Join the broadcast for yet another show that will be guaranteed to make somebody upset.
Note: This is the last time that I post the Renegade shows. Listen to the audio to find out why.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism
1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»Note: This is the last time that I post the Renegade shows. Listen to the audio to found out why.
"Listen to the audio to FOUND OUT why." LOL. Learn English finally, eh?
Just because we don't post a show doesn't mean were censoring it, it just means the show sucks and isn't worth the bandwidth
Mami, why do you post comments that "suck"? Shouldn't you have some discretion?
Thanks Mami!
Are you going to bring in some fresh meat to heckle? Come on man.
Mami lost the plpot
Mikes reasoning is totally logical
zap decided not to post one of Dave's shows and mentioned why.
It should have been understood.
It was reasonable.
Mike was not reasonable at all.
Mike sounded as if he was wound up on jew juice.
C ya Renegade. Stay small; it's good for ya.
Dave is the best and every show he shows his knowledge, Every one of his shows was chock full if information. The previous shows from Sledge were also very informitive especially on Martin Luther King, The creation of Psychiatry and the Hammer Sickle and Cross.
This was short and he was just playing around but you cannot expect him to prepare a great show every time.
Fuck Kike Sledge and Renegay, So anybody who criticizes his fucking network is a fucking troll now? Talk about divisive, but look no further than fucking renegay who can't stop talking about religion.
all their audience are a bunch of trolls i bet! lol
Rentagay, no big lost.
The first caller had Sledge stumped, LOL!
Good riddance, trolls. It's been fun laughing at your stupidity.
Now that we're gone, Mami's Shit can finally be a haven for CI wannabe Jew trolls and real Jew trolls and hopefully they can keep them away from fucking up people doing anything useful.
LOL, do any of the Retrograde Burpcasting hosts know a word of German?
Later Lube, now you can all go back to the lair and figure out a way to conquer the world!
Last time? Good riddance, then.
Simplified: I think there are about
100 000 very , very , very , evil Jews,whose dicks are being sucked by 50 000 corrupt and very , very , very evil 'gentiles' . This body of people makes up the so called pyramid of power. ( a permanent situation )
Wars are NEVER started by the common people , but by cliques .
If we could herd them into Grand Canyon and nuke them,it will change the world.
May 16, 2013 at 11:43 PM
You're absolutely right!
And the next generation of very , very , very , evil people are leaving
Harvard, Yale , Oxford , Cambridge...
If rattle snakes are very evil , what
you do ? you kill the little ones !!!
Rambling drunks and autists - great poster boys for militant atheism.
Welcome to the communist nightmare.
Renegade get rid of Dana his last show was full of christian filth listen to all his garbage about Sysnagoge of Satan and his Bob Marley John Friend$tein who has enough money now to be jobless and still able to pay cellphone, Internet, start a website and his radio broadcast along with support his family.The Catholic church takes care of its own.
Until we totally rid ourselves of these jewdaic religions the Problem infests every Nationalists movement there is. They took down Dr William Pierce and infest every movement there is. How can you take the jew out of Jewdao Christianity. Well you can be a jew too like John Friend is.What a joke. What a disgrace. Then to try to use Adolf Hitler to corral Germans into this trap using false quotes and lies.Renegade still has David but they have to clean house and get rid of Dana.Dana is a plant.Then even Deanna who never ever even mentioned Christianity gets infested with the Catholic Rodney Martin who after describing the traitorous activities of the clergy and says Germans are leaving Christianity in droves says they need to get back to their "Christian" Roots.I hope Deanna sees through this crap.
Grave Of Adolf Hitlers Parents Desecrated By Priest
And the next generation of very very , very , evil people are leaving
Harvard, Yale , Oxford , Cambridge...
If rattle snakes are very evil , what
you do ? you kill the little ones !!!
THAT has to be the job for the " Lone
wolves " .
Zapoper thanks for your honest message! Mami is one of the few places left with good old fashioned free speech and thats why eveybody loves that site. Or hate, depends how you look at it, lol
1:26 AM
Fuck off sholteshit, John Freind is very good interviewr, you might not like all of his guests, but he never forced his christian beliefs on anyone, not unlike some of these dogmatic and hateful atheist/pagan goat lovers.
@ nonconformist said...
"Simplified: I think there are about
100 000 very , very , very , evil Jews,whose dicks are being sucked by 50 000 corrupt and very , very , very evil 'gentiles' . This body of people makes up the so called pyramid of power. ( a permanent situation )"
You're a genius ! But whose dicks did the Jews have to suck even more to get to the position where they can get 50,000 gentiles to suck their dicks on a regular basis ? That is the eternal question, my nigga.
Masks are dropping, isn't it, Mike? Back to the good old rectal rebel shit and druken shows about titties and star theory buttfuck cults.
Never want to give up and what you know about goat lovers and call yourself sheep with a jewish shepard. The internet is filled with your crhistian versions of the ancient Nordic made by you christards. You try to get the movie The Pillars of Avalon and all you get is page after page of video games made by jews and Christians. Always trying to trivialize the Nordic people. You are the poison apple.
Watch these videos by the Great Dr William Pierce.
John Friend is a liar and a fraud.We do not ever want to be jews.Get it???
Simplified: I think there are about
100 000 very , very , very , evil Jews,whose dicks are being sucked by 50 000 corrupt and very , very , very evil 'gentiles' . This body of people makes up the so called pyramid of power. ( a permanent situation )
Wars are NEVER started by the common people , but by cliques .
If we could herd them into Grand Canyon and nuke them,it will change the world.
And the next generation of very very , very , evil people are leaving
Harvard, Yale , Oxford , Cambridge...
If rattle snakes are very evil , what
you do ? you kill the little ones !!!
THAT has to be the job for the " Lone wolves
These fucking ungrateful bastards at Renegade had barely 300 listeners a show before Mami's generously re-posting nearly every last one of their lame-ass shows boosted that to 500 and 600 listens a show.
Actually, it was pretty obvious what a bunch of talentless ingrates all these guys were and the white supremacist swamps they would end up sucking Ben Klassen dick in after what the way they backstabbed their own guru and leader, the Celtic Rebel
Hitler and Kennedy didn't want to suck jew dicks , we know what happened to them ...
1:49 AM
Pierce made some nice speeches to private audiences and that's about it.
Rockwell started it all with his guts and his brains, lost everything, including his family and got shot.
You retards worship people who hid out and never risked their own necks but didn't have any problem telling others to risk theirs.
As J.B.Campbell suggests : kill , for instance , the membership of CFR , Council of Foreign Relations , approx. 2000 members !!
Anonymous said...
Zapoper thanks for your honest message! Mami is one of the few places left with good old fashioned free speech and thats why eveybody loves that site. Or hate, depends how you look at it...
May 17, 2013 at 1:31 AM
Yep, thanks Mami's. This is a blessing in disguise. Simple really - shows that don't get posted here don't get trolled to death by losers. Renegade moves forward, Mami's trolls stay stuck in the excrement mire. This is a good thing. Anyone who thinks otherwise would also appear to "believe" Mami's actually means something in the larger scheme of things which... it doesn't.
Pierce was an old man. He was the best at making speeches and videos. The job is ours and if you are not willing to put your life on the line that is the problem.
Until we do take up our swords and pound our plowshares into swords and give up the pacifist love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, turn the cheek doctrine given to the Romans by Paul the jew there we will perish.
Have you ever done anything?
Any jew out there that wants to have a hand to hand conversation just message me on my facebook page.
They don't call this Mami's SHIT for nothing y'know! Smells worse than zacklies 'round here! (Pantera fans will know what I'm talking about)
useful • adj : capable of being put to use ; especially : serviceable for an end or purpose Examples: 1- Paying $40 a month to jews is much more useful than chatting about the world's problems with like minded individuals. 2- It would be useful to share time with a couple of unintelligent people just to help pay the $40. 3- Black belts are about as useful as black people if you are afraid to fight.
