absolutely insurmountable sum, all while letting the bankers walk away free, and with their other winnings in hand.          ***Read full article here***
*Usury: Weapon of the International jewish Banking Cartel Families against the world
*Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers 
*Secrets Of Jewish Money Control
*Jew Money and our World Leaders
*AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks 
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF


David Duke Show 2014.12.11

Guest: Adrian Salbuchi

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Texe Marrs Podcast 11/28/2014 - Martin Luther’s On the Jews and Their Lies—His Classic Warning About the Jews and Their Hatred of Jesus

Texe Marrs examines the solid teaching of Martin Luther on the Jews and the Talmud. The rabbis’ great hatred of Jesus and their unrelenting attacks on the Christian faith are met by Luther’s defense of the Bible. He proves over and over that the Jews have abandoned the Old Testament. As Jesus testified, their rabbis have bought into man-made traditions. If this were not so, says Luther, they would have believed in Jesus, for the Old Testament proclaims the Messiah and heralds his coming, An amazing testament of the great hero of the Protestant Reformation and a sure antidote to the hideous, false claims of Judaism.
*On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543 by Martin Luther

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post

Double Punch Re-post - 38

*Inside the Eye Live

*Fuck Feminists