Kyle delves into little-known aspects of politics and religions in the Middle East, exploring the Yezidi people and the Peacock Angel, tying in issues related to spiritual Satanism and alchemy, and providing some theories related to Aryan myth and meta-history.
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I want to listen but I can't find my witches hat.
Attention, the Great Ginger Guru speaks!
Gay Gods
I remember learning Greek mythology as I was growing up. I loved the stories of the gods and goddess, and was particularly drawn to all those finely chiseled statues. It wasn't until later in life I discovered how sanitized my Catholic and public school education was. The myths were filtered through a lens of conservative morality and I was denied a part of history, most notably a part of gay history. Bits shined through the cracks while I was in college, from more mature academic texts using a clinical tone. But when I found myself delving into the world of neo-paganism, I rediscovered a part of my divine heritage.
World mythology is filled with images of gay deities. As I struggled with my gayness throughout my Catholic school days, I always heard that homosexuality was "not natural" and "against God." I had no idea that prior cultures not only acknowledged same sex love as part of life, but some cultures actually celebrated such love as divine. In these societies, the priests and priestess were often gay or transgendered. In fact, it may be because the Judeo-Christian traditions wanted to disassociate themselves so completely from these pagan cultures that they "outlawed" anything connected with the ancient goddess faiths, including the divine feminine, the sacredness of the Earth and acts of homosexuality.
What survives now as myth was once scripture, viewed as symbolic, divine truth. As various translations and reinterpretations touch each myth, many gay characteristics are changed or deleted entirely, beguiling the true meaning of the story. Try reading the story of Apollo and Hyacinth with the word "lover" replaced by the word "friend." Their story has much less of an impact when the romantic and sexual nature of it is scoured away. The mysteries of many of our myths are omitted for this reason.
Most modern Earth spiritualities, including Paganism and Wicca, acknowledge we all have a divine masculine and feminine. Even so, some practitioners have difficulty looking at this aspect of the divine when so many rituals are based around "fertility" and traditional gender roles. Fertility comes in many forms, including creativity and not necessarily childbirth. Some of this information on gay gods may come as a bit of a surprise to traditional Pagans, because it is not often found in traditional books. I know I was surprised myself to find out some of my favorite gods and goddesses had gay, lesbian and transgender associations. Such unusual research will be seen as biased by many, but from the gay community, traditional research on such topics has always been biased. The exploration of the topic invites a new image of the divine to us, and for practitioners of the magical arts, we can learn more about the gods and goddesses by having a direct relationship with them. By looking at the cross-cultural images of the divine with gay characteristics, we can each find a personal image as our divine connection. We can see ourselves in the divine mirror. We all get to share in the diverse love of the gods.
Here is an introduction to a few deities with gay themed myths or worship.
Apollo & Hyacinth (Greek) - Apollo, a god of music, dance, healing and inspiration, is known for taking male lovers, most notably Hyacinth. Hyacinth was mortally wounded. Unable to save his beloved, Apollo created the Hyacinth flower from his blood. Hyacinth later became a divine patron to those pursuing same sex love.
Artemis (Greek) - Artemis is the huntress, the goddess of the Moon and the protector of women and children. Artemis rejects traditional roles, such as marriage, and feels kinship to those beyond traditional roles. Her festivals included same sex worship from men and women.
Astarte (Phoenician/Canaanite) - Astarte is a manifestation of the Great Mother, sometimes depicted as a hermaphrodite. Astarte's temples were served by the kelabim, a gay male priest caste.
hin (Mayan) - Chin, a small child or dwarf god, introduced homoerotic relationships to the Mayan nobles. The nobles obtained youths of the lower classes to be the lovers of the noble's sons. Such unions were considered legal marriages under Mayan law.
Dionysus (Greek) - As a god of wine, madness, poetry and love, Dionysus is depicted as soft and feminine, yet virile and strong. He wore women's clothing to hide from his stepmother's wrath. Dionysus became lovers with the gods Adonis and Hermaphrodite.
Eros, Hermes & Hercules (Greek) - Eros, Hermes and Hercules granted blessings upon male couples, the gifts of loyalty, eloquence and strength, respectively. Eros was called upon by warrior-lovers before a fight, because the ancient Greeks believed victory is often achieved because of the love between men.
Ganesha (Hindu) - Most popularly depicted as a four armed, plump man with an elephant's head, Ganesha is the breaker of obstacles and linked to homoerotic worship involving anal sex. Ganesha is mixed in terms of sexuality, masculine in gender, but soft, tender and portrayed with breasts.