Did you know?
When jughs speak it sounds like they're haucking Lughy.
Don't you think?
Sleeping with the enemy should be a crime or at the very least a disqualification.
2:32 AM
Pierce was old man and you are just retarded spammer.
Mike, you're drunk?
Here's the unedited show.
May 17, 2013 at 1:18 AM
THERE is 300 000 of CIRCUMSISED FUKS that should be executed at grand canon!
Whatever you might think of christianity, AT THIS POINT, where we as whites are still vunerable and on a verge of dying out, pushing this kind of divisive propaganda is absolutely criminal and stupid thing to do.
If Hitler would started his movement on antichristian platrom, he would NEVER get to power in a country where over 90% of it's opulation where members of some christian congregation.
In Europe, unlike in backward America, christianity was dying in that point anyway naturally, many people didn't even go to church regularly, except in christmas or weddings, etc.
We have a lot better chance to recruit conservative white gun owning christian types, but never liberal atheistic degenerates of marxist universities, they DESPISE you whenever you start talking about jewish power or HItler
Good riddance!!! Renegay has retarded hermaphrodite goat worshipping listeners and no even cares to sign kikes sledges stupid petition! Lol.
Just one million more signatures renegay! lol
He calls us Jew trolls yet he is the one with a Jew wife and kid!
1:26 AM Kike Sholtes, Dana the syrian Semite is Horrible for many cases, but he like the rest of the rentagay crew, are fake white nationalist, That other Iranian mongrel he interviewed is an idiot who described German national socialist and ethno-nationalism as "Petty nationalism", WTF???
Fuck You Dana you Syrian Jew!
The only JEW that called in was ZAPPOOPER!
Only blind stupid morons dont see that ZAPPOOPER is a fucking JEW and his KIKE handler MAMI too!
They run this MAMIS DUMP operation out of TELAVIV!
here how they do it!
Mamis wife who is also ZAPPOOPERs sister explane it all!Take a look!
May 17, 2013 at 3:01 AM
the only kosher filth pickle eating lips around is Mike's kosher ex-wife.
How can people know so much yet get caught into another Jewish trap, pro AND anti multiculturalism is a JEW TRAP. Same as pro and anti gay.
All Abrahamic religions are a Jew Trap. So is Atheism as it consists of no moral codes or values so it sets up a weak opposition.
It's not like Mike would fall for a Jew trap though even though he has a Jew kid who came out of his Ex's Jew Trap.
Pretty sure they decided to keep it kosher and circumcised the kid too.
Hey Sledge I know you read each fuckin comment on your posts here too much of a pussy to reply? Hows the ex?
One upon a time at Lipshitz Deli, a deadly warriah known as Da Sludge Hammah wondered in from street eager for somethin koshah. Gefiltah fish, matzah balls, so much tah CHOOZE from. His mouth watahring and unable to CHOOZE he seen some fine thick cankles in the back. It was lipshitz daughtah. Dats what he wanted and got and kept gettin everday now thinkin dat oneday lipshitz deli would be his and keep hammrin evryday. Than on da nite of purim his sludge MIXED with her sludge perfect. 9 months later a little sludgeling pored out of her in a deluge of sludge. Sadlie he neva got da deli butt did find a warm hole to in floridah to spend som time in butt dat was lost to-aint dat lipshitty.
So great that i am not forced to listen Lugh's retarded constipated voice no more or Frau Siegfried's boring ass script readings.
Mike brought whole thing into himself. His "protectionism" cult failed, excatly because it was a cult - antichristianity bashing cult and now he blames every other organization to be infiltrated by the jews, just because he is a loser and couldn't unite white people.
Good riddance, propubecent garage band of alchoholics, misfits and satanic aspie emo boys.
Great, movement is cleaning itself out from trash.
Go cry now, goatlovers.
Hail Satan!
Man I am a huge fan of Mike's but on his behalf I want to apologize to Zapoper for him spitting in your face like he did. There is an extenuating circumstance however,he's giving up smokes which is hell.
Mike brother with all due respect this is Zapopers site and his prerogative to do as he wishes. You aren't doing him a favor in posting here he's doing you a favor.He works a real job yet takes time to edit the posts and some moderaton and does this for free.., most sites charge.
The more I listen to Dana the more I realize what an asset he is. How many times has he seen "dana analcockus" posted here but does he complain? NO it is like water off a duck's back to him as he praises Mami's and knows we are lucky to have a site like this. Trolls be damned. RBG
you dumb fucks are talking as if being posted at Mami's is the be all and end all for radio shows?! wow! you're really a lot more dense than i gave you credit for! and i gave you no credit to start with! what a bunch of inbred, white trash, fucked up trash junkies! Mami's really is the SHIT alright! LMFAO!!!
I am a gay!
Also Mike I would wager good money most of the trolls here aren't Joos or even christians. They are just a bunch of contrarian teenagers and you'll find them on every forum. On a Single Malt forum they'll be the Bourbon or Blended naysayers just trying to get a reaction not givng a shit ultimately one way or another. Just fighting their boredom. Why anyone takes their jibes and jabs so primadonnaishly so personally and serious is beyond me. Truth be told I think they are good for the site. They drive people here to read their inanities,some of them are flat out hilarious,you have to admit. I would wager that is why Lugh often posts here. Come on Lugh fess up.
Incidentally I like Dave but substituting a pie in the sky,ie the zodiac, for a skygod is still metaphysics. Materilism eplains consciousness sufficiently.Just read Abiogenesis and Dennet. Furthermore Zap not posting one of his posts after posting ten is no serious curtailment of free speech or abridgement thereof. Get real. Hang in there Zap and Mike. Zap you know when I quit smokes I was meaner than a Joo even. I could have eaten babies for breakfast so I hope you aren't too miffed my Mike bro. :D RBG
I got tired of trudging through 100 comments every week to see if there was an episode worth listening to.
Most of the comments were incomprehensible or 'one liners' about jews vs Christians or someone drinking too much, or complaints about someone talking over others and hogging the podcast and bad audio quality.
To find what the actual topics were, was nearly impossible. I assumed then no one listened to the podcast and just commented on the comments (for some reason. The closest I got to an description (I think) was when one comment said someone was drunk and the audio quality was shit. I guess a topic description like is all that one needs.
I have never seen these shows on the torrents. Besides this site, how were they normally distributed? Did the mods or sysop delete the podcasts because of bad audio or lack of description?
lube, dave, liardi, mike the kikefucker - you've had your game and lost.
I listened his show at the end when one jew from Europe called in and they had some real friendly convertation about how all whites are idiots and Jobbik is controlled by the jews, etc, and it's not worth fighting for you anyway.
So this is you great nationalistic leader, kisser of jew ass!
Garbage can nationalist hero got trashed! BAAAAWWWWWW!
@"On a Single Malt forum"
What the fuck is a 'single malt forum' ?
Jesus Christ !!! No wonder you people are retarded !! Out there discussing different qualities of Jew pisswater to poison yourselves with when God gave us THE WEED. In case all you dumbass whiskey-drinking retards didn't know, Jews owned almost all the Vodka distilleries in Russia even during Czarist times. Do you really think it's any different with whiskies and beers in Europe and America ? Jews always try to control the goyim's vices and through these vices the goyim themselves. They get the goyim to go on retarded 'Single Malt Forums' and discuss how to more efficiently give themselves liver disease, kill their brain cells and wake up in a pool of their own piss and vomit with a headache that feels like they were run over by a truck. THE WEED, however, isn't a gateway 'drug,' does not damage your liver, your lung capacity or your brain cells and therefore it's not a vice. It's god's medicine against stress and god's balancing compass for your temperament.
The truth always gets dumped.
