Guest: Mike Anthony.
Charles addresses the blowback from his rant on the 4th posted below. The third audio sounds to me like a clarification from Charlie to Rich of Truth Militia about his article posted after Charlie's rant. Simon Shekels shows up near the end of the show and sings a new song. LOL
Show Notes
Charlie Jew-Liani epitomizes the true embodiment of "WHITE TRASH".
If you don't recognize that the problem is BEHAVIOR...and not merely "skin color".....than you're just as dumb as Charlie Jew-Liani.
Behavior, Genetics and Group Dynamics.
Jew-Liani...go back to bobbing those circumcised dicks on Torah-Cle.
You a god damned piece of shit.
Giuliani, I hope you die a painful death.
Brilliant comments once again. Worth deleting but let's expose the extreme wisdom leaking out of your writings.
Just wanted to send a bit “fuck you” to Charlie Giuliani.
I hope and pray that cocksucker receives some “diversity training”. LOL
That fucking faggot is a two-faced jewey libtard nigger lover. Yes, folks…..he is.
He loves “diversity” and DENIES “RACE BEHAVIOR”.
“Race Behavior”……what’s that?
There’s only “Skin Color” ……according to Charlie “the loser” Giuliani.
What a fucking clown.
Might as well be a jew.
The cutest part is HOW NEAT the above raving lunatic makes his little turds of white supremacist vomit. LOL
Giuliani is right on the money. You don't have to be a white separatist racist or even a white nationalist to be an anti-multi-culturalist or advocate of the noble-spirited. The dominant cultures that are even worth preserving ultimately grow out of a nobility of spirit which translates into economic dominance and becomes emulated not just in one area but sometimes all over the world.
To say that white race has created the most noble cultures that we know of so far on the planet is correct but to say that no other races are capable of emulating this nobility and must be shunned by force is incorrect
The most obvious case is that of the Japanese emulating most noble aspects of European and American economic culture and even occasionally outdoing them at their own game, without losing the traditional, noble aspects of their own.
Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 10 / 19 / 2012 - Guest: Ramzpaul explains why he's a non-white-nationalist anti-multi-culturalist
Gag on it Giuliani
I hope you get ass raped by a flash mob.
Hey Giuliain!
It's just skin color.....
One day Julie Ahh Knee defines racist as damn near evil. The next day he says he is one because it means saving a race.
Julie needs to figure out what he really wants to believe about that term and stick to it.
Zapoper, I tried warning you before about this virus, among others, their efforts alienate and ultimately demotivate.
You saw it as an effort to suppress free speech, this virus has been doing the rounds of the more higher profile sites.
They couch it in rhetoric that appears at first as though they are passionate, ultimately it's a technique to demotivate.
This particular one ruined ZCF's comments and is now back on Incog stinking up the place.
Free Speech is fine, this is just pollution and agitation.
I agree that you should not delete, because their witlessness is self-evident for the record.
Maybe at least just moderate the amount of spam they do.
PS I'm happt for you to delete these posts I made once read, no need to add to the noise.
Call Charlie up you bunch of pussy and say to his face.. Or just stfu . If Hitler himself join this movement you would troll him too. LOL
When somebody is a intelectual midget with nothing smart to say like these two STEROID FREAKS from joof GAYlitia,then they start feeling supoerior just causse they are white!WHITE TRASH WITH SUPERIOR FEELINGS!HAHAHAHA!
Yes whites have the greatest minds and ever had,but also IDIOTS with mental health problems like this steroid and sterilised homos!
If you read the comments above,its clear that some people are born with no brain and have no argument exept to wish someones death!
Thaks god they sterilised them selfs with steroids so they will not procreate and bring some brainless trash to the world!
I see Rectal Rebel is attacking Charlie again. Same MO in all his posts.
Hey rectal, get a job and a life!
I don't know if the comments are from Rectal or frothing followers of Finck that found themselves here recently
The best way to DISCREDIT WHITE RACE is to create movements like skineads and shows like truth militia that will sell you lousy Tshirts for 50 bucks a piece and provide no info or solutions what so ever!
