December 27, 2015

Ryan Dawson comments on the U.S./Russia info situation

West Prepares to Replace Their Puppet in Turkey

Steven Kelley comments, Pentagon: U.S. won't share info on ISIS with Russia

Spingola Speaks 12/26/2015

Deanna continues her discussion of Jim Fetzer's book, School drills in Illinois, Waste, Capstone, Template for Fetzer's FEMA Manual (Click Exercise Plan (ExPlan) or here (document), Deanna's SH Research, FAERS, new book, Wolfgang Halbig, the Hoax of a Lifetime, download here; Some notes from today's program.

    News Page                         Deanna's site
Official chat room             Spingola


Stephen Lendman: U.S. encourages coup against independent governments

December 26, 2015

The Realist Report with John Friend 12/26/2015

John interviewed Martin Hill of They discussed Martin's activism, 9/11 research, and, most importantly, his confrontation with Donald Trump in which he exposed the fact that Jews connected to the Mossad and the Israeli military were arrested on 9/11.



Not in His Image by John Lash PDF

John Lash's Masterwork.
Note: Link is a bit slow to load. Be patient.

Download Complete PDF

Russia releases video of Daesh(ISIS) tankers in Turkey

Steven Kelley comments, Syria lets ISIL families, inured terrorists leave southern Damascus

Texe Marrs Podcast 12/18/2015 - The Elite’s Ten Point Plan to Reshape America and Build a Global Bureaucratic “Utopia”

Texe Marrs exposes the elite’s Ten Year Plan to reshape America, end the white people’s majority, and force the population into a bureaucratic Utopia. Big-name leaders are involved in this hideous secret plan. Discover where America is headed. We must stop these people—or our country is lost!

*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
 *The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made

Daniel Patrick Welch: U.S. nuclear arsenal threatens whole world

December 25, 2015

No Agenda Episode 784 - "Hot Rhetoric" - 2015.12.24

TODAY; Agenda 2030; Caliphate!; Ministry of Truth; Elections 2016; Millennials;  Miss Universe; Lybia; Raw, and all your usual listening Whilst The Christmas Dinner Burns beyond recognition as you take another Glug from The Wine Bottle Favourites.

The Christmas Eve Thursday Show.



Tramp-O-Claus By Rob Manuel

An antidote to the sacchariny Xmas Music we've all been subjected to today. (Plus I think I've seen this guy on my High street Outside McDonalds Before!)

December 24, 2015

Christmas Cartoon Special

***See Christmas Cartoons here***

The Realist Report with John Friend 12/24/2015

John interviewed Don Advo, a California-based attorney and co-host of Stormfront Radio on the Rense Radio Network. They discussed a variety of subjects, including the blatant war on White people and White nations, the systematic, state-sponsored discrimination against Whites in the United States, the Jewish-inspired Communist conspiracy known as the Civil Rights movement, Donald Trump, and related matters.


You Ain't Gettin' Shit For Christmas

Merry Christmas


If you are reading this on Christmas eve, it tells me that you don't have a life which is something that I can relate to. I feel your pain. LOL

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 12/24/2015

Download in different formats at

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 12/23/2015

Show Highlights: HERE

The Real World of Money Archive

Andy's site


Download In More Formats At:

CISA Is NOW LAW Congress Quietly Passed The SECOND Patriot Act (Redsilverj)