Now this site is a useless CI trash heap.
Looks like Mike can't handle the heat on the internet. How would he handle the heat in real life? The answer is, he couldn't. If he ever had to leave renegade he would be just like Charles Giuliani and do a complete 180. He's just acting for us. Remember that sledge has a Jew kid, yet bashes jews all day long. REMEMBER!!!!! It's just an act, he's not serious.. But, he can be funny sometimes.
@ "you dumb fucks are talking as if being posted at Mami's is the be all and end all for radio shows?!"
It's not the be-all-&-end-all but being posted here is GUARANTEED to almost double your listeners, especially for small-fry just starting out struggling to get an audience like Rentagade.
Zapoper has personally doubled their audience for them in the past three or four months and this can be proven (as far as the Mami's end of listeners is concerned) by checking the number of listeners per podcast since Zap first started posting these guys in the pre-Celtic-Rebel-fight days:
So, basically, Lughawich, Nemo's bitch Titorenko and the rest of the clowns over there have no appreciation for the one guy who is MOST RESPONSIBLE, in terms of internet marketing, for doubling their audience base and who did it all for free. Now that they got their audience, they pick some petty-ass reason to dump on his head. Neither a man of noble breeding nor a gentleman of leisure nor even a pragmatist would venture to think that it was not retarded to insult, degrade and dump on the head of his top benefactor.
@ "nonconformist said...
Hitler and Kennedy didn't want to suck jew dicks , we know what happened to them ..."
the Byzantine empire did not suck any Jew dicks for over a thousand years. Not a single Jew dick was sucked by a non-Jew during that period, at least not on the elite level where it counts. Jews were not allowed to enter the higher professions, period, so only gentiles were sucking each other off on the elite level.
May 17, 2013 at 7:27 AM
Cut the hysterics, Mike, drink some kike malt water of just be a mindless pothead, whatever makes you calm down, man.
Mike wants the comment section shut down? That's worse than Prothink/Kikethink Delaney!
Let people speak freely. People hear are smart enough to discern the jew trolls.
I say post everyone's show in protest to their protests.
Here is some free speech, I agree with Mike and Zap. With Mike, screw Christianity. It's a jew religion used to control the goyim. With Zap I am agnostic and will remain so until my dying day.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. "
That means you are supposed to follow the ridiculous laws of the OT and you Christian's are not following the 613 jew laws.
Read them and weep you sinners:
Finally. Shit sucked. Lube has like 10 minutes of music as an intro. What a moron.
May 17, 2013 at 8:19 AM
I am not mike sledge nor a RENTaGEY,nor CI fan!!
I listened to the latest "Scorpio" show a few days ago. Was probably after a week or two or three after you posted it on your site.
Sledge should listen to him, learn from him and apologize to Zapoper.
I fear he will do neither, therefore I shall not miss Mr Sledge.
DONALD,,why dont you apologize to mr ZAPPOOPER and SUCK OUT HIS POOPER JUICE!!??
So he wants censorship of the comments section? How jewish is that? LOL
Zapoper (and Mami), maybe Sledge could be right and having the comments be registered-users only would be the proper thing to do.
But I am aware of why the blog page was created and that Mami can let anons post comments if he chooses to.
It's probably not as big an issue as Sledge (self-admittedly in a bad mood) is making himself out to be. Sounds like he's reached his peak and is sliding back down into self-destruction again.
One last thought, why not post shows from networks that don't endorse Mami's Shit, what are they going to do to you for giving their shows extra listeners?
Zapoper (and Mami), maybe Sledge could be right and having the comments be registered-users only would be the proper thing to do.
But I am aware of why the blog page was created and that Mami can let anons post comments if he chooses to.
It's probably not as big an issue as Sledge (self-admittedly in a bad mood) is making himself out to be. Sounds like he's reached his peak and is sliding back down into self-destruction again.
One last thought, why not post shows from networks that don't endorse Mami's Shit, what are they going to do to you for giving their shows extra listeners?
I feel the same way as Zap regarding Dave's last show.It was redundant.Dave's reading is irritating and all he is doing is bringing a Manly Palmer Hall type of second rate Metaphysics to a National Socialist movement which should begin with a materialist premise.Maybe he wants to be the new Manly Palmer Hall,well that is not happening.
Sledge has brought the best information to the table out of Renegade.I am sure it takes time to put those shows together and I can understand Mike's frustration when he looks at this message board.A lot of low blows here.Mike blew under pressure.He should let Dave fight his own battles and apologize to Zap.Every show is not worthy of a post.I appreciate the ones with the commercials edited.Especially when they were on Oracle.Oy vey,the commercials !
Maybe we should be forced to log in.Many people blowing out their frustrations anonymously with no regard for the effort it takes toput a show together.
This place really is a sad fucking joke. A bunch of crusty old men with nothing better to do than sit around jacking off about the noo werld odour and other BS they think they learned - all from the internets. Good luck with that fuckers. As if Renegade or any other broadcaster actually "needs" a pathetic little "blog" like Mami's! Please... that's just sad - there's no other word for it guys. I'd say grow up but it's too late for that with you losers. Just dry up and blow away will ya...
Then why are you posting ? Apply that formula to yourself if that be the case.
I have a small business and talk to at least 20 people a day.They are totally gone.Sometimes I feel like a freak of nature after too much contact with these mind controlled fuckers,so I thank sites like Mami's and Renegade just for the sake of knowing that there are other like minded people on this earth.I can no longer watch t.v. or movies even from an analytical perspective.Too depressing to think that people crave that degrading bullshit.Not only do we get informed but we are also getting some entertainment from these broadcasts.I say to Zap and Mike,"bury the hatchet, forget about it and move on."We are in an alien world,unfortunately we are the aliens.Let's stop this fighting each other for now at least until we gain some numbers.
I too would prefer to listen to Sledge rather than the lost and ignorant that I meet everyday.
"I say to Zap and Mike,"bury the hatchet, forget about it and move on."We are in an alien world,unfortunately we are the aliens.Let's stop this fighting each other for now at least until we gain some numbers".
Anonymous said...
Then why are you posting ? Apply that formula to yourself if that be the case.
May 17, 2013 at 11:26 AM
I used to use that comeback too once... when I was in grade school.
A common Mami's affliction among regulars -
Mami's shit -
The Renegade host has the evidence on his side. The drunk on Mami's Shit really had no case. An agnostic is willing to post Jew comments but not anti-Christian comments and still advocates free speech? No. It makes no sense.
I hate when agnostics defend Christianity. It's like a high-school drop out defending public education. Stupid.
the comments suck, lots of anger and accusations and misspellings by racist morans and CI jew wannabees
daves shows don't suck and are worth the bandwidth stupid to not post it due to him focusing on a topic for so long when you guys posted charlies shows when he was bashing religion also... guess i got to go to renegade to download dave and mikes shows for now on
Dave from Texas website:
He calls the spiritual Satanist movement SATANAMA says "Hail father Satan".
There is no entity Satan. The invented word "satan" is a slur of the original reference of Hinduism, Sanatan Dharma. Satan is not an entity or a god it is a general reference to Hinduism and its many gods.
It is impossible to worship Satan because no such thing exists.
When Judaism was monotheized by Amenhotep the monotheists cast disdain on competing religions just as they still do now. Christians love to demonize rival religions or gods, so they say "the devil Satan" associating the word Satan with the devil, the devil being an evil being.
Sanatan Dharma is not evil, it is a religious memeplex of spiritual and life affirming knowledge. Judaism is not life affirming, it is a memeplex for making war and waging total war. Evil people associate with this path.
Additionally it is impossible to worship the god Jesus because he too doesn't exist.
Jesus and Satan ARE BOTH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS invented by the writers in the Jew book. Remember that they are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Say that outloud 3 times to uncast the spell on your mind that the Jews put on you.
