On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Colin Flaherty, author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot": The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It.
Colin Flaherty is an award winning author who has written extensively
about the reality of racial violence in America, and the epidemic of
brutal and truly barbaric Black on White violent crime. Tune in for
what will surely be a controversial, yet powerful, conversation!
John Friend.net
We want to hear about John Friend's Asian family.
This is like a real life soap opera!
I could care less about John Friend, but I don't see what his Asian family has to do with this broadcast.
John Friend acts like he speaks for white people when he really just represents the torah and mixed race asians.
Jesus doesn't care about John's Asian children, so neither should any of you. Christ freed us from the grip of racist ideology. It's a pointless heathen problem.
In my opinion people are better off breeding in their own race, for the sake of their children, so they are not stigmatized as "mixed breed".
My opinion doesn't matter and people are inundated with media that tells them, mixed race is the best thing and a job market that rewards non-whites and punishes whites.
It's all jew money and media.
It's not white men breeding with asian women, who's offspring generally assimilate with white culture that's killing white people, it's white women breeding with non-whites, who's offspring generally assimilate with the fathers culture and resent white culture, it's whites of either sex breeding with jews, who end up jews.
This guest, Colin Flaherty, is a total asshole; incredibly stupid, totally ignorant of jews, and doesn't belong anywhere near White Nationalists. He believes, and actually stated, race is an artificial construct. He doesn't understand why niggers are violent. Why their crime is incredibly violent or why it's happening. He doesn't understand why the jewsmedia and the US Government doesn't report black on White crime, so he's taken it on himself to be the only person reporting it in the US. How nice. He prides himself on reporting about these violent black flash mobs, but doesn't understand that the mainstream media doesn't report any of it because jews control the media. He has absolutely no concept of jews and their responsibility for growing racial violence. How incredibly dense is that? As dense as the unawakened Whites who believe everything they hear on FOXjews.
ColOn said "Race is an artificial construct".
Ze silly goy toy hass learned from us self chosen ones so vell !!!!
He iss talking about zee schwarzes and they monkey madness and kissing they chicken grease squirting asses at zee same time??
My fellow rulers of ze goy are too much happy today!
Maybe ve drinking some gentile baby blood mix with wine tonight in celebration of zee great mix mind f&*ck.
Thanking you COLON!!
Shalom Shalom, mishuggaim!
More pagantardic convulsions.
I can totally understand DICARLO's knee jerk reaction to Flaherty's "ignorance", but anyone perusing World Net Daily, run by ultra Zio propaganda peddler Joseph Farah [butt buddy to Georgre "if-it's-jooish-i'm-all-for-it" Noory], can see it's a perfect example of the self chosen ones controlling the opposition.
They publish Bradley Dean, who writes jew worship on the level of an 8th grader and still makes a living at it-because it's jew worship.
It doesn't have to be good journalism.
Alex Jones' writers are HORRIBLY UNGIFTED JOURNALISTS, farting out articles full of bad grammar, editorializing, and completely lacking in researched facts and personal interviews with quotations,but there they are, getting paid to "battle the globalists".
This is just more of the same crap, but much more cleverly disguised, as Flaherty actually does have writing skills.
Friend is so friendly, and obviously young, that he doesn't see through this kind of charade.
The whole thing is another trip down the rabbit hole of cointelpro confusion.
Don't buy in to it for a bit.
The callers trying to get Flaherty to play Name The Jew probably have no idea that COLON, as the rabbi referred to him, is very well aware of all of this and he wasn't brave at all to be on Friend's show-it was just another bullshit PR move. Those heebs are an awfully clever bunch.
Colin Flaherty, is a RETARD, hes says he's against liberals yet he believes race is a social construct!!! LOL!
This moron has no solutions except bending over for the blacks and offering a new form of white guilt. And the Founding Fathers never intended this country to be a haven for niggers and third world rodents like it is NOW.
Me pay NOW???
“Whitney Phillips, a PhD student at the University of Oregon, studied trolls for her doctorate. She says they are mostly men in their 20s and early 30s, usually college-educated and intelligent.„
Let's hope that Flaherty is being disingenuous. To believe that "race is a social construct" after reporting on black crime as much as he has, one would have to have certifiable mental problem.
In addition, this notion that "black families" (one mom, one dad and children) were ever a norm within the black community in America and elsewhere is laughable. Look at almost any Sub-Saharan African country. Do you really believe that what can be observed throughout that part of the world has no relevance to what we see in our "diverse" cities?
Let's hope that Flaherty is being disingenuous. To believe that "race is a social construct" after reporting on black crime as much as he has, one would have to have certifiable mental problem.
In addition, this notion that "black families" (one mom, one dad and children) were ever a norm within the black community in America and elsewhere is laughable. Look at almost any Sub-Saharan African country. Do you really believe that what can be observed throughout that part of the world has no relevance to what we see in our "diverse" cities?
