Keith Johnson of the Newtown Post-Examiner talks about the Sandy Hook hoaxers in general and about his recently-released videos, Wolfgang Halbig's FOIA "Security System" Blunder! and Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Halbig's Far Away Eyes,
both part of his WOLFgang Watch series. One might even refer to
Wolfgang Halbig as the High Priest of the Hoaxer movement. He is
certainly taking the focus off of the real victims.
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
April 30, 2015
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.04.30
David Duke Show 2015.04.30
Dr. Duke broadcast today from an international conference on human
rights. He had as his guest for the hour the Spanish human rights
activist Pedro Varela. They discussed a variety of issues of interest to
the peoples of America, Spain, and the entire world.
This is a show of interest to anyone of any heritage who is concerned about true human freedom. Please share it widely.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
This is a show of interest to anyone of any heritage who is concerned about true human freedom. Please share it widely.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.04.30
Part 2 of the Transfer Agreement discussion
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
Baltimore Riots: A Product Of The Soros Machine
Although the issues that have set off the spark in most of these
protests were entirely legitimate, government agencies, foundations,
organizations, and NGOs immediately swooped in to divert the protests
into racially charged fit throwing and often violent riots.
With a carefully orchestrated network that was capable of organizing large numbers of individuals on a moment’s notice, and a simultaneous media campaign that cleverly showed violence and riots but ignored peaceful or appropriately-directed violent acts, these organizations were able to turn what could and should have been a national movement into a racially-oriented hate-filled display of unrestrained destruction.
With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?
The answer is the same as it has often been in Europe – the color revolution apparatus and George Soros. ***Read full article here***
With a carefully orchestrated network that was capable of organizing large numbers of individuals on a moment’s notice, and a simultaneous media campaign that cleverly showed violence and riots but ignored peaceful or appropriately-directed violent acts, these organizations were able to turn what could and should have been a national movement into a racially-oriented hate-filled display of unrestrained destruction.
With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?
The answer is the same as it has often been in Europe – the color revolution apparatus and George Soros. ***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.04.29
Listen Download Hour 1 - Preston James - Remote Mind Control Weapons (Or how TV works)
Listen Download Hour 2 - Cliff Mickelson - Morgellons Victim Joni Mitchell Hospitalized
Listen Download Hour 3 - John Barbour - Real People, Real John and Real Waste of Time
56k CF
Renses' site
April 29, 2015
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2015.04.29
The War on Cash
-Why would a country give up their gold for a piece of paper?
-What does The President’s Working Group on Capital Markets do?
-What is really going on in Boston? Andrew talks about The Twelve O’Clock Boys. The general feeling of cops being ‘bad’ has taken over Baltimore; Andrew talks about the ‘no chase policy’ which makes it easier on the protestors
-How does Andrew feel about safe deposit boxes at credit unions where only the box holder has a key?
-Negative rates are coming to a bank near you; what’s the driving force behind this?
-The economic growth in China and their buying of America
-The Russian Central Bank is owned by ‘the Boys’, the same boys that own ours; what will ‘the boys’ do when Putin decides to take it over?
-Is ISIS a CIA creation?
-Andrew gives some ideas about how to not outlive your money; Andrew talks storing your wealth in lawful money, but not visible money. What does he mean by this?
-The amount of Americans who do not own a home has gone up; more people are renting and are content with the idea
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
-Why would a country give up their gold for a piece of paper?
-What does The President’s Working Group on Capital Markets do?
-What is really going on in Boston? Andrew talks about The Twelve O’Clock Boys. The general feeling of cops being ‘bad’ has taken over Baltimore; Andrew talks about the ‘no chase policy’ which makes it easier on the protestors
-How does Andrew feel about safe deposit boxes at credit unions where only the box holder has a key?
-Negative rates are coming to a bank near you; what’s the driving force behind this?
-The economic growth in China and their buying of America
-The Russian Central Bank is owned by ‘the Boys’, the same boys that own ours; what will ‘the boys’ do when Putin decides to take it over?
-Is ISIS a CIA creation?
-Andrew gives some ideas about how to not outlive your money; Andrew talks storing your wealth in lawful money, but not visible money. What does he mean by this?
