The controversial jazz musician whose Royal Northern College of
Music gig was cancelled has hit back at the Jewish group behind the
protest – branding them 'enemies' of Manchester and the British public.
Atzmon was scheduled to perform at the venue last night but had his gig
cancelled due to protests from the North West Friends of Israel.
group put pressure on the college by accusing him of being anti-Semitic
for what they claimed were his 'criticisms of Zionism, Jewish identity
and Judaism generally, as well as his controversial views on Holocaust
denial and Jewish history'.
"Born in Russia, he moved to the US while a teenager, and has traveled
back repeatedly to observe the Soviet collapse during the late eighties
and mid-nineties. He is an engineer who has worked in many fields,
including high-energy Physics research, e-commerce and Internet
security. Recently, he has been experimenting with off-grid living and
renewable energy by giving up the house and the car. Instead, he has
been living on a sailboat, sailing it up and down the Eastern Seaboard,
and commuting by bicycle."
is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in
foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century
history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American
and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and
politics. His articles and analysis have appeared on Press TV, Veterans
News Now, Media With Conscience News, Whatsupic, Intifada Palestine,
Information Clearing House, What Really Happened, and other alternative
media outlets. He is the co-founder of Non-Aligned Media and the author
of the 2014 book Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries.
TODAY; Furgeson; F-Russia; Ministry of Truth; Bank$ters; BAustin; Hillary 2016; Packet Equality; Vaccine$; Shut Up Slave!; Caliphate!; Agenda 21; CYBER!, and all your usual listening whilst waiting months for the No Agenda Knight's Ring you spent $1000 buying to arrive favourites.
Presenting Arguments for Both Inflation and Deflation: Which Will It Be? You Decide
-We hear audio from Harry Dent and David Stockman arguing inflation and Andrew retorts piece by piece. A real learning experience.
-“They” say don’t talk about religion and politics…well, we break that rule today
-In the Mid East religion and politics are one in the same
-The dollar is the first reserve currency to be floated without any backing whatsoever
-Consumer debt tops 11 Trillion Dollars, so banks are lending
-President Obama wants to alter the tax code with Executive Order
-Jebb Bush looks like “The Chosen One” for the Republicans
-How foreign manufactures can sell things to us without paying taxes and how corporations like Apple can legally avoid taxes
-Tariffs are crucial to level the playing field and re introducing manufacturing to U.S.
-Basel III in effect today, Andy says move along nothing here of worth
-The Net Neutrality Act is not going to be good for us internet users
-The Greece Goldman connection and why Greece can’t just print their own currency again
-Good information on Trusts
Tonight’s broadcast will be LIVE! I will be talking about race
realism vs racism, victimhood, gender pronouns, “ableism”, social
justice, “head mates”, and anything else that comes to mind.
Calls are encouraged, and will be taken throughout the entire show.