People are oh so brainwashed all arguing about which version of Christianity is correct when none of them are true or spiritually correct.
Why are all Christian brands spiritually incorrect? Because all are based on the false premises of an angry sky god out to get you and are fear based mythologies based on superstitions and incorrect perceptions of Nature.
The Sun is a star, we are on a planet orbiting that star. The ancients thought the Sun was God and flew across the sky, when it went down in the evening (sunset) they thought the Sun was killed by his evil brother Set. Some cults did animal or human sacrifice to the Sun to make sure it would come back or rise again.
Jesus is a Jewish archetype applied to the Sun gods that everyone already worshipped. Jesus isn't real, he is an invented character and that is why all the attribute of Jesus already existed when he was created.
The Romans were very, very good managers of their empire The Romans wrote the myth after the Jewish uprising and crushing from 66-70 AD. The Jews were big trouble makers so after the costly war started by Jewish Zealots and multiyear siege of Jerusalem. After it was sacked and destroyed the Romans got busy writing a new myth to pacify the masses.
It was a strong virulent myth that persists to this day. But it is time to overcome that myth and all myths and move on to higher consciousness.
12:40 PM Dave Crowley from Texas is a old piece of Shit who promote Peter Jewvendas Books, and promotes the hollywood "satanic" version of Hitler. His Shows fucking suck (like lugabitch, half their shows are music) and barely has any listeners.
8:36 AM
How about start to make some white babies? Chrisatianity's strong point was always promoting family values, it is a jew based religion but do we have a time to estabish our own?
I'd like to know what are ten commandments of so called aryan paganism?
Funny that almost all so called hardcore pagans don't have any children, nor are they married.
Modern Satanism is a ridiculous farce. First of all Satan isn't real, it is a slur of Sanatan Dharma. Secondly anyone that associates with Satan is playing into the word meme the Jews invented.
Christianity is reworked Jew evil pretending to be of the light so people who are disgusted with it worship its antithesis. The Satanist reacting to Christian insanity by associating with dark themes and glorifying the demons of that cult.
David in Texas shows a demon crawling over the dead Jew on the cross. Such imagery is dark.
1:21 PM
You got to admit that bro Siegfried have some pretty good riffs:
Okay I shouldn't have used the single malt forum analogy above because it looks like some pothead took it out of context. I drink about 4 bottles of Bourbon a year. I don't think that is bad but if you have to drink more than a few ounce at a time then you are a wuss with issues and Spirits ought to be Vorboten for you for your own effing good! Furthermore anyone saying pot is ok is an effing pothead loser like Nemo Toad and has very few grey cells left to advise anyone of anything. Avoid intoxicants for the most part.I feel guilty as hell drinking Coffee like I do. It is a stimulant,hence a drug also! This is what I admire about Joos they don't take intoxicants(for the most part). Spielberg has never tasted Coffee. Gene Simmons has never tasted beer or taken a single toke! You don't need it people! Learn from the hebes. They dominate for a reason! Intoxicants are decadent!! RBG
If you want to be of the light then you must move into advanced thinking and higher vibrations.
Start by rejecting the Jew god and its main talking points.
The Jew god doesn't exist.
The Jew god is evil and judges, the opposite of love which doesn't judge.
The Jew judging god is only a meme being used to get you to accept the Jew judging court and legal system.
There is no such thing as hell or devils or eternal punishment and because none of those negative ideas exist then there is no need to be saved by the Jesus fiction.
Just think about that for awhile and then realize total freedom from the Jew, once you transcend the Jew spell then you become a real human and totally free spirit.
Once you realize freedom from Jewinsanity then you can clearly see what America is, coast to coast Christian churches that make war and support the Jew way of thinking.
America is possessed by the Bible, its people are nothing but evil demons doing the bidding of the Jew.
1:22 PM Exactly all these fucking idiots are losers, people who have no girlfriends I bet, or even have White Kids. So like the dupes at Rentagay, They just complain about jews and Christianity all-day to make up for their pathetic lives, its not our fault sledge can't keep his hands of jew whores.
The Ten Commandments.
They don't exist except in a book and in your mind, they are memes used to control you.
To overcome the 10 lies of the Jew figure out that no loving god would command you and tell you what to do, the idea of freedom is not being coerced by all powerful god.
Only the evil Jew thinks like this, the evil Jew (and those that subscribe to the evil Jew way of thinking) want to totally dominate humanity and everything else.
The evil Jew god (fiction) puts Adam and Eve in a garden with a fruit tree and then says don't eat the fruit. Only evil peoples obsessed with control would write myth like that.
That is like putting candy in front of a children and punishing then when they inevitably eat it. lol
You know analysing Mike's incredible rudeness to Zap reminds me of something Mark Twain said: the only difference between a man and a dog is the dog shows gratitude. Mike most people wouldn't have a clue as to who the hell you are if it weren't for Zapoper. You should be kissing his ass out of gratitude instead of pissing in his plate because he didn't post only one of the multitude of Renegade broadcasts he posts per year.
I wonder about the Celtic Rebel debacle last year. I wonder after this childish outburst if maybe Mike doesn't walk on water afterall. I thought he did! Making fun of Zaps accent is pretty pathetic also. Maybe CR isn't such a douche has he was protrayed. Oh yeah Mike you owe Zap a big thank you for posting every one of those rants! I am sure you will forthwith! RBG
1:34 PM
Looks like you and people like you are posessed by Bible as well, lol.
You bash jew god and then want to worship jew satan! haha
May 17, 2013 at 1:43 PM
Are you implying that "thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal", etc old fashioned ideas that should be abolished?
Oh thats right, how else you could sacrifice virgins to Holy Goat.
Wow...the level of cuntish in-fighting with these radio shows and websites is shameful. Why don't you twats put your rancid egos aside and focus on what you have in common? What a joke.
@ 1:34 Damn good post bro!
The Bible is evil. Don't want your society to come under the sway of the evil Jooz and their high IQ's and phenomenal solidarity?
Then don't bow down to the golden Joo. Simple as that!!
Some of us have the balls and brains to accept evolutionary Science. When you die you are dead meat. Be a man and face your fate!
NO gods,no Pie in the sky Zodiacs, no golden Jooz, no fairies sprinked with pixie dust,no Chi,Darmachaya or Prana energy will save you.Confront thy mortality! RBG
In one portion of the phone call, Zitpopper says that he is an agnostic, but then in the very next sentence he says that he believes that there is a god.
Hey, Zitpopper, if you believe in a deity, then you are NOT an agnostic, by definition. You are a theist. Do you even know the definition of the word "agnostic"? I don't think you do.
You bash jew god and then want to worship jew satan! haha
For once the Christard spammer has a point.
The Jewish mythological figure "Satan" is part of the Jewdeo-Christian memeplex and must be abandoned if you want to free yourself from the Jewish system of mind control.
Chrisatianity's strong point was always promoting family values
The New Testament certainly does not promote "family values". Have you ever read it?
Men who calls themselves agnostics but still believe in a god with air quotes are cowards and hypocrites. They want their cake and eat it too. They want the street cred of the atheist but they don't have the bravery and the intellectual integrity. They side with Christians and Christianity but don't want to be seen as childish and a believer in fiction and fairy tales.
If you believe in a god of any kind, you can't call yourself an agnostic and still have any integrity or intellectual clout.
But then if you're also drinking to the point of incoherence while giving publicly airing your contradictions, you deserve to have a huge dump on your face -- by everyone who had to listen to this -- crap.
It's even STOOPIDER to ban Renegade who was merely confronting all this bullshit!
2:14 PM
You certainly haven't, but you did go to a website that told you what to think, didn't you? You must share the wisdom of the internets with the world!
Jesus came to turn brother against brother etc.,etc.
We will find out that all of these myths are about the same and the masses will interpret all of them incorrectly.
