Many Americans work long hours to pay increased taxes for those on welfare. Now in Minnesota some Muslims are saying that receiving free food via food stamps is not enough. They are enraged that the food does not meet islamic specifications. Changing the food to meet their requirements would cost an additional 150k. This is money that would come from US taxpayers.
In Manchester UK, pamphlets have been distribute by a group called Public Purity have demanded that Brits do not take their dogs out in public as dogs are considered impure in the Islamic faith. The groups message is that British citizens must do certain things that may be considered uncomfortable in order to make its Muslim citizens feel more at home. Why exactly this type of whiny, ultimatum inducing behaviour would make citizens of a non-Islamic nation care how its Muslim residents feel is unclear. What is clear, however, is that this type of intrusive behaviour from Muslim immigrants helps to explain British citizens unwillingness to remain in the European Union. British citizens were roundly denounced as xenophobes following the #Brexit situation, but if this pamphlet is any indication the Brits way of life really was being challenged by these new visitors.
p.s.Ogg - It's NOT A Hoax - Too many have come forward after receiving the said leaflets through their letter boxes :
First 40 minutes:Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett, recorded last Thursday afternoon. Richie used to be one of the leading mainstream radio hosts in Europe. Now he's just a leading radio host – we can't really call him mainstream any more now that he's on can we? This interview was broadcast live on Richie's show just a few minutes before the truck atrocity in Nice, France. Having left for a weekend vacation immediately after hanging up on Richie, I had to pull off the road, spend 75 cents on a McDonald's senior coffee to get access to their wireless, and write a quick article: “77 dead on 7/14” – numerology signals false flag
Final 20 minutes: Spiritual healer Rabia was supposed to discuss women and Islam. But she changed the subject to...well, you'll just have to listen!
Rabia says her Instrument Of Love Healing Services "was created to heal, support and nourish through complete divine inspiration. We use all kinds of therapies that are appropriate for the present condition of the individual. And we take into consideration the physical, emotional and spiritual state of each individual. Therefore the remedies are specifically customized for each person. Examples of therapies we use are herbs, flower remedies, aromatherapy, energy medicine, music, food, astrology... whatever comes up for you as an individual. I have been quietly practicing this gift for 17 years and I finally received the call to bring it out to the world. I am happy to say I feel humble and grateful today to be able to share this gift. All Praise Be to the One who Enables Everything. With the One everything is possible. Thank you for allowing me to serve. Love -"
Kyle speaks with Dennis Fetcho of Inside the Eye Live about a wide range of topics, including: their shared experience years ago dealing with esoteric issues and jewish control, how things have changed since then, Dennis’s work in the Middle East, occult constructions and spiritual matters, demonic influence, the notion of paradise, the end times, averting extinction, and much more. NB: I added gain where it was needed.
Barbarians are massing at the gate….Wait, it’s the Neo-cons! Today’s guests, James Morris and Stephen Sniegoski, author of “Transparent Cabal,(pdf)” talk about Hillary, Trump and the frightening resurgence of Zionist Neocon policy to destabilize the Middle East for Israel. To hell with the consequence, says Hillary! Israeli expansion in the West Bank is okay, says Trump–so long as nobody expects military intervention from Washington! Morris and Sniegoski show how closely Washington is flirting with a catastrophe so perilous that it would exceed the point of return. We’re that close to danger, my friends–unless we stop the insanity right now!
Nick speaks with Johnathan Azaziah about the recent bombing in Iraq, conflicts in the Muslim world, French colonization and its blowback, Bastille Day and the French Revolution, the history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, the Donmeh crypto jews, Erdogan’s rise to power, the ongoing coup attempt, and much more.
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware. Hour 1 - The Turkish Coup Attempt, False Flag and Intelligence Failures Hour 2 - Ryan Dawson, Hour 3 - Tom Sunic