Published by John Kaminski: Monday, 16 November 2020 09:51
360-degree scan of
a rotting civilization
Never has censorship in the United States been so in-your-face as now when the President can’t even post his comments on Twitter because they are ruled fake news by an unreconstructed Jewish Communist dupe. What hope to tell the truth does an ordinary blogger have?
They have scams covering up scams these days. The whole election scenario has been set up to depict Donald Trump as the great patriot fighting his cartoon enemies Pelosi and Schiff, overcoming corruption thanks to the courageous oratory of lawyer Sidney Powell pointing out the undeniable flaws in what might be the last American election.
But the greater scam is that Trump will overcome these dastardly deplorables and — glory of glories and holy of holies — will then impose an all-encompassing Jewish peace on the world.
Then we really have something to worry about.