So stop beating your head against the wall Dave.Your satanic tripe is the same crap.Fuck the kundalini and the chakra talk.We got real work to do here.
Then we can all go crazy like Zap and Sledge.
"Sanatan Dharma is not evil, it is a religious memeplex of spiritual and life affirming knowledge."
This is some hippy shit right there, lets vibrate together with lots of weeeeeeed, LSD and fuck some unshaved pussies in the woods - Hail Satan!
Great Goat loves you all and wants you to be part of his Magical Mystery Tour with Lucy and vibrating Diamonds.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REDRUM!!!!!!!!!! REDRUM!!!!!!!!!!!
lets shoot for 200 comments.Let Renegade go out with a big bang unless Zapoper reconsiders.
Then the next episode [roundtable],Zap can call in and stir up some more shit,mami's shit that is,[it should be easy with the renegade crew]and the reality internet radio can shoot for big time downloads just like Fetcho.
What ? the jew god doesn't exist ?
Don't you read the jew book ?
God came down to earth all the way from solar system 666 , to tell a bunch of goat herders and carawan robbers : you lousy creeps are from now on my Chosen Ones .
excellent summary:
Mike Sledge reveals the Renegade politruk protocols
Kyle17 May 2013 03:41
You're a cocksucker, Foon.
Want to post this?
You love free speech.
I bet Red Ice Creations would love to post their new agey shows, if they cut down jew stuff a little. Kyle even had a slot once there.
Bilderburgers, Siddharta and alien artifacts!
I say that at the core of each one of us lies a shit starter.Why is that ?
122 Comments about a podcast that has bad audio? Oy Vey! Foxman and SPLC are pleased that so much attention was paid to an obscure podcast with bad audio. Oy, it keeps the Goyim from doing real activism like organizing and protesting! So who is heading over to the synagogue tonight? Or will everyone be there tomorrow? Mazel Tov
3:51 PM
These retards are stuck with the internet. Satan worshiping, white supremacists just aren't acceptable. I imagine the jews will keep them going in case they need a freak show.
When David talks about Satanism he's referring to it as a catchall of all Aryan religions. At least that's what I get out of it.
He equates Satan with Odin and works in the Aryan mysticism of the Vedas as well as other Aryan traditions.
Calling it Satanism is just for flair and to shock people into paying attention.
You can't see the forest for the trees on this one and you're clearly not paying attention to the shows.
Also people seem to be that Zap called into Mike's show and started bitching about Renegade's stance on religion, whining and trying to get us to change what we're talking about. We were already annoyed about the pathetic trolls with their little gay jokes and ineptitude of formulating a rational rejoinder and spamming or shows with empty rhetoric, as well as posting personal information about the hosts and their families.
Censoring the broadcasts was bad enough, but to call in and try to convince us to self censor ourselves and being a haughty taut about it was the last straw.
Those who criticized Christianity a few hundred years ago were killed, and those who did a few decades ago were still persecuted.
Now we stand at a precipice where Christianity and it's worship of a Jewish desert God stands a great chance of destroying the world to erect a Zionist Kingdom.
Christians are completely ineffectual at racial preservation and resistance against the Jews. Those in the past did it despite Christianity not because of it. In most cases the Church was against Jewish persecution, as it says many time in the Bible that Jews come first in but OT and NT. Meanwhile Pagan Rome burnt Jerusalem to the fucking ground.
If there were any time to bash Christianity is is NOW.
This jew-induced infighting is unbelievable.
If we all followed Ben Klassen none of this would ever happen. Instead of worshipping a rabbi or any other entity, if we adopted a simple philosophy based around "Is this good for the White race?", then all our problems would be solved.
No fairies, no kundalini meditations, just simply propagating your race to its fullest potential using science and reason as your guide.
This would lead to the end of the jews and all of their spiritual control mechanisms.
Try and tell me I'm wrong.
Men who calls themselves agnostics but still believe in a god with air quotes are cowards and hypocrites. They want their cake and eat it too. They want the street cred of the atheist but they don't have the bravery and the intellectual integrity. They side with Christians and Christianity but don't want to be seen as childish and a believer in fiction and fairy tales.
If you believe in a god of any kind, you can't call yourself an agnostic and still have any integrity or intellectual clout.
But then if you're also drinking to the point of incoherence while giving publicly airing your contradictions, you deserve to have a huge dump on your face -- by everyone who had to listen to this -- crap.
It's even STOOPIDER to ban Renegade who was merely confronting all this bullshit!
BINGO! This sums up Zitpopper perfectly. Excellent post.
Lugh, I can appreciate what you're saying, but that New Age spiritualism crap has to go. There's no room for garbage like that in any socio-political movement based on scientific rationalism and evolutionary biology.
The trolling on this site has gotten so bad it has stifled the chance of any serious conversation ever happening. "If I censor, then the Jews get their way" is the lamest and flimsiest argument I can imagine. I wonder why Mike would be running out of patience considering this trashy site is riddled with comments and insults about his fucking family. Who the hell would allow that kind of garbage about their friends on their website?
Zapoper admitted that he sees people spamming in the comment section. Why would he allow that if he wasn't getting paid to. I bet it was real easy to bribe that moron. He's even slower than Lugh!
Ben Klassen, the guy who wrote the white man's talmud? No thanks, we've already got one set of jews.
You scumbags are pathetic. Satanists pose as Christians and undermine it from the inside. You retards are just the end result and you're too stupid to know it.
Masons beat you to it by 500 years or so.
5:43 PM What's wrong with a white man's talmud? It seems to be essential to keeping a race of people in line and on track. Its just a law book. The white man needs a new law.
May 17, 2013 at 5:03 PM
Most of those spiritual practices can be rooted in science, the work just hasn't been done to do so because most scientists write off spirituality because of shitty ones like Christianity.
For example:
With astrology, we know that the universe runs largely on electro magnetic principals... and that the womb is EM shielded.. since we are just wee specs on a vast ocean.. the massive and sacred power, energies and frequencies of the celestial bodies imprint on us permanently when we are born, much like Dr Emoto's research on water and emotion.
The intuition and philosophy of free men of the Earth were able to decipher these phenomena but did not have the scientific syntax we do today.
I am certain that the majority of Aryan mysticism could be explained scientifically.. if not today then some time in the moderate future.
May 17, 2013 at 5:50 PM
It is not a "white man's Talmud."
I have not read it in full yet but it is mostly a brutal critique of semetic religions as well as a call for Aryan man to reclaim his natural destiny.
"Mami's actually means something in the larger scheme of things "
actually Mami's does mean something in the larger scheme of things
Lugh I remember coast to coast discussing water memory and such. I looked into and surmised it was bunkum like most other metaphysical mumbo jumbo. The ancients were into astrology because they had no radio,tv or internet and without light pollution the night skies were alive and twinkling. I don't see how celestial bodies with their weak gravitational pull has any effect on us when the magnetic force in a nearby computer monitor's speaker magnet is greater. Can we admit the ancients could have been wrong and sidetracked with thier primitive magic and astrology? It could have evolved due to pressures of the newly arisen civilized cultures which were more group oriented than the mesolithic.Groups love magical,religious mumbo jumbo.Good for solidarity..just ask Stanley.
I say consiousness is merely an epiphenomenon of material processes. No deus ex machina no influence of electromagnetism or the harmonies of the celestial spheres. Not very romantic is it.
Oh on another note screw everybody dissing Zap. He works,is a busy man and should not have to spend time moderating a bunch of teenage trolls that only Mike and Kyle seem to take seriously. Nobody gives a rats ass if Mike was once married to a Jewish woman for chrissakes. Mike was the whiner and was out of line. Zap doesn't even moderate posts that insult him why the fuck should anyone else care then. Dana doesn't. Looks like everyone else at Truth Militia and Renagade are Primas. RBG
Anonymous said...