-The amount of Americans who do not own a home has gone up; more people are renting and are content with the idea
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.04.29
Ex-mainstream pundit, now Illuminati defector Rahul Manchanda
Rahul Manchanda was a top tier immigration lawyer and regular pundit on mainstream news shows including Fox and CNN. His job: Sell the Iraq war – and then war on Iran – to the American people. Henry Makow writes: "He was given 'talking points' and groomed and supervised from afar by the likes of Frank Gaffney and Oliver North. At the same time, his law firm mysteriously flourished, growing to a staff of 20. He became a millionaire with a beautiful wife and two kids. It was the American Dream. (But) the dream turned into a nightmare after a fact-gathering trip to Iran in 2006, sponsored by what may have been a CIA-front group called 'Network 2020.'"
Tasked with writing propaganda for a war on Iran, Rahul refused – and instead produced a report arguing that Iran was not a threat. Pressured to recant, he repeatedly refused. And that was when bad things started happening. Internet libels spread mysteriously, his business came under attack, he was expelled from his freemasonic lodge...and finally they came after him under cover of law.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Rahul Manchanda was a top tier immigration lawyer and regular pundit on mainstream news shows including Fox and CNN. His job: Sell the Iraq war – and then war on Iran – to the American people. Henry Makow writes: "He was given 'talking points' and groomed and supervised from afar by the likes of Frank Gaffney and Oliver North. At the same time, his law firm mysteriously flourished, growing to a staff of 20. He became a millionaire with a beautiful wife and two kids. It was the American Dream. (But) the dream turned into a nightmare after a fact-gathering trip to Iran in 2006, sponsored by what may have been a CIA-front group called 'Network 2020.'"
Tasked with writing propaganda for a war on Iran, Rahul refused – and instead produced a report arguing that Iran was not a threat. Pressured to recant, he repeatedly refused. And that was when bad things started happening. Internet libels spread mysteriously, his business came under attack, he was expelled from his freemasonic lodge...and finally they came after him under cover of law.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
The operation called “manufactured consensus”
This operation has various stages. It can be applied to issues like
vaccination, GMO food, climate change, fake epidemics, elections,
war—and it can be applied widely across the general subject of reality
It begins with some “authoritative” voice proclaiming an idea is a fact. Well, someone has to start the ball rolling.
Very quickly, according to plan, others pick up the ball and echo the original idea. This includes both “respected” individuals and groups. Media join in.
What follows is a scramble to gain public acceptance. All sorts of approaches are used in this stage of the process: ***Read full article here***
It begins with some “authoritative” voice proclaiming an idea is a fact. Well, someone has to start the ball rolling.
Very quickly, according to plan, others pick up the ball and echo the original idea. This includes both “respected” individuals and groups. Media join in.
What follows is a scramble to gain public acceptance. All sorts of approaches are used in this stage of the process: ***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.04.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dean Henderson - World At War
Listen Download Hour 2 - Prof. James Fetzer - Jade Helm
Listen Download Hour 3 - Blake Sawyer
Time to shit in your pants now due to Jade Overwhelm and operation Maple Syrup. Head for the hills with all your prepper shit folks!
56k CF
Renses' site
April 28, 2015
Joshua Blakeney Interviews Veronica Clark 2015.04.28
Ethnicity, Nationalism & Pseudo-False-Flags
On April 28, 2015 I had the privilege of interviewing Veronica Clark, a prolific writer and thinker who focuses on the historiography of WWII in her sixteen books. Although originally intended to be a one-hour show, we ended up having a lengthy two-hour discussion, thanks to Veronica’s encyclopedic knowledge of the subjects she addresses. Multiple topics of discussion arose during the show, including:
- The ideological constraints placed upon post-secondary institutions in the West
- The experiences of ethnic minorities who resided in the Third Reich
- The designation of Japanese as “honorary whites”
- The impact of skewed, ethnic-exceptionalist histories on our understanding of Hitler’s views of race
- Veronica’s new book on the so-called “Gleiwitz Incident”
- The politicization of the historiography of false-flag operations
- The motivations for the German invasion of Poland in September 1939
- The implications of National Socialist policies for the Zionist Movement
- The exaggerations about the National Socialist eugenics policies
Non Aligned Media
64k Download
The Return of Tyr with Drew 2015.04.28
Claptrap and Balderdash
On tonight’s show I will discuss the nonsense that I see around myself in the so called modern world.
