The Rag heads and media are going into a frenzy as white men prepare to
defend themselves. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media has reported
this show's call on white Australians to defend themselves
if they are attacked by Muslim protesters when Dutch MP Geert Wilders
speaks in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth later this month. The useful
idiots of the multicultural industry fear a violent clash, which will
show Muslims to be the savage animals that they are and multiculturalism
to be the disaster that it is. Also, more on Middle Eastern crime gangs
and shootings in Sydney. Plus, Prime Minister Julia Gillard calls an
election and the rats begin to jump overboard.
Truth Militia Site
yeah Anon, it's very obvious
Here the truth about geert wilderstein.!
Rich & Keith have a real good idea & direction of where to go, but they are real rookies when it comes to this stuff, & they need all of our help to get there.
In the 4:19pm posted youtube the guy says he is Christian Identity.
Truth Militia has another host who's REAL job is to push CIAssets into truth militia.
MacThomas is not a Zio-shill. He is a National Socialist and Wodanist. He only sides with Wilders on one issue. The flood of Arabs into his country. He disagrees with Wilders on everything else.
If you don't think the flood of arabs/3rd worlders into every western nation is an important issue, then you're not paying attention
I hope you ignore the posts that call MacThomas a shill. He speaks the truth. We have a major muslim problem here in Australia, especially with the Lebanese thugs roaming Sydney.
Let me do a word-count on how many "niggers" and "mud-people" and "Muzzies" and "rag-heads" and "towel-heads" and "monkeys" and "chimps" and every other filthy epithet that this guy FREELY AND WITHOUT ANY FEAR OF "HATE-LAWS" CAN USE AGAINST THESE MUSLIMS, but I'll be God damned if he EVER, EVEN ONCE uses the term "jew" in a fucking show of his.
I'll get back on the word-count later as I have to work.
It's alright for them to rape and rob our women but god forbid anyone say nigger. Lindsay needs to grow a pair ese. Burrdad? RBG
Might sound offensive to some, but that's how the average working class, white Australian sees whats happening to his country.
We in Europe have the same problem with imigrants wrom the third world countrys!
The deference is that we know WHO is behind it and dare to call the JEWS out on this problem!
This host has no balls to say the magic word JEW,instead blames it all on this people that are bombed out of their countrys!
This skinhead radio is silly and not worth listening!
Movements like one that WILDERS organizes and that this host idorces are a jewish creation to provoke the war between white europeans and arabs so they can profit again!
Who ever mentions WILDERS in a positive light is working against white people and should be considert a TRATOR!
Yes, Wilders is a tool - if you eliminate the jews - i guarantee these arabs will still be raping aussie white women.
Middle Eastern gang activity in Sydney out of control
8th Feb 2013 6:00 AM
MIDDLE Eastern gangs and the theft of guns from licensed firearm owners are presenting the two greatest challenges in the fight against organised crime, according to senior police.
Speaking at the launch of Operation Apollo, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione admitted Middle Eastern gang activity in western Sydney was spiralling out of control and police needed to take on a new approach to tackling gun crime.
Under the new structure, teams of specially-trained officers, led by the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad, will investigate all drive-by and targeted shootings.
The teams will also be given greater powers to track known and suspected criminals.
Mr Scipione said the community had sent a clear message that they wanted the gun violence to stop and police had an obligation to do "everything in our power" to help.
This week, 35 weapons - including 24 handguns - have already been seized.
Police are also investigating a number of break-ins at homes belonging to registered firearms owners.
Most recently, an elderly man suffered a heart attack on Wednesday after he was bound to a chair in his Sydney garage while thieves made off with a number of guns.
The 77-year-old remains at a Blue Mountains hospital.
McThomas is sounding like he's being played.
MacThomas's language may be objectionable and counterproductive. His cause would be better served if he just laid out the facts about crime, immigration, the purposeful destruction of the working class, the healthcare system, the social programs, etc. However, those who are attacking him for "not calling out the Jew" have not listened to his broadcasts, or they are being unfair because they do not like MacThomas's approach and his emphasis on the behavior of Muslim immigrants.
It is very difficult to comment on the Jew-wise Europeans who have developed an extremely beautified view of the enemies of their enemy. Are they living in a bubble? Are they lying to themselves? Do they hate Jews more than they love their own? Is this how they reconcile their beliefs with the behavior of Muslims in the European world?
I couldn't agree with you more on this issue.
McThomas is disgusting.
Wilders is a traitor.
I hope TM will not turn out just like WND, started as a patriot site, after getting enough patriots' support, then changing direction and becoming a real disgusting Zionist site.
Speaking like a Jew shill.
It is quite obvious that this guy has ready my comments, because he has actually used the term "jew" twice, and "zionist" three times, from my count...
This is the first show where I heard him even MENTION "jew" or "jewish", but he DID say zionist, I believe, twice in the last show!!! Ha...
I would be very interested in hearing an interview with him on Charles' show, so would someone who can contact him please suggest that to him?
Call out the jew or this goyim infighting will never stop. Its obvious whites are more civilized than the third worlders but by calling them "rag heads" it brings us down to their level. Get rid of 'israel' and they can be coaxed back to their homeland. You gotta remember that the immigrants are getting brainwashed by the jew to be human trash aswell.
Truth Militia is saying "Fuck you Jew boy" because they're being featured on blogtalk's front page. BlogTalk is owned by the jew Alan Levy. Hmmmm.
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