I don't see...
May 17, 2013 at 6:29 PM
Unfortunately that statement really sums up the last comment perfectly and those of most trolls & ignoramuses.
@ 6:56
Yep perfectly ;)
Anonymous said...
actually Mami's does mean something in the larger scheme of things
May 17, 2013 at 6:14 PM
Can you count to potato? Take another swig & pass out you delusional fucking idiot...
May 17, 2013 at 6:29 PM
The following video is from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany, which backs up memory theory.
The "debunking" you saw was probably from some Jew in Popular Mechanics or something.
To think we have a great understanding of cosmology is ridiculous as we only have been studying it seriously for a few hundred years and every decade gives us a new revelation that changes our entire view of the subject.
The Jews, via Einstein, even made it their goal to discredit gentile science making it appear that gravity rules everything when there is clearly much more at play.
The theory of Relativity came from the works of a handful of Electrical Engineers, and he and his cohorts removed the electric aspect and put his name on it. This set back true physics 50+ years.
The reason why the paper clip boys and their old coworkers that the Soviets took were able to get us into space was because in Germany they rejected Jewish physics. Knowing how much change a simple electron can have on an atom can give you a sense of scale here fractaly. Or look at quantum mechanics where so much difference is made by tiny particles we have no sense in truly understanding.
The ancients did not have distractions but sensed how things might actually work through focus and understanding, without distractions of Jewish media, Jewish criminality and Jewish mind viruses.
If anything our intellectual capacity and ability of rates of intellectual conception have, if anything, diminished since then.
Most new forms of scientific thought have come from those who dared to dream, through natural philosophy.. like the gnostics and druids of yore did when they created these "magical" and esoteric systems.
We will never truly know what wonders could exist today if that line of thought had not been broken and if we were able to continue our natural course of existence.
And fuck Zap, he works very little and if you're running a blog you should have time to moderate it or don't bother. It takes about 5 seconds and I know he's reading them all too. Plus he called us and started shit, after fucking with us and started crying about our content and we're fuckin' Prima?
Give me a break. We don't care about putting out cookie cutter conspiratard 101 bullshit, it's a waste of time.
No deus ex machina no influence of electromagnetism or the harmonies of the celestial spheres.
I did not infer this, I'm just stating that your personal biases are influences by celestial phenomena.
To think that no cosmic happenings could effect your monkey ass day to day life is as petty as a flea on a dog thinking the universe revolves around the dog.
Maybe they got rid of you because you are divisive freak show, with absolutely 0 constructive input.
Your version of ancient paganism is a fantasyland you saw in a jew movie.
For your entertainment this video is a great visual depiction of what the Blacksun is all about.
national socialist religion of blood and the black sun - 2012 evolution - -
May 17, 2013 at 7:35 PM
We quit you senseless fuck.
7:51 PM
Why are you so angry? Why are you still here? Why are you still filling comments with senseless garbage?
When I quit something, I quit. I don't look back and I look for better opportunities, many people are like this.
Not you homos, you just keep on hanging on, like a little girl who just got jilted.
quote: "Are you implying that "thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal", etc old fashioned ideas that should be abolished?"
those are not laws of god but of man about time you figured that out,
the Jews wrote in the Bible "thou shall not steal" and what do Jews do better than anything else? Steal.
Jews tell Christian America to go to war in Iraq, they do, they kill and steal on a very big scale
Christians think they are moral and holy and Biblical
they are not, Christians are duped, they are Jew whores doing the killing and stealing for Jews
Jews are pussies and cowards, they must get the goyim to do their wars
The biblical God is a sadomasochist human. He has the same attributes as that of a narcissistic and selfish human being who require endless flattery from his followers, hangers-on or his entourage, so to speak. According to Deuteronomy 6:15, the biblical God is a jealous God. Why does the biblical God need to be jealous of other gods if he is indeed the one true God? Why does the biblical God need to be jealous of anything or any entity since he created everything?
What a shame to lose the beacons of truth Rentagay. It comes with great sadness that we will no logner be exposed to such wonderful wisdom from people such as Lube, Kike Sludge, Nigfried, and Kyle Cunt.
I'm up to -28:28 of this broadcast.
it's so funny, that as they implement the renegade protocols, they have 1 of their members posting a lot here.
most of the stuff that lugh is posting a/t astrology is in essence correct & shows the strength of playing a winning hand.
the stuff that Siegfried said on this posted show bothers me.
From my memory, truthmilitia requested that their shows not be posted here during the Great CI Debacle. At some point after that, Siegfried requested that his shows be individually posted here. Now, on this posted show, Siegfried claims that he never consciously EVAR wanted his shows at a site w/ a scatological name like Mami's SHIT.
From the way Siegfried speaks he sounds Polish. There are a number of German citizens that have a heavy Polish ancestry.
I have complimented Siegfried for manifesting many positive German traits, many more than I have seen from these so called Hitlerphiles.
But to now try to perpetrate an untruth like this, it makes me wonder...
to be fair, it seems renegade protocols call for a great opposite understanding of things.
for instance, if the comments were all positive, ether or not they were accurate, or ether or not they were from "jews," I doubt renegade would care much.
by the way, doesn't renegade understand that they are trying to assert control over another's web site. Boleslav's major complaint is that he can't edit the comments at Mami's.
@ -28:28, 4 out of 7 callers were jewish. what's up w/ that/lol.
-close, utraryp
May 17, 2013 at 7:59 PM
So I can smack around folks who run their mouth. I used to post here so I figured I might as well Strangelove the Nuke while it's 5 minutes to midnight.
May 17, 2013 at 8:58 PM
Sieg sounds Polish because of his close proximity to NYC
ya, I had a hard time understanding what most of these Jewish callers were saying, but Mike did.
Pro Tip: Mike, if a caller speaks in a way that is not understandable to most of the listeners, would you please briefly repeat it. espIF you are not going to cut the Jewish callers off, LOL.
Did Mike Sledge circumcize his Jew kid?
@Anonymous said...
"Mami, why do you post comments that "suck"? Shouldn't you have some discretion?"
Comments don't cost didley-squat bandwidth the way shows do.
Besides hardly 20 people read the comments (most comments sections are not even busy and those that are and have over a 100 comments usually have no more than 20 to 25 people each posting more than 4 or 5 comments, sometimes even 3 or 4 people posting all the comments)
When Mami or Zapoper post a show on the first page of the site, THE POSTED SHOW gets an automatic extra 200 to 300 listens off Mami's front page traffic. They earned this front-page traffic by having good judgment and consistently posting the cream-of-the-crop of the anti-Zionist / anti-Jew-conspiracy shows. Therefore this has to be propaganda that is righteous or at least worthy of consideration as far as Mami & Zap are able to judge or else why not post goddman Alex Jones shows and Rush Limbaugh too in the name of 'free speech' ? Because they don't have the bandwidth for that bullshit and those assholes have enough sites promoting their crap.
Zapoper has only ever not posted ONE Renegade show because he was sick of the non-stop and divisive Christian bashing. As co-owner of the site, it's his discretion to do so and since he already posted 4other previous shows very much like it, how much damage did this do to David in Texas's traffic ? 200 to 300 listens less THAT WEEK when the previous 4 weeks he got 200 to 300 EXTRA LISTENS he would not have had otherwise but for Zap's interest in their fledgling network.