Quote from Kewin Mcdonald:
This was the quote that Mcdonald used to wake up white people!
Quote from Ernst Zundel:
This quote helped him to win his case!
Just imagine that this two great minds used the language like this jewish creation talk shows hosts!
Its a pitty that Charles spends his time to discuss this uneducated mindless drones!
Like someone said,just imagine that Zundel or Mcdonald was using language like that!
We have chance of winning with people like Zundel and Mcdonald and no chance of wining with uneducated white trash richtard and steroid keef!
What strange is to me,how come their show gets so populair in that short amount of time!THEY ARE PLANTED BY JEWS,thats why!
True, it could be Rectal or the rat Finck CI types, or a rectal rat finck.
Anti-Multi-Culturalist = Someone that acknowledges that different cultures are not equal in value and it is very important that the high cultures worth preserving do not get sabotaged by the lower level cultures by refusing to assimilate into the higher culture in the necessary amount. The Anti-Multi-Culturalist does not ignore racial realities but ony makes it an important and not the primary factor of preserving higher cultures. An anti-multi-culturalist is not necessarily opposed to race-mixing as long as the mixing is between two people of more-or-less similar intelligence and due to proper assimilation does not disadvantage the higher, more dominant culture.
Racialist (or the word racist relieved of a part of its programmed negative 'evil' connotations) = someone that acknowledges that there are differences among the races that are genetic and which culture or 'nurture' may not correct to the advantage of a higher level civilization and therefore, keeping the different races pure is important in order not to sabotage the higher level culture with what are likely to be problems only with the lower culture. A racialist is usually only pro-its-own race and respectful of other races. A racialist, therefore is not automatically or necessarily a supremacist but all supremacists are automatically and necessarily racialists.
Racial Supremacist = Someone that acknowledges only people of their own race as human, superior in all ways to all others, and hates and seeks to take advantage of all these other races to the point of not considering it murder if one of another race is killed by one of its own race. Supremacists consider race-mixing akin to treason and the murder of race-mixers as justice done and the murderer a martyr to their cause.
Charlie Giuliani sucks jew dick.
My first reaction to your comments was outrage, but then really, I’m left to wonder what could possibly have happened to you in your life that has made it so easy for you to blindly trust people, and so easy for you to slip into the dark sycophantic underworld?
You can see government apple polisher’s practically anywhere, or everywhere. For many people it is natural to lean towards being an adulator, to be a brown-nosing bootlicker, or a human doormat.
Human weakness and stupidity is far more common than independence in mind, body and thought.
This is probably the reason why White people comprise only 8 percent of the worlds population.
Enjoy your jewish crafted chains of slavery.
May they chafe lightly upon your bloat.
Simon Shekels, he redeemed what was otherwise a bicker-fest.
Giuliani’s criticism has some merit, and Truth Militia definitely took a turn for the worse with the end of 2012 show, when Rich and Keith started going ballistic against non-whites while going soft on the Jews (fully adopting Metzger’s platform). But Giuliani didn’t need to be so sanctimonious and PC in his criticism, nor was there any reason to be hostile to Rich and Keith personally. Giuliani’s brain, like DBS’s, is still infected by the multicult.
Instead of moral indignation I’d rather he had stuck with reason, like asking what Rich and Keith seek to accomplish by attacking non-whites. The Jews promote it because it takes the focus off them through a divide and conquer ploy. It also antagonizes non-whites and puts off moderate whites, and what might be more damaging, it alienates ex-liberal altruistic types who are sympathetic to WN, but uncomfortable with a destructive agenda, and with excessive insults to other races (due to having compassion for the honorable non-whites they’ve met).
Then again, if TM just wants to assemble an army of white supremacists to crush skulls and spill blood, that’s fine, they can let fly with the nigger word. I’d prefer a slightly higher road, and believe it would have a better chance of defeating the Jews and resurrecting European culture, but I could be wrong and I’m not going to be judgmental about it. I simply would like Rich and Keith to be upfront about their strategy.