Calls will be taken throughout the show.
The Return of
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
David Duke Show 2015.04.28
In today's show Dr. Duke gave an incredible description of the
process of the formation of races over many tens of thousands of years
as different peoples adapted biologically to the very different
environments that mankind faced around the globe. The relative isolation
of various groups due to geographic separation led to the evolution of
distinct races according to the principles of natural selection that are
well understood and have been repeated over and over again in plants
and animals around the world over earth's history.
Then he went on to describe the spiritual evolution of mankind. He emphasized the importance of personal health and well-being for the overall health of the group, noting that people who are weakened or distracted are easily dominated, which is the situation that we face today. Dr. Duke re-emphasized the four rules for a more meaningful life that he spelled out in last Friday's show. He called on his listeners to achieve a personal revolution of self-betterment in order to enable our people to overcome the adversities we face. Dr. Slattery also offered comments.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Then he went on to describe the spiritual evolution of mankind. He emphasized the importance of personal health and well-being for the overall health of the group, noting that people who are weakened or distracted are easily dominated, which is the situation that we face today. Dr. Duke re-emphasized the four rules for a more meaningful life that he spelled out in last Friday's show. He called on his listeners to achieve a personal revolution of self-betterment in order to enable our people to overcome the adversities we face. Dr. Slattery also offered comments.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Scott Horton 2015.04.27
Patrick Cockburn
Patrick Cockburn, a Middle East correspondent for The Independent, discusses Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen that is worsening the “extraordinary man-made disaster,” as 12 million Yemenis face starvation.
64k CF Download
Patrick Cockburn, a Middle East correspondent for The Independent, discusses Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen that is worsening the “extraordinary man-made disaster,” as 12 million Yemenis face starvation.
64k CF Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.04.27
Download Hour 1 - Hesham Tillawi PhD - Mideast Crisis Worsens
Download Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - Jeff Car crash
Hour 3 - Encore
56k CF
Renses' site
April 27, 2015
Spingola and Friends 4/27/2015
Rodney Martin talks about the alleged association between Germany and Standard Oil and/or Exxon and Henry Ford.
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.04.27
Hitler and his friends in high places
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
David Duke Show 2015.04.27
Dr. Duke started the show with a wide-reaching sampling of facts and
misconceptions about Jewish and European history, from the Jewish role
in the institution of Slavery to control of the media and runaway
welfare spending.
He discussed with Dr. Slattery the release of a 28-year-old report by the Pentagon earlier this year that shows how much the American government knows about Israel's massive nuclear weapons program and how long they have known it. Yet, despite the length of time this information has been known to the government and to the power and media elite, Israel has been completely immune from any pressure to open up their program for international inspection or to refrain in any way from developing weapons.
Dr. Duke poses the question of how a country can get away with violation of international law regarding not just nukes but territorial conquest, genocide, terrorism, spying, etc., and of course the answer comes back to Jewish tribalist domination of the media, finance, campaign funding, academia, and many other important professions and industries.
This is Zio Control 101 at (David) Duke University. Enroll today, and invite everyone you know because there is no limit on class size.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
He discussed with Dr. Slattery the release of a 28-year-old report by the Pentagon earlier this year that shows how much the American government knows about Israel's massive nuclear weapons program and how long they have known it. Yet, despite the length of time this information has been known to the government and to the power and media elite, Israel has been completely immune from any pressure to open up their program for international inspection or to refrain in any way from developing weapons.
Dr. Duke poses the question of how a country can get away with violation of international law regarding not just nukes but territorial conquest, genocide, terrorism, spying, etc., and of course the answer comes back to Jewish tribalist domination of the media, finance, campaign funding, academia, and many other important professions and industries.