For Titorenko to equate not posting a single show (in the face the nearly complete roll-call of Renegade shows that were already posted before) to not wasting time deleting retarded comments in a section few peple read is silly. There is no such thing as complete Free Speech because that would imply complete lack of morals and judgment on the part of even the most free-spirited people or the people running the site. For most free-spirits tolerance stops at violence or threats of violence, it does not stop at criticism, disrespect or insulting and obnoxious behavior, especially online when this is not in your face as in real life where a physical fight might ensue. This site's comments section does not necessarily reflect the views of the site administrators but their level of toleration for and fascination with mentally unstable and psychologically damaged people. Perhaps they have a few of these characteristics themselves and feel more compassion for this type of frustrated person than others or maybe even they just like to let the enemy trolls make themselves obvious and reveal their silly tricks. Either way, it's their site and their decision and if certain people feel that's not enough free-speech then they are free to go somewhere where they think they can find more free-speech allowed than here and good luck finding such a site or any such site that's also Jew-wise and conspiracy-wise both.
Personally, I think that deferring to a show host's whims and wishes to 'not post my show anymore' is a courtesy that Zapoper and Mami should no longer extend. Or worse yet ignore a whole network because of a feud or disagreements with one or two people on the network. As long as you're not making money off their intellectual property, and not only that, but ADDING to their potential audience and money-making or donations income (I don't know if Rentagate accepts donations but we all know in the case of unsavory characters like Prostink, he even USES Zion Crime Factory's whole year's worth of intellectual property for HIS OWN donations promotion), they have no valid cause for complaint or even legal recourse against you.
So fuck them all, post whatever you want, whenever you want, including any Troof Moolyshat shows that you personally listen to and judge to be good enough to be given the medal of honor of being posted at Mami's.
awakening to the truth & the great illusion of reality MAYA / sanatana dharma
Mike, How Soon Is NOW
Thank God this crap is gone, what a bunch of gibberish these morons produce.
May 17, 2013 at 10:01 PM
What a load of bullshit.
It's not free speech if it's against Rabbi Jesus but if a bunch of divisive trolls attack it's free speech.
You numbers are also bullshit.
Our numbers have been consistent since before our shows were posted on here, and based on the denizens on our chats most of our regulars have been the same we've always dealt with while we never see the Mami's outhouse crew in there.
If anything the legions of trolls have been detrimental to our shows, especially when we are trying to promote a stance against the truthtard mainstream alternative bullshit.
Most of the people that listen to our shows have always been mostly people who are not affiliated with this website, and most of the regular pushin 50 christard regulars to this page usually pass us over in lieu of some dingus talking about how the Reich was Christian or some garbage about crisis actors.
"Some of us have the balls and brains to accept evolutionary Science. When you die you are dead meat. Be a man and face your fate! "
Once again, amazing how the gaytheists, pagans, klassens and whatever all end up helping each other. Typical gaytheist above is too lazy to explore any higher realms of reality, that even Tesla understood.... instead, he'd rather wait for Jew Einstein to tell him how it is or the fat gaytheist on Youtube.
Now I wonder what seems to unite these gaytheists, creaturds, pagans, jews, satanists, Warcrafts, Thortards.
11:49 PM
You are desperate, aren't you? If mami's is so insignificant to you, why do you keep posting here like your life depended on it?
Lube and company are the definition of "hollywood nazi".
u mad?
You lost, go and peddle your nonsense somewhere else. Be a man for once in your life.
May 18, 2013 at 12:16 AM
How does my life depend on juggling trolls on some podcast aggregate blog?
Why the fuck would we want to appeal to a bunch of people locked in a Jewish mind virus?
Go to the argument of the Pharaees and Jesus and prove to me that that argument wasn't Jesus trying to argue that free will should not be abolished. It's the argument you Christards love to wave around and legitimize your insanity. It's bullshit.
Do you idiots think we give a fuck after we quit this ship of fools? We had enough gay jokes when we tossed Celt, and all you fucking Christians can do is make gay jokes because you cannot argue with our content.
I hope you trolls are happy because this site is now effectively a Christian Identity hub.
If you people had any sense you'd realize that the Jews used CI to take out the Militia movement, and we ain't got no time to play jew games and follow the failed path of the fools who fell for such nonsense.
We are immune to it.
Rabbinic Judaism postdates Christianity by at least two centuries. Terms like "Rabbi Jesus" are ahistorical and retarded.
You're a replica of CI for atheists. Worship white people, don't really define white people, but worship them. If you support us, you are white.
You're a pack of fucking jews.
You can say whatever like but Mike Sledge made an impulsive decision based on his own self proclaimed bad mood. Make a mistake and stand by it you don't hinder your enemy your hinder yourself.
Now back to usual trite...
Mike asked me not to post his shows anymore and I will not. End of story.
As for the rest of the renegade shows, I wont be posting them anymore either.
If you want to play the numbers game though, look at our Alexa numbers and renagade ones and tell me that we were not helping.
Anonymous said...
There is no such thing as complete Free Speech...
May 17, 2013 at 10:01 PM
Clouding the issue (as is usual at Mami's).
Actually there is either free speech or there isn't. Pretending to be a site that allows free speech and then deleting "some" comments repeatedly (yes, I posted the wikipedia one that got deleted at least 3 times!) is proof that you're full of shit. It's really that simple. No beating (off) around the bush or any excuses. You either have free speech or you don't have free speech - there is no middle ground. The so-called "middle ground" is a non-existant area constantly trying to be created out of thin air by liars, cheats, liberals & JEWS!
ugh... get off ugh... the weed ugh... and ugh... the booze ugggghhhh... zapooper you ugggghhh... fuckin uggghh... retarded ugggggggghhhhhh... deadhead uggggggddddhhhhhhhhhhh....
accusing us of deleting comments is absurd. One only needs to read this thread to see that there is no censorship,
Deleting wiki links? ROFLMFAO
Well it happened whether you ROFLMFAO or not. It got deleted 3 times and I reposted the same comment 3 times just to be an annoying little advocate of "free speech". Maybe you had ten tokes too many that night zapooper and just plain forgot, unless it was your boyfriend of course.
Check it out all of you chritarded jew worshipers, most every version of the jew book calls your baby jewsus a rabbi, including Rodney Martin's favorite the Douay-Rheims buybull. lol @ you deluded jew worshiping fools.
And Zitpopper, talk to that old dry cow hoochie mama lippyMcRetch about that dick wart, she hasn't seen a cock in 10 years so she would love to chew that wart off your pecker, she'll probably even swallow it for you so you don't have to worry about disposal. Good riddance, monkey's shit.
Mathew 26:25
New International Version (©2011)
Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, "Surely you don't mean me, Rabbi?" Jesus answered, "You have said so."
New Living Translation (©2007)
Judas, the one who would betray him, also asked, "Rabbi, am I the one?" And Jesus told him, "You have said it."
English Standard Version (©2001)
Judas, who would betray him, answered, “Is it I, Rabbi?” He said to him, “You have said so.”
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
And Judas, who was betraying Him, said, "Surely it is not I, Rabbi?" Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself."
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
Then Judas, His betrayer, replied, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" "You have said it," He told him.
International Standard Version (©2012)
Then Judas, who was going to betray him, asked, "Rabbi, I'm not the one, am I?" Jesus told him, "You have said so."
NET Bible (©2006)
Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" Jesus replied, "You have said it yourself."
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Yehuda the traitor answered and he said, “It is I, Rabbi?” Yeshua said to him, “You have said.”
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Then Judas, who betrayed him, asked, "You don't mean me, do you, Rabbi?" "Yes, I do," Jesus replied.
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
Then Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said, Teacher, is it I? He said unto him, You have said.
American King James Version
Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said to him, You have said.
American Standard Version
And Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said, Is it I, Rabbi? He saith unto him, Thou hast said.
Douay-Rheims Bible
And Judas that betrayed him, answering, said: Is it I, Rabbi? He saith to him: Thou hast said it.
Darby Bible Translation
And Judas, who delivered him up, answering said, Is it I, Rabbi? He says to him, Thou hast said.
English Revised Version
And Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Is it I, Rabbi? He saith unto him, Thou hast said.
Webster's Bible Translation
Then Judas, who betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said to him, Thou hast said.