Odin (Norse) - Viewed as the all father and creator, Odin would often disguise himself as a woman. His relationship with his blood brother, Loki, had homoerotic overtones, and he studied the feminine mysteries of the goddess Freya.
Pan (Greek) The goat god of music and nature, depicted with panpipes, erect penis and chasing after maidens and men, particularly shepherds.
Set & Horus (Egyptian) - Horus, the divine child, was in constant conflict with his uncle Set, but one story survives of oral intercourse between Set and Horus, and Set ultimately gives birth to Horus' child. Gay priests served Horus' mother, the goddess Isis, in ancient Egypt.
Zeus (Greek) - Zeus is a sky god and well known for his sexual liaisons, including his male cupbearer Ganymede. In ancient material, he is transgendered as Zeus Arrhenothelus, both mother and father.
Cool, more christian spamming of lies about non-jewish gods. Can we expect anything else from these mental midgets?
"All gods are gay except Yahweh. I swear I'm not gay."
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
The sun shine in.... deeper, deeper, deeper, DEEEEPER!!!!
12:41 AM
I hate hippies.
Let's take a lot of LDS and make wild homo sex in the woods, because this is what being a pagan is all about.
Hail Our Great Lady Satan!
Magic is a many gendered thing
by Lou Hart
This paper was written to be presented at the Pagan Federation Conference Scotland in May 2005. As such it is a personal and basic overview of the relations between gender and Western neo-paganism and its, sometimes, failure to embody the concepts concerning gender and, indeed, sexuality in its practice of traditional forms of magic and paganism.
The history of Western paganism is inextricably linked with a history of cross-dressing, same sex relations, trans-gendered priesthoods and free sexuality. From early centuries onwards bulls and decrees, issued by the Christian Church, against heresy, nearly always contained admonitory warnings against lesbianism, homosexuality, gender-bending, heterosexual group sex or bisexuality. Indeed, Jeanne d'Arc, originally sentenced to life-imprisonment, was finally burned alive at the age of nineteen after being discovered yet again wearing men's clothing in her cell. Additionally, folk customs of these islands are littered with boys in girls' clothing and girls in boys' clothes; with bearded ladies and female princes.
Until 1957 the 'King' at Castleton Oak-Apple processions was accompanied not by a 'Beauty Queen' but by a man dressed as a woman and at Brideog ceremonies in Scotland, Hunt-the-Wren and Samhain festivities and at Mari Clywd ceremonies in Wales, cross-dressing was again the choice of the day. Lord of Misrule and Hallowe'en ceremonies, notorious for their gender-bending, shape shifting play were once such a popular feature of winter festivals, that church priests were admonished for taking part in them.
Further back in history there are records of the pagan Celts with both male and female lovers; trans-gendered priests of Inanna; and some juicy gossip about Bride herself in Ireland (a Triple- Goddess, but in this case about her as a Saint) and her female lover Darlughdacha (Daughter of Lugh and herself also a Goddess, from Leinster) and, more recently, in over 150 Native American Societies, there are descriptions of a seemingly cross-dressing man or woman who sometimes partakes in traditionally opposite gendered work and is often seen as a both bridge between men and women and a shamanic figure. Women are also recorded by anthropologists as warriors or chiefs or hunters and as taking other women as wives, and the anthropologist Alfred Metraux, in his 1958 study of Voodoo in Haiti, casually mentions many of the priests or hungan as homosexual. What on earth is going on?
For the purposes of this paper I am going to relate to three topics. One is gender and what is meant by it, two is gendered magical practices and three is drawn from my own experience as one of the founder members of Queer Pagan Camp.
Haha wtf did Dave Crowley buy out the station? I guess they're targeting the wicca market now or something, hoping for some orgie.
Hail Satan!
Laughing when Syrians kill each other is not antisemitism!!
YOU WILL NEVER GET A NEW INVESTIGATION INTO 911! Debunkers will ALWAYS be there to expose your lies and thwart all your efforts. Move out of your parents' basement, quit the pizza delivery job, and kiss a girl - FOR THE FIRST TIME! 911 TRUTH = STRAWMAN 911 WAS AN OUTSIDE JOB! / /▌ / \ I took the RED PILL, and threw up!
Wild homo sex in the woods is done mostly by homos who claim to be Christian. Who you kidding, LSD-loving A-nonny-nonny-mouse?
"exploring the Yezidi people and the Peacock Angel, tying in issues related to spiritual Satanism and alchemy"
Good grief. These "satanic" clowns are speeding into total irrelevance.
Ohh god, the Satanic Ginger is at it again! lol
Rentagay your so irrelevant no one even bothers in signing you goddamn petition, im sure they're gonna listen to a bunch of keyboard hermaphrodite goat worshippers!