Charlie on Jan 4
"I'm the best and everybody else sucks. That's a racist, OK?"
Clarification to Rich:
"Yeah, I'm a white racist, in the sense......."
Giuliani has identified himself as the enemy to TM. We must now fight him! he has already served his purpose & to keep him with TM is of no benefit, to lose him no loss.
our enemies are everywhere, even - and especially - deep within our own.
we must look to our younger people now, who's minds are not corrupted by the past
I'm not the brightest bulb in the room but some of you are plain and simple retarded. Geez
I should stop playing nice.
I still think the blanket bigotry against all Jews is unwarranted, when what we are dealing with is mass mental illness across all of society. The psychopathic rhetoric from some of these people shows the spirit engendered by devoting a mind to hatred of people they never met.
I know most of you are talking about the Zionist powers in charge when you say these things about Jews in general instead of powers but it blurs the line and makes you look bigoted. Even worse it makes you think bigoted. Guiliani's "elite Jew pigs" is about as far as I would want to go in an impassioned moment but also this is not so advisable.
The way forward is with compassion. Let's help the poor circumcised freaks that we can. The cutting of infants causes changes in the brain and they need help out of the cult.
Of course most American men have had this procedure performed upon them. Perhaps that is what much of the rage is about, a sublimated horror of mutilated penis. Then when they realize what promoted this practice they freak out.
Speaking of mutilated Zionist American freaks, how about those Christian Zionists? They support Israhell too but are not necessarily loving of Jews, they look down on them as elements of prophesy and they will all go to hell for not accepting Jesus.
In the last election, Israelis wanted Romney to win and Netanyahu put all his chips on him. American Jews said 'meh' and voted Obama.
So we have Christians more Zionist than most Jews, and you lot have not grown out of habitually and carelessly making blanket statements that naturally lead to the cancer of the eugenecist/fascist/nationalist/authoritarian bigoted racist psychopath.
Humanity so far has not won the struggle to stand up and assert our freedom against all authority, all of which is false and a theft now matter how many and how fancy the badges, shiny uniforms and gaudy crested helms worn by those who would govern us.
OK, ye foreskin bereft would-be ethnic cleansers, get over it. It likely wasn't a Jew that cut you down. Go ahead and expose the Zionists and their actions and sick groups like Chabad, even point out the evils of Judaism, but keep in mind most Jews don't read the Talmud and bigotry is really stupid and unproductive.
Corporations would still exist if all the jews disappeared, would still be beholden to greedy shareholders and still be evil, and do evil. Humanity is doomed if we go down the road the majority of this jew-eyes movement envisions for us.
I just love how every poster here responds to an opinion that is contrary to their own belief by calling them jews or trolls.
Very similar to when jews label their opponent an antisemite or racist rather then have a debate, no?
As a rule, CG does 10 hours of live radio each week and takes calls during the show. But, will these assclown pussies grow some fuzzy yarbels and call in with something other than ad hom? Not likely anytime soon. Too bad, too. I could use the good laugh from the ass whuppins.
I need to make it clear that Charlie was responding to the hit piece written about him by Andre at TotalFascism not Rich and Keith(although I guess it still somewhat applies). I was in direct correspondance with him yesterday morning before his show and had sent him Andre's article. He only mentioned one article so he couldn't have seen TM's. The reason he directed his response at "these people" is because he knows Andre's hit piece is driven by his affiliation with the CI cult who are in fact, White Supremacists.
I doubt a response to TM's much more respectable article would have been as hostile.
Hahaha I hadn't listened far enough in tothe show yet with my previous comment. Nevermind
Andre sprung from the abyss of kike delaneys CI cornhole. Guiliani makes a good point that we have to take the high road and not make ourselves look ridiculous to the not-so-hardcore whites that we need to be bringing over to our camp. But fuck the jews, they need to be dehumanized. had the right strategy which is why his site was banned from taking Jew-pal donations.
