Today Dr. Duke devoted the hour to the real history of the Civil War
and the Confederate Flag. He explained that far from being a war
necessary to end slavery, even Lincoln declared that the war was not
over slavery. Moreover, slavery still existed in several Union states,
but was actually an institution on its last legs and was already ending
in country after country through the Western Hemisphere.
Duke contended that the attack on southern symbols and heritage such as
the Confederate Flag are actually part of an overall Jewish-led attack
on European Americans. In fact, for a century after the Civil War
northern text books and statesmen paid homage to many symbols of the
confederacy, in particular General Robert E. Lee. But this accommodation
by northerners of southern heritage is not acceptable to today's Zio
elite, who seek to exploit every conceivable division among us, whether
it be regional or racial or whatever. Dr. Slattery also made the case
that the Civil War created so much tragedy and left freed slaves,
southerners, and many others in such difficult conditions that it is
hard to believe there wasn't a better way to resolve things.
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and
multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one
thing in common, and its not the weapons used.
The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor
in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were
either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes. ***Read full article here***
These are important to analyze because shootings, disappearances,
kidnappings occur fairly regularly, yet curiously only certain “stories”
are chosen for exclusive media focus for weeks on end. Why might that
be? Why is Dylan “Storm Roof” chosen as the media spectacle at the Charleston, SC shooting at the AME Church on June 17th, yet a black man shooting churchgoers is not, nor this black man shooting whites for racial reasons?
As Dave McGowan has observed, in the 70s and 80s the great fear was the
omnipresent serial killer, supposedly always an
intelligent, middle-aged white male, and since Kent State or Columbine,
the transition has been made to the young, white mass shooter
(or Cho-Seung Hui). (Charleston is also the location of the dubious black church burnings of the 90s). ***Read full article here***
If there is to be any hope for this country and the rest of the world,
it will lie in the ability for individuals who are part of the masses to
put away differences and work together. This idea is not a “We Are The
World” pie-in-the-sky “let’s all hold hands and love each other” ideal.
It is the concept of Enlightened Self-Interest and Enlightened MUTUAL
Peace and harmony is the ideal. Friendship, understanding, and
compassion between races is also a noble goal. But, in the absence of
the ideal, we must be willing to accept a mutual understanding that our
own self-interest is inextricably linked. No one is demanding that you
like one another. But we must begin to recognize common interests,
setting aside differences at least temporarily, before we lose
everything. ***Read full article here***
Kyle is joined by Adam and Garth from The Crazz Files.
The discussion involves a variety of topics: vaccines, health,
pharmaceuticals, psycho killers, psychological operations, Dylann Storm
Roof, black on White violence, state-sponsored terrorism, parasitic
elites, and much more.