Did Dave Crowley and Madam Lubelaskey buy up this retarded network!!!! wait me get my broom and world of warcraft ready!
"Pan (Greek) The goat god of music and nature, depicted with panpipes, and a erect penis"
yep this is definitely the god of the rentagays
I find it funny the Satanic ginger homo constantly tries to remind people he is an Aryan yet this creature looks like a typical khazar cave dwelling neander Jew to any trained Jew spotting eye.
Hey Satan worshipping faggot shove that white power right up that divisive hooked nose of yours homo bitch.
Watch as a legion of CI retards blaspheme their natural Gods with Jewish propaganda. Stay classy CI!
Ever noticed just how much so-called christians go on about "homos" and "gays"? They just can't help reveal their true repressed desires can they? Poor christians, they need but don't really deserve our pity...
Hippies are living proof that niggers fuck goats.
Great show as always Kyle, thx. Show on YT
You can't be a Pagan if you're homosexual.
That burzum piece promotes bisexuality for women. More playing into the jew program. No thanks.
5:45 AM,
Yes, the Christards here on Grizzom's blog are absolutely obsessed with homosexuality and faggotry. It's all they talk about.
They think that people can't see through their psychological ruse.
Is renegade being infiltrated by ADL Aglin or are they one and the same ?
Renegade will stay small potatoes. Instead of concentrating on the most dangerous cult on the planet, they think more selfishly; paganism, bash christianiy and jew assigned skin color "white".
Who knows, they might grow out of all that stuff and contribute to saving mankind from the jewish genocide for profits and control that will complete their jew world order.
1:33 PM
Great comment, i absolutely agree.
Satan comes in many shapes and colors.
true power of human sun
Christians like to point out that the antichristian/pagan movement is a program of moral degeneracy.
Moral degeneracy is main stream. These clowns try to be controversial, they would have been controversial, 20 years ago. You have dykes in russia desecrating churches and fucking themselves with frozen chickens being hailed as heroes of freedom of speech by the mainstream media. These clowns are old news.
When I look for an alternative to the mainstream, I certainly don't look for it hear, this website is mainstream.
Ive been sympathetic with renegade for some time. I like mike sledges style and standing up against black on white hate crimes. However, I wont stand for your promotion of bisexuality of females. Havent you seen this is a jew construct? So now even supposed "jew wise " people are fine with white women licking eachothers pussies. You guys need to get your act together.
"Christianity will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue that; I am right and I will be proven right. We're more popular than Jesus now."
- John Lennon, 1966
"It's incredible. Absolutely incredible. Here are these four boys from Liverpool. They're rude, they're profane, they're vulgar and they've taken over the world. It's as if they've founded a new religion. They're completely anti-Christ. I mean I'm anti-Christ as well, but they're so anti-Christ, they shock me, wich isn't an easy thing to do,"
- Beatles press manager Derek Taylor
Renegade boys, you're the last ones, who've jumped in the Paganism train.
Christianity is a cannibalistic blood-drinking Jewish death cult.
The fact that hundreds of millions of white people are members of this cult is proof of Jewish power.
Bestow upon me, Satan, the characteristics of the Peacock.
Prideful in appearance, always showing off my beauty.
Immortal spirit, living on throughout the ages.
Steadfast in everything, willing to go anywhere necessary.
Regal in stature, a presence to be reckoned with.
May its essence fill my body, making every step one of confidence.
Bestow upon me, Satan, the characteristics of the Raven.
Forever watchful, never ceasing to observe those around me.
Highly intelligent, knowing what to do in every situation.
A spiritual figure, so I can teach others about you.
Master of death, embracing it when my time has come.
May its darkness surround me, where every living being will feel you with me.
Bestow upon me, Satan, the characteristics of the Goat.
Stubborn in the face of adversary, never thwarted in my goals.
Courageous without limits, climbing every mountain in my way.
Enduring in the advent of fear, doing what others dare not.
Wild to the point of abandon, free to live my life the way I see fit.
May its energy ignite my faith and desire, forever holding high the horns of Baphomet.
Lord Satan... Mighty One!
Wisdom incarnate... Speaker of knowledge.
I ask that you bestow your blessings on the leaders of our Satanic community;
and guide us, so that we will serve you in the ways that you desire.
Give us strength to keep going when things get tough;
and bestow upon us wisdom, so we will know what to do in all situations.
Inspire us to encourage one another, instead of tearing each other down;
so we will use our words to bless instead of curse.
Yet push us to stand tall when we face things that are wrong;
and to fight if we have to, yet strive for peace.
