Cui bono? Who benefits?
As anyone who reads "detective" novels or watches the "Who-done-it-Mysteries" on TV knows . . .
. . . no matter how "perfect the crime" . . .
. . . the criminals always make one mistake that is their undoing.
It has long been my working hypothesis that everything we have seen
on 9-11 and the resulting wars was planned by the World Zionists.
While Global "PAX JUDAICA" is a meme as old as Judaism itself, I
maintain that this "New Pearl Harbor" phase of the "Greater Israel"
agenda really started taking shape after the disastrous 1982 Israeli War
on Lebanon.
It was at this same time that Jewish Supremacist and hard core
Zionist Oded Yinon released his "A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s"
Key to this "Strategy for Greater-Israel" in this, as well as all the
follow-up strategies from Richard Perle, Benjamin Netanyahu, Robert J.
Aumann, and the PNAC group was the need to form a "Special Relationship"
with the USA.
If you look at the "changes" that have occurred in TeleCommunications
Law and the subsequent media monopolies allowed to be formed by those
changes since this time, a pattern of "Jewish Control" becomes very
The Jews now control almost all of the TV, Radio, Newspapers, magazines, etc. in this country today.
Therefore, the Jews have been able to completely control the Narrative from 9-11 to present in all the old Media.
But what these "MASTER Minds of Zion" did NOT plan on, was the
Revolutionary rise of "New Media" . . . and the unexpected meteoric rise
of "The Internet" and "Distributed Peer-To-Peer" multi-media
I see this "Power Grab" by the Zionist controlled FCC as an attempt
to do "damage control" on this oversight by these Jewish Supremacists
and their treasonous "Shabbot Goyim" useful idiots.
I wonder how long it will be before we see a whole batch of new "Hate Speech" legislation . . .
. . . done in cooperation with the ADL, the SPLC, aIPAC, and the Neo-Stasi DHS . . .
. . . giving the FCC the "authority" to censor and shutdown anyone
that dares to tell the TRUTH about many things on the Internet . .
. . . the one thing the "Elders of Zion" did not see as a threat at the time, but now fear more than anything.
However, I think the "Genie is already out of the bottle" . . . ;-)