Yes agent Adam Austin had a great strategy and won over many hearts and minds of non-psychopaths -NOT! When you dehumanize a group of people you also dehumanize yourself, and that is what this Jew Eyes movement is, degenerate subhuman ideology.
@ " had the right strategy which is why his site was banned from taking Jew-pal donations."
Fuck the pay-pal donations. That doesn't mean crap.Yeti was also banned from pay-pal donations at concen. No one's saying Yeti and now his successor there Fast Tadpole Sperm or whatever his name is represented the real troof bowel movement. lol
Subverted Nation or crew-cut bonehead Adam Austin's 'Jews-should-all-be-thrown-in-the-woodchipper' anti-racist mini-VNN clone site is even more suspicious likely-cointelpro or useful-derangement-idiocy than that 140 pound, midget pool-cue-head baldy Andre from Total Fascism and his advocacy of the death penalty for homos. The purpose of Austin is to grab the non-racist, anti-Jew Giuliani rejects that the white-supremacist VNN-forum misses. Again, whether this purpose is accomplished through useful-idiocy or direct cointelpro is irrelevant, the results are demonstrable.
The best of Charlie's show was teh part where he said straight in Christian Mike Anthony's face that he wipes his ass with pages from the Bible. LOL
And his Jesus-freak, magic-herbs-manufacturing diarreah-diapered pal Mike Anthony did not take that as an insult. He did in the past, I remember, but not anymore.
Now, that's what I call a TRUE FRIENDSHIP, unlike that of ZCF and Mikey 'C.I.-All non-whites-are-the-devil's-seed' Delaney. lol
The level of intelligence that used to shine at Concen is best epitomized by this legendary quote from a long defunct member of super-lucid genius:
"Argumentum ad pussy is when the power of pussy is invoked to override reason. And appeal to your inner pussy if you will, and I think most guys are pussy who do fall for it more often than not."
The funnniest wigger philosopher ever:
John Preston needs to take graduate school lessons from this guy. lol
Dearest Charlie, PLEASE don't have Mike on as your guest any more. He was WAY too loud, argumentative, and belligerent to your first gracious caller, Dave, who I would appreciate you having on as a guest. MIKE IS A JERK AND STUPID>
I miss Adam Austin, and I wish CG and others would have him on his show to discuss his book, which can be downloaded at his site, REVOLUTIONARY GUIDE FOR A SUBVERTED NATION.
If you think that americans will be goose stepping and waving swastikas in the future, youre a dumb fuck. Adam Austin based his strategy on the general anger of the average american and on the fact that most of them will always believe in the fairy tale of the founding of america, which is why is book was also banned.
Correct. Every single TM program and-or host has caused me to abandon this so-called "truth movement".
I have taken at least two more with me away from this horrible movement. I might as well look at "Jewish pornography" and listen to Howard Stern. He has more class than 99% here.
They already lost before they even began.
Anon 7:30,
Its because they would rather say "nigger" and "spic" than acknowledge that the jew plays off the goyim races against eachother and have been for a long time. In no way, shape or form can the jew be defeated while trying to fight the other races at the same time. Once THE JEW has been destroyed, then we can worry about a happy solution where immigrants are returned to their homelands which have also been destroyed by the jew. Unfortunately we're in the thick of the jew's degeneracy program and its getting harder and harder for the goyim races to agree on their common enemy. But the fact remains that the jew will reign supreme if they arent dealt with by every race, because if one race attempts to take them on alone, the jew will simply use another as a shield.
Giuliani shouldn't be afraid of the word 'nigger' in itself by saying the 'n word' instead in such a wus way and then turn around and call troof moolyshat a bunch of 'white trash.' If he's calling them 'white trash' for being racist in a vulgar way then he should also be willing to call black criminals and scumbags 'black trash.'
Those two black guys that call into Troof Moolyshat don't seem to have a misunderstanding of the type of blacks that those two roid-raging jock-sniffers are calling 'niggers.' It's all about context, not the word itself.