Help us, Father, to be there for your children- both the adept and the new.
To guide them in learning what you have for them,
and to encourage them not to follow anyone but you, and to find their own path.
Let us not forget what it was like when we first came to you;
how you were gentle, kind, and patient.
May we follow in your footsteps;
to love as you love, and teach as you teach.
We are happy to be your servant; reveal to us the hidden things.
Try us, so we may be worthy of your affairs that you place in our hands.
Bestow on us your covenant as we trust in you,
and let us receive your counsel, not acting unless it is your Will.
It is an honour to serve you, Lord Satan.
Thank you for choosing us.
May our lives be devoted to you,
and may we be a reflection of who you are to the world.
Watch over us, and bless your people.
Lord Satan, may it be done according to your Will.
Teach me, Lord Satan, the knowledge of the ages,
and guide me in thy wisdom.
Let me feel thy presence;
manifest to me as you Will.
Don’t let me be bound by irrefutable doctrines,
but lead me to true freedom.
Give me the strength to leave my comfort zone,
and to explore what is forbidden by those who believe they are wise.
Take away the fear that binds me,
and set me on my true path.
Yet if you don’t think I am ready, let it be as a sunrise.
Allow me to see your light as well as your darkness;
the fullness of who you are.
Satan, Great Dragon, Lucifer, Prince of Darkness...
If I could have anything, it would be to know your truth.
To believe in what is real,
and not in the insanity of others.
So as I walk down this narrow road,
don’t let me be discouraged.
As it was you who placed me upon it.
Satanic jew boy spammers just woke up.
Sounds a hel of a lot better than anything rabbi jewsus said.
Yeah, Lord Astaroth is the real source of wisdom and strenght.
John Friend sounds like an infiltrator type of persona with his slick phony sounding friendliness. He's trying to "fit in" too much and he's lacking deeper knowledge of nationalism or history.
"My fellow americans, we will no longer be suppressed by the fascism of christianity, we will no longer be suppressed by the fascism of beauty.'Cause I see you all sitting out there trying your hardest not to be ugly... trying
your hardest not to fit in... trying your hardest to earn your way into heaven... but let me ask you - do you wanna be in a place that's filled with a bunch of assholes?!""
- transgendered degenerant Marilyn Manson, MTV Music Awards speech, 1996.
Mommy they said jesus was a kike :(
Cool, you use a quote by a goy toy of jew howard levy to denigrate the White God Satan/Enki. Levy wrote the satanic bible to co-opt Satan. Like jews do with everything.
Clearly you're not jew-wise. But we already knew that because you worship a rabbi.
6:35 PM
Why are you afraid of the truth?
"Hopefully, I'll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity."
- Marilyn Manson, "Spin", August 1996
"I love Satan. Christianity is so boring. If Star Wars didn't have that evil imprint, they wouldn't sell two tickets. Satan sells tickets. That dude, Darth Maul, he was down with Satan. Put it this way, Satan loves to party, he loves to fuck and he loves to eat rich, delicious food. Actually that sounds a lot like Kyle Gass (his bandmate)." - jewish actor and musician Jack Black
What truth would that be mr. Jeebus? That you're capable of pulling a quote from the jewish media to legitimize your jewish god?
don't worry, those dumb satanic tattoos you've got will come back in style. in a couple hundred years
"Belief" is what you have when you don't have KNOWLEDGE.
Do you "believe" something to be true or do you KNOW that it is?
Christians "believe" - I prefer to know. This is natural.
You mean my sun tattoo?
7:04 PM
I don't think you KNOW much of anything. You're a typical egomaniac antichristian scumbag. You can't believe in God because you think you are God, you're no better than a jew.
"Get them while they're young and bend their minds." - Spencer Dryden of the rock group 'Jefferson Starship.'
"Change one set of values to another"
... "Free minds, free dope, free bodies (sex)" - jew Paul Kanter, Jefferson Starship
7:24 PM You're a run of the mill christian retard jew worshiper.
7:29 PM
You're an anarchist antisocial misfit. The only reality where you fit in is on the internet. If anarchy comes, you'll be the first one shot, nobody wants you.
"Do what thou wilt" - satanist and boy rapist Alesteir Crowley
"I will not be anybody's slave!" -
satanist radio host "Dave from Texas"
Yeah, all these moralistic assholes who are they to tell me what to do... i fuckin hate my mom!
13 year old pubecent boy
You worship a jew. Your opinion doesn't mean anything.
If you aren't an anarchist then you're a conformist. If you're conforming to jews and their religions then you're stupid. This system needs to be torn down before it's rebuilt. Unless you like this nigger loving jew yahweh system. Apparently you do.