Looks like Rodney Martin has dumped Johnny not so Friend, haven't heard Rodney do a Show in a while and I thought this new network was Rodney and Friends thing, Rodney at least has a white wife and white kids and doesn't run with wiggers and CI-Tards.
Friend sleeps with everybody, he doesn't even charge for it.
And rentagays are always hungry, hungry, hungry devils.
How about a show with Stooltank and his new film "Meathead Steal a Lot"?
I'm in on this one. Quite a land as last I checked worldnetdaily is in the 405th top site in the world.
My fear is the guest will pull an Alex Jone$. He's too big to tell the truth.
Mr. Friend is a naive young lad. I really believe his heart is in the right place but he has to understand that pal'ing around with Mike the Fed Delaney is not very wise. Prostink should be more appropriately called ProFINCK (and he even has a 'friend' named 'Finck). Delaney is always trying to bait people to use their full name and show their face. What they don't realize is that it's a way for him to destroy them. A perfect example is ZionCrimeFactory. Had that young man given his name this Profinck would have had this kid behind bars for hate speech. So a caution to all of you--steer clear of Mike Delaney, he is a trap, he is compromised and he will destroy you. This is all my opinion of course but after his destruction of ZionCrimeFactory it leaves me with no other conclusion. Friends do not treat each other this way and obviously Mike 'Profinck' Delaney did not value the relationship he had with ZionCrimeFactory. If he will destroy a potent force like that he will destroy you. Steer clear of him, you have been warned. He's the Alex Jones of the anti-zionist's. Imo, he's drawing you in and setting you up.
Vas you sayink?????
Mike Derangied iss fink?
No-he hass friend name Fink-Shill Fink.
I vas at Derangied's house on Shabbat after SINogogue, and he vas so nice to me. He has ze funnest butlers-zey haf ze trenchcoat and zee sunglass and zee ear phone and always lookink around to make sure Mike Drangied is safe from zee bad men. Zey talking in to collar of coat to I tink Yahweh. Prayink mebbe.
He even wear zee yamulke to make me feel better like home in Haaretz Israel.
I see big self chosen one like me hit him in face in video and Mike Derangied so nice he do nothings.
He not even hurt flys.
Every day he comes to me in new car to go on rides in ze warehouse district to change cars when he says he no like.
Then we go buy Kosher hot dog to eating.
Sure you joking yes???
Fuck Mike Delaney and ZionCrimeFactory, you've been pushing this phoney drama for months. Prove ZionCrimeFactory isn't a hoax.
"Fuck Mike Delaney and ZionCrimeFactory, you've been pushing this phoney drama for months. Prove ZionCrimeFactory isn't a hoax."
Holy fuck are people stupid or what? I think too much of Alex Jones has rotted your puny brain. Not everything is a conspiracy you tard.
10:05 AM
I've never listened to Alex Jones in my life, or most of any of this phoney shit. ZionCrimeFactory is an internet hoax.
"10:05 AM
I've never listened to Alex Jones in my life, or most of any of this phoney shit. ZionCrimeFactory is an internet hoax."
Prove it.
@one eyed king
Colin Flaherty is, in effect, controlled opposition. I suppose my frustration is in that this charlatan, Flaherty, was given a platform in which the White Nationalists tiptoed around this buffoon so he wouldn't call them racists. Right up front on John Friend's program, this fool expressed his disdain for racists. That's when I would have thrown him off the show after a few choice words. A few weeks ago, Friend expressed on his blog, interest in having Flaherty on his program. I warned him about Flaherty, the only comment, that this guy was an idiot, avoided, in fact, ignored, the obvious jew complicity in the non-reportage of black crime, but to no avail. Here's my comment with a link to another program, if anyone's interested, where Flaherty expressed the same stupid point of view he still holds today:
DICARLOApril 21, 2013 at 8:01 AM
Thought it worthwhile to alert WNs to the fact that Colin Flaherty, the author of the book, "white girl bleed a lot", which is about the many, many, incidents of blacks attacking Whites, is not race-wise, or jew-wise. Here this guy writes a book about black on White racial violence, and at the same time totally does not grasp the reason these attacks are happening. This fact can be painfully verified by listening to the interview linked below on a WN talk radio program. His view towards race is, "can't we all get along?", obviously refusing to understand that it's not Whites who are the problem, or the cause of race problems. People like Flaherty don't know what they don't want to know. The guy is totally unawakened and befuddled. In the interview, he laments these stories of black on White violence are not being reported in the media, but doesn't grasp the overriding fact that it is due to total jew control of the media. He likes jews. His views are frankly, pathetic.