Weymouth New Testament
Then Judas, the disciple who was betraying Him, asked, "Can it be I, Rabbi?" "It is you," He replied.
World English Bible
Judas, who betrayed him, answered, "It isn't me, is it, Rabbi?" He said to him, "You said it."
Young's Literal Translation
And Judas -- he who delivered him up -- answering said, 'Is it I, Rabbi?' He saith to him, 'Thou hast said.'
I am a gay pedo! I love free speech!
I have a message;
To all those solitary seagulls above the clouds;
To all Individualists wherever they may be.
To those solitary souls in today's torture chambers.
To the great despisers and despised:
Never compromise your intellectual integrity.
Uphold your rational, independent mind.
Uphold your truth openly, without fear.
This is the most noble, selfish act.
Be yourself!
Discard the altruistic morality;
It is a code of death.
Disown the life of a sacrificial animal.
Disrobe yourself of your sense of guilt.
You were not born with original sin.
Discover a new sense of life.
Refuse to apologise for your ability.
Refuse to apologise for your virtues.
Refuse to apologise for your success.
Refuse to maim yourself.
Bear out these intellectual dark ages that enshroud you.
Suffer in silence the purgatory you are in.
Resist the onslaught of the many-too-many.
Do not succumb.
Learn that happiness is not evil.
Seek your greatest joy, your greatest good.
Realise that heaven is here and now.
It is living time.
An idea unexpressed in action is a fraud.
Action without idea is self-destruction.
Be a thought-deed man.
Overcome yourself.
It can be done!
Act alone or with those you trust.
Be a voice of hope for those yearning for one.
Act as a focal point to those without a bearing.
Be thyself.
Retain your European identity.
Proclaim the sanctity of race.
Believe in the Sacred Gene Pool.
Treasure this noble heritage.
Eternity must be ours!
I am the bearer of a sacred fire.
I must keep the torch aflame.
I am the last in a line.
If I fail - then all else will have failed before me.
"A message for the very few.." - CREDO (1981)
@ Lugh wrote: "Do you idiots think we give a fuck after we quit this ship of fools? We had enough gay jokes when we tossed Celt, and all you fucking Christians can do is make gay jokes because you cannot argue with our content."
Yeah right !! You were in these comments sections just 4 or 5 months ago defending Celtic Rebel's theory that Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" song is a code for somebody's butthole. I can pull it out for you if you want to be embarrassed.
The only reason you turned against CR was because of Chiarini and you know it. You were 100% right to give him an ultimatum about that douche Chiarini but not to hypocritically encourage Titorenko to bash him nonstop for 5 straight shows on the butt-codes too when you were yourself defending buttcodes just a week or so before that.
Face it, if it wasn't for Chiarini, Celtic Rebel and Greg from NJ and that very entertaining Universal Mexican guy would all be part of your network and you could have probably gotten Fetcho and Giuliani and Kyle's other pal Nemo to join too, instead of alienating them all through Sledge's drunken bashings of CR. Then by adding Dana and Siegfried you would have had a motherfucker of a network, something better than Oracle and not necessarily every host on you network would have to be white nationalist as long as they were anti-multiculturalist (upholders of white European standards in countries built by Europeans) and Jew-wise.
If CR insisted on Chiarini-dick-sucking and being as arrogant as he is, he probably would have, then you could have just dumped CR but in a semi-amicable irreconcilable differences kind of way without trying to destroy your former long-time comrade by having Titorenko get smashed on Vodka and try to tear him a new asshole.
@ "If anything our intellectual capacity and ability of rates of intellectual conception have, if anything, diminished since then.
Most new forms of scientific thought have come from those who dared to dream, through natural philosophy.. like the gnostics and druids of yore did when they created these "magical" and esoteric systems.
We will never truly know what wonders could exist today if that line of thought had not been broken and if we were able to continue our natural course of existence."
True. A disciplined restriction is and has always been the path to true freedom and the exhilarating joy that results even if you've managed as little as setting your compass ON THE RIGHT PATH. Anyone who has dumped their TV in the trash for any number of years (as I have for the past 14 years) knows this for sure.
Information flooding or mental junk food is imposed on purpose through the media to prevent the practice of this very same strict disciplining of your power of choice without which true freedom which can only be experienced on the path of transcendence has always been impossible.
@ 6:21 AM
Wow! What a fucking chimp out! LMFAO!
CR's long gone, dead & buried. Nobody really even thinks about him now except for a single handful of foolish diehard devotees much like any failed self-appointed wannabe guru has ("there's a sucker born every minute"). Just look at any comment that mentions him anywhere now and it's all pretty much just saying what a closet homo idiot he is. I've wasted too much energy on this already...
@ 6:46
Yep, good points.
Just listen to this whole 6:25 excerpt from the show and tell yourself who REALLY sounds like a retard in this discussion. Be honest now! Listen to it 2 or 3 times if you really have to get past your unjustified bias.
Lube the idiot just woke up.
Loogie is moonshine drinking autistic pseudo-intellectual wikipedia scholar.
So sad that we miss his boring ass shows filled with music and stuttering.
Satanism has nothing to do with Paganism. Dave is a shill that is simply trying to lure idiots back to the christian mythos.
This just seems a little contretemps through a glass darkly, if I may say so, on both sides.
Let it blow over.
Also I agree with zapoper regarding comments sections, recommend: leave them alone:
a) I'm guessing less potential liability if not actively exercising editorial policy or controls;
b) as he says, most readers can likely tell trick from treat;
c) show host's own supporters can post counter-comments here if they feel like it, even if they are just a link to the original site and / or comments section there;
d) why should show hosts' presentations be immune from criticism? Trollery doesn't justify censorship, which if implemented leads back to #1.
The complete episode
Caller from "Finland" at 1.20.31 to 1.38.00 appx raised some interesting points that could usefully be explored further.
hope for distant future that you created.
Your first all male heir line great grandchild will be your first NON jew legacy, given they marry a NonJew (Son=Male->Grandson=Male->GreatGrandson(MaleNonJew)
-cradle fendsyl
Another irony, lugh would not be able to post these comments on the renegade website, which is the more obvious reason he is posting here.
11:35 AM
Great point.
Rodney Martin's favorite the Douay-Rheims buybull
The Douay-Rheims bible is a Catholic translation. I thought Rodney Corky Martin was a hardcore Lutheran Protestant?
Oh well, Christards never make any sense anyway.
accusing us of deleting comments is absurd. One only needs to read this thread to see that there is no censorship,
Well, Zitpopper, I posted a comment in this thread about Mike Sledge's Jewish ex-wife Angela Savelle, and the comment was deleted either by you or another administrator.
All I said in the comment was that Angela Savelle has a Jewish rat face and that Mike Sledge has terrible taste in women.
And thats why whites can never organize, at least not in individualistic America. Jew world order will win.
191 Comments...amazing. I guess they are waiting till when this reaches 666 comments and then maybe someone will mercifully close this thread.
troll or internet super hero
you decide
7:51 PM ahh Lube is so BUtthurt, Your show fucking sucks lube the wikipedia scholar.
1:14 PM if it reaches 666 coments, and Dave Crowley and the boys will sacrifice Lube at the alter of Moloch
ahhhhhhhhhh..........................lets play some music
12:57 AM Why the fuck do call some of us Christians you asshole? clearly you've been bullied or picked on by them early in your life which is why you suffer from schizophrenic mental disorders! No surprise your a runnygay host! lol
Stop the in fighting.We are going nowhere fast.
Rentagay creaturds demand their freedom of speech! Anyone who opposes their opinion is jewish!
Jews demand their freedom of speech! Anyone who opposes their opinion is a nazi!
These people have decided the best thing to do is copy jewish strategy. They want to be the real jews.
1:59 PM Exactly the only jews I see are Rentagay
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