Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Revolution.Radio Studio A
Scorpio and Giuseppe welcome Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Revolution.Radio Studio A
Published by John Kaminski: Wednesday, 01 December 2021 22:26
and you can’t trust your doctor
Excuse me, but I have to tell you something. Something very important that many of you appear not to have noticed, and still try to deny. You won’t hear about it on TV. And you won’t read it in the newspapers. It is in fact something you already know, but you’re afraid to say it out loud for fear someone who can hurt you will hear you. You’re afraid to even think it. But you already know it in your heart — though maybe not in your brain yet, because your brain was hijacked long ago. Even now that it’s clear to you, you are afraid to admit it to yourself.
America is no longer free.
Forget about all that righteous rhetoric. It hasn’t been free for a long time, but after all the lethal lies, surprise deaths and medical murder plots killing record numbers of suckers who believed what their doctors told them, it has never once been more not-free than it is right now.
When a falsely elected president shuts down essential pipelines, opens borders to hungry aliens, blocks vital ports and blames white patriots as the greatest danger to individual liberty, you should realize that freedom has been lost to a dangerous disease called political correctness imposed by a sinister force with absolutely no regard for anybody’s lives, least of all the people who helped build a country they thought was secure.