Flaherty is totally naive and has no knowledge, or even an inkling, that jews are running things. He's just an example of Joe Stupid out there who doesn't have a clue about what's going on. If you get a chance, listen to the interview. Some of the callers did a good job of explaining what we're up against, but certainly, it was much too much for Colin to absorb.
Program with Flaherty as guest is 7/11/12
OOPS! Program with Flaherty as guest is 7/11/12
Mike Delaney and his circle of friends are FBI plants. This is well known.
You've been warned.
Race is in fact a social construct. The New Testament clearly states this in several passages.
This isn't up for debate.
"May 7, 2013 at 9:28 AM"
"Race is in fact a social construct. The New Testament clearly states this in several passages."
Ahh, I see, that book. And who wrote that book? Gentiles? I rest my case.
Oy vey!
keith of truthmilitia.com said he & John Friend went out for a sushi lunch.
I cannot afford to go out & eat sushi lunch & I am working & do not have children.
one point of John Friend'ss artificial persona is that he is out of work, b/c he was fired by the ADL.
2 thoughts ran through my mind:
1) Friend can collect benefits that are not available to white people b/c he has darker children.
2)CIa always did pay well.
-Oliver Finlay
Maybe Mike Delaney's wife s taking care of him too?
Dear Rent-A-Pagan Faggots & Mami's who like to think symbol minded,
Unblock my ip from Mami's Chat,just because you don't like me talking about how laughable your khazar-aryan hybrid neander pagan ginger is doesnt mean we cant have free speech!
You all know we're gonna have to kill these pagans again. Clearly they won't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord. Anti-semitic animals.
Troof boys can't handle the truth.
Ahh, I see, that book. And who wrote that book? Gentiles? I rest my case.
The word of G-D supersedes the word of gentiles.
John Friend is young, but he is a good interviewer. In order to have an interview, there has to be a conversation. Many comments on this page are from people who want the host to shut down the interview when the guest gives a "wrong" answer.
Friend draws a nice line between speaking the Truth, and letting the guest speak freely.
This is a very important book that talks about a scary trend where gangs of black people are randomly attacking whites. No one else is talking about this, and there are no other published books on this topic. Would these hardliners prefer that no one published this book? People should buy this book and use it to support their arguments. The guest has done the footwork and assembled the FACTS IN PRINT.
It is strange that the guest seems to deny the existence of race after writing about this topic, but I don't see that as proof that he is "controlled opposition". I see this as just another example of denial that every human being indulges in. People who are wide awake to the Jewish conspiracy might perhaps live in less denial, but we are all turning a blind eye to some obvious truths in our lives.
John Friend sounds like an infiltrator type of persona with his slick phony sounding friendliness. He's trying to "fit in" too much and he's lacking deeper knowledge of nationalism or history.
I can't say that he won't change because many of us were in that place about the jews but the idea that he would even appear on a WN show gives me hope. Most of these mainstream douche bags would never dare go on a show and many would not be able to stick out a whole show like this guy did. He's very brainwashed though and he even thinks that speaking honestly and openly is a sickness. All I can say is wake the fuck up but all and all it was a good listen and I'm happy he has the balls to write a book like he did. At the very least he's exposing these evil monsters. (jew tools)
Christopher Marlow, racism is antithetical to the holy teachings of Rav Sha'ul and Rav Yeshua.
You should be ashamed of yourself. You call yourself a Christian?
YOU WILL NEVER GET A NEW INVESTIGATION INTO 911! Debunkers will ALWAYS be there to expose your lies and thwart all your efforts. Move out of your parents' basement, quit the pizza delivery job, and kiss a girl - FOR THE FIRST TIME! 911 TRUTH = STRAWMAN 911 WAS AN OUTSIDE JOB! / /▌ / \ I took the RED PILL, and threw up!
10:01 PM
The word racism didn't exist at the time of Christ, you stupid piece of shit. If you accept the jew definition of racism, which you do because you accept the jew definition of everything, then yes Jesus Christ was against racial supremism. If you are trying to imply that Jesus Christ wanted the destruction of races, you're full of shit.
12:35 AM Jesus was a marxist rabbi. No amount of bullshit you spew will change this.
7:54 AM
The number of people who believe your nonsense has peaked, there are no more dumbasses to recruit, this won't change regardless how angry you get.
10:35 AM Who said I was angry? It's a fact that Jesus was a rabbi that said you're a satanist if you don't sell all of your possesions and lay the money at his feet. It's not my fault that you can't live with reality.
12:22 PM
All antichristians are angry because everyone won't do what they want them to do, you're nuts.
I'm off to the casino. Can anyone here donate to my cause? I'm hoping to get there in time for the lobster buffet and sneak backstage to drill a peephole in the wall of the dancer's dressing room.
So...I'll need 7.99 for the buffet, 49.99 for the drill, and 20, 000 for the blackjack and roulette tables.
And can you make it quick???
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