7:37 PM You're a moron. Jew-promoted Crowley doesn't represent Satan. Everything the jews told you about Satan is wrong. He was a hebrew-using jew-sucker.
Ohhh Mr. Dave Crowley will you watch some jew porn,
8:36 PM Fuck you, all you assholes are doing is inverting a belief system, go back to your jordan maxwell videos and worship a hermaphrodite goat outside.
8:40 PM Inverting belief systems is what jews do. They made you believe the god of the Aryans was an evil monster, when in fact it's the jew god of the bible that's the monster. You think however the jew wants you to think. And you do it very well.
I think you're getting a bit too complicated with your theories.
Simplest solution is often the right one.
Like you wannabe satanists have been intoxicated with jew programming and you're refusing to accept it.
Why don't you drop the nationalist nonsense and go full loony.
9:23 PM Most can't process the truth in their simple judaized minds. You're a perfect example.
Who has killed more, Satan or God?
The results were even more lopsided: 25 million (plus or minus a few million) for God; 60 for Satan.
How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)
8:59 PM your actually doing the jews a big favor by portraying them as gods, and now your loony ass is saying they invented the bible and conned the world tens of thousands of years now. Give yourself a pat on the back, your putting the jews on such a pedestal.
The bible was written by jews. Jesus was a jew and so was every apostle. You lose.
These basement dwelling satanists are just hooked on Skyrim and gladiator movies.
Judging by how much time they spend on commenting at mamis, they never leave the house.
Amurica, fuck yeah!
9:56 PM
Satan has killed your soul.
...Says christard spammer.
9:58 PM
You satanists claim that bible is just a fiction and now you're taking it as these evens took place. So funny. Even less logic then averege libertard.
Bible just teaches what happens, when you're living in a sin, ie immoral lives. But you gaytards love the sin, you just can't imagine your life without it. Thats why you get what you want eventually.
Its about time that these satanists should be burned alive for worshiping the devil. Don't they realize that Jesus was a nice man? He may have been a Jew but he was trying to save the bad Jews from disobeying the laws of Abraham. All we have to do is convert them to the teachings of the King of the Jews. They're heretic Jews. Rabid anti-semitism and racism are not the answer. Every one of us is a brother in Christ.
10:38 PM Can you get any more retarded? Obviously the events in the bible didn't happen. But that doesn't mean that Yahweh wasn't a thousand times worse than Satan in the fucking story.
10:16 PM There you go showing your stupidity again you shit for brains satanist, The term "jew" is barely even mentioned in the old testament, and the People the lived in Judea back in the time of Jesus NEVER referred to themselves as jews! How are they even the people of the bible, if its genetically proven most of them are of Mongol Khazarian ancestry and have NO relation to the land of Palestine, are you trying to say genetic science is a farce?? You satanist are a bunch of dipshits, stop giving the "jews" credit where credit Isn't Due.
Genetic science says Sephardic and Ashkenazi have common DNA. But go ahead, listen to a jew that wrote a book saying otherwise. Promoting jewish books seems to be one of your hobbies.
I refuse to argue with you over the jewish israelites of the bible being white people. Only a drunk 4 year old could fall for that one.
Does it help you sleep at night, imagining yourself as a real jew?
Modern jews have as much relation to ancient jews as Italians have to Romans, modern Greeks have to ancient Greeks, not much. Only jews or jew worshipers say otherwise.
12:18 AM That's bullshit. They might not all be as pure as they used to be, but all jews except for the black israelites have a common DNA source. When the pagan Romans destroyed their temple the tribe spread out. Some stayed along the shores of the mediteranean, some went into central asia. Obviously you're a retard with no knowledge of history besides what Bill Finck and Arthur Koestler tell you. And who are you to talk? You worship a jewish messiah and think you're a jew.
8:02 AM
According to you, anyone with even a trace of European blood is white and part of the same common dna source, you're a multiculturalist.
White Power
It's too bad we took our show guide from Miss Cleo instead of Christopher Hitchens.
12:08 AM So genetic science claiming 95 percent of jews are of turik, mongolian, and khazar origin is a lie??? LOL
your a fucking idiot, clearly you retarded pagans are so hell bent on proving your pseudo claims to be true, why don't you do an honest investigation on the bible then, go learn greek and hebrew and see if IM LYING!
12:08 AM So genetic science claiming 95 percent of jews are of turik, mongolian, and khazar origin is a lie??? LOL
The genetic science proves theres a small admixture but they're mostly Jews. I'd like to see something that says otherwise.
The Levites and Cohenim dug up are almost identical to today.
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