If Charlie doesn't want to go as far as those two pea-brain ego-trips and designate all black-trash as 'niggers' because the 'nigger' word is weighed too heavy with negative programming associations like the word 'racist,' then he should at least not be a hypocrite and call them 'black trash' or would 'Non-Elite Backwards Black Ghetto Pigs' to go along with his former longtime use of 'Elite Jew Pigs' or EJP would be preferable ? How long before Dov Cohen fires him if he started using 'Non-Elite Backwards Black Ghetto Pigs' ? LOL
Iconoclast Radio 01 / 22 / 2012 - Paul Ironshore (an ego-tripping angry black self-appointed conspiracy-theorist / shill-buster lol) calls Alex Jones a 'nigger' and gives a short lecture on the word 'nigger' - later guests Andre (then of Outlaw, now of Total and Lewka (a rapper / troofer associate of Payday Monsanto who also appeared on one of the better episodes of the old Joe Blow Conspiracy shows) come on the show to talk about the nature of evil, the devil, metaphysics and the shills in the troof movement.
LEWKA - word of mouth (conspiracy of silence)
The Golem - Payday Monsanto feat Lewka & Trillion
The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - 07 / 10 / 2010 - Featuring Lewka, Nik, Taras Bulba and Deathaneil,%20Opinions,%20History,
@ "I miss Adam Austin, and I wish CG and others would have him on his show to discuss his book, which can be downloaded at his site, REVOLUTIONARY GUIDE FOR A SUBVERTED NATION."
Whaddaya nuts ?
Giuliani's already too pissed off with the Truth Militia guys to ever have them on again, there's NO FUCKING WAY he'll go anywhere near a loose-cannon, genocide-advocating, crazy fuck like Austin or Alex Linder. Giuliani never even had Tom Metzger back after that one time after people told him he used to be in the KKK and shit, homey. lol
The jews are genociding us. Why not genocide them back? We've been playing this game for thousands of years with 109 failed exiles of the jews. They wont stop trying to exterminate us until we return the favor. Adamd Austin had it right, which is why his realoathkeepers site, pay pal button, and book were banned.
@12:20 AM
Up yours you cointelpro jerkoff motherfucker, get the fuck outa here with that genocide shit before you get thrown out you fuckin douchebag. Austin is about as trustworthy as a rattlesnake and I piss on his fat head, how do you like that ?
Sure chief, I'm "cointelpro". You should be a detective, brah. No, actually I'm just not afraid to say the obvious solution to solving the eternal jewish problem, neither was/is Adam Austin.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." -- Thomas Jefferson
"An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Charles Giuliani - The Truth Hertz - September 14, 2011 Interview with Veronica Clark of
Charles Giuliani - The Truth Hertz - 07 / 11, 2012 Interview with Veronica Clark of
Charles Giuliani on Live Free or Die with Lee Rogers - 04 / 19 / 2012
Truth-Hertz with Charles Giuliani -06/19/2012 - Guest: Deanna Spingola
Hilarious old 'hippie era' photo of Mikey Rivero:
All dressed up for a movie is my guess. I am sure he knows a lot of folks in HolyWood.
Hey Anarchore, jew apologist, fuck off and go hang out at prison planet forums ok? Your logic sucks!
anachore isn't just a Jew apologist; he's a crypto Jew.
Anarchore is a pussy jew that's afraid of us listening to Adam Austin and solving the eternal jewish problem once and for all by killing every last once of the rat faced monsters before they kill all of us. Simple logic really.
If we were to kill every jew in the US right now believe it or not we would be entirely within the law of the constitution to do so. As long as there werent anymore jew judges then we wouldnt even get falsely charged. Rise up! They're killing us slowly as it is, the rat bastard traitors!
Great song at the end. Good job.
Charles is right. The truth movement if ever there was one has been ruined by white racists.
Mr Austin and anachore are on the job. Just sit back and watch them make their handlers proud.
WE ARE THE TRUE JEWS !!! Kill a Mud for Yahweh Today !!!!!
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