-Big Tea Party win in Virginia last night
-What would it take to have a standard dollar today?
-The velocity of money is dismal; folks are hanging on for something
-Bank of America ponies up 13 Billion in fines
-Kitco to do some silver fixing late summer
-Listener asks if we’ll see an internal and external currency anytime soon
-Banking overseas; there are no secrets anymore
-Top three bullion banks do not have a lot of gold these days
-James Rickard’s predicting short squeeze on gold and silver. Does Andrew agree?
-Belgium, treasuries and repos. Fun story
-Pope kicking out the good old banking boys
-Stripping the equity from your home and parking the money
-Ron Paul audio on the dollar with Russia an China getting financially chummy
-What on Earth is the real unemployment rate in The United States?
-Becoming an expert at what you love; being dependable and out doing your competition
-How and why currency debasement is going on world wide all at the same time
Charles finishes yesterday's discussion on Christian victimization while inserting some of his experiences in college.He then goes into his next topic which is that the Bible was intended for Jews only. (Alex and Jason call in during the second hour)
Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Jason.
Jason and I will be analyzing some of the top personalities in the
alternative or independent media, including popular icons such as Alex
Jones. Are many of the most popular media personalities in the
alternative or independent media compromised or promoting
disinformation, knowingly or unknowingly? Tune in to find out! Calls
are welcome throughout the broadcast.
Dr. David Duke has another earthshaking show today beginning with the great victory over Eric Cantor, the Jewish supremacist slated to soon become the Speaker of the House. He was exposed as part of the controlled opposition to open borders who was secretly working to approve Obama's immigration reform bill. Outspent 15 to one, a libertarian beat Cantor. He also discusses the latest revelations of Jewish wiretapping of Presidents of the United States and the Treason against America by the Zio forces in this country. Dr. Slattery also adds prescient and powerful commentary on these issues. A great show that you should be eager to share and promote!
Comcast will begin activating a feature in its Arris Touchstone
Telephony Wireless Gateway Modems that sets up a public Wi-Fi hotspot
alongside a residential Internet customer’s private home network. Other
Comcast customers will be able to log in to the hotspots for free using a
computer, smartphone or other mobile device. And once they log into
one, they’ll be automatically logged in to others when their devices
“see” them.
What’s interesting about this move is that, by default, the feature is
being turned on without its subscribers’ prior consent. It’s an opt-out
system – you have to take action to not participate. ***Read full article here***
Tonight I will be discussing current events, and my thoughts on many issues that pertain to the struggle at hand. Kyle inserts himself as a savior and forces an overdrive. No way to get rid of Jesus 2.0 Maaan! lol
Charles answers a listener's question which is: What is the timeline of the Bible, who wrote it, how has it changed over time and what language was it originally written in? Then Charles discusses Christian victimization.
Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
On this edition of The Realist Report,
we'll be joined by attorney Don Advo. Don and I will be discussing
issues pertaining to freedom of association, White rights, and his
proposed amendment to the United States Constitution explicitly
recognizing the right to freedom of association for all peoples. Calls
are welcome!
The Advo Amendment reads:
The right of freedom of association, however and by whomever
exercised by persons over the age of 18 on the basis of religion, race,
color, natural origin, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or
physical or mental disability, whether real or perceived, whether
exercised individually or otherwise, whether exercised to make and
enforce contracts or otherwise, whether exercised in commerce or
otherwise, is absolute and shall not be regulated or abridged by the
United States, the several states or any political subdivision thereof.
Gov. Robert Bentley vowed Tuesday to find $25,000 to help fund
educational programs that teach the horrors of the Holocaust to students
around Alabama. ***Read full article here***
Dr. David Duke has a fascinating beginning of the program talking about how the Jewish takeover is related to more than simply their tribalism and networking. It is also because they orient their own people to sound economic and other life skills that Gentiles don't. He points out that while Jewish kids often learn to study the economics and markets page of the newspapers, Gentiles head straight for the sports sections or entertainment sections. Why it is important to focus on areas of your life that vitally important to the well being of yourself and your family. Then he talks about the latest deceptions of Jewish promotion of immigration and "assimilation" for every other people while supporting the opposite for Jews. How these things are weapons in their drive for supremacy. Dr. Slattery has a lot of prescient observations of a person who once supported immigration but who appreciates how Dr. Duke gave him a new perspective. Great show with lots of practical application for your own life and information that will help you awaken others! Share!
Michael Shermer (the squirmer) exposed.
Not only is the accused rapist guilty of ripping off and distorting the work of other people, lying and slandering and backstabbing his friends for profit, he also associates with racist killers from the JDL.