This is Zio Control 101 at (David) Duke University. Enroll today, and invite everyone you know because there is no limit on class size.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
No Agenda Episode 716 - "The Portal" - 2015.04.26
TODAY; WHCD; Über Sources; LGBBTQQIAAP; Drone Nation; Caliphate!; CYBER!; Hillary 2016; F-Russia; Common Core; Ministry of Truth; Shut Up Slave!; Ebola; MIC; Elite$; Agenda 21; Ottomania; War on Cash, and all your usual listening whilst staying up late to type furiously because "There's Something "WRONG" on the Internet" favourites.
Scott Horton 2015.04.23
Philip Giraldi
Philip Giraldi, executive director of The Council for the National Interest, discusses the Republicans and evangelicals who put Israel’s interests ahead of America’s; and his article “The Pope Rebukes Turkey – and Should Challenge America and Israel.”
64k CF Download
Philip Giraldi, executive director of The Council for the National Interest, discusses the Republicans and evangelicals who put Israel’s interests ahead of America’s; and his article “The Pope Rebukes Turkey – and Should Challenge America and Israel.”
64k CF Download
April 26, 2015
The Greed for Ilm Podcast with Walid Darab ep.126 - 2015.04.19
Dr. Kevin Barrett On Yemen
Dr. Kevin Barrett joins me this episode to shed light on the current situation in Yemen. The mainstream media portrays the issue in Yemen as being a “Shia vs Sunni” war and Iran arming the Shia Yemeni Houthis. Of course, anyone with an iota of a brain knows you can’t trust the same “news” source that told us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. This time around the mainstream media is trying to sell the notion of going to war with Iran. I’m very excited to have Dr. Barrett on the podcast this episode to talk about what really is going on in that region of the world. Dr. Barrett talks about the puppet Yemeni ex-leader, the Houthis, Iran’s role in the conflict and the US-Iran nuclear talks.
Greed For
Dr. Kevin Barrett joins me this episode to shed light on the current situation in Yemen. The mainstream media portrays the issue in Yemen as being a “Shia vs Sunni” war and Iran arming the Shia Yemeni Houthis. Of course, anyone with an iota of a brain knows you can’t trust the same “news” source that told us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. This time around the mainstream media is trying to sell the notion of going to war with Iran. I’m very excited to have Dr. Barrett on the podcast this episode to talk about what really is going on in that region of the world. Dr. Barrett talks about the puppet Yemeni ex-leader, the Houthis, Iran’s role in the conflict and the US-Iran nuclear talks.
Greed For
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.04.26
White Lives Matter
Kyle speaks about a number of important subjects, including: the black race riots in Baltimore, anti-White academics, the criminal cabal and their various machinations, conspiracies, theories, and what not.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Texe Marrs Podcast 4/17/2015 - President Obama’s War Against Netanyahu, the Neocon Jews, and Political Saboteurs
Texe Marrs was the first to report on Obama’s turning away from control
by his Jewish masters. First, he threw Israeli spy Rahm Emanuel out of
his position as White House Chief of Staff. Now, he has rejected the
Jews’ harsh demands for war in Iran. Obama also shocked Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu by ordering the CIA to release publicly its Top
Secret report accusing Israel of having stolen American uranium and it’s
A-bomb and H-bomb secrets. The CIA says Israel now has hundreds of
nuclear bombs, a fact that Israel has lied about and deceived its own
people and American citizens for 50 years. Now, Obama insists it is
time—after 70 years of occupation—for Israel to give the imprisoned
Palestinians their national sovereignty. What will be next? Will the
Jewish neocons punish Obama by assassinating him the way they did John
F. Kennedy? Be sure to also listen to The Clean Break Doctrine of the Mideast Israeli Hell: Dr. Hesham Tillawi Interview.
*The Clean Break Doctrine of the Mideast Israeli Hell: Dr. Hesham Tillawi Interview
*The Clean Break Doctrine of the Mideast Israeli Hell: Dr. Hesham Tillawi Interview
April 25, 2015
9 Signs Of A High-Functioning Alcoholic
![]() |
Functioning Alcoholics can be found *anywhere*... Even on the Internut! |
Spingola Speaks 2015.04.25
Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, author of Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust: Myth & Reality (Holocaust Handbooks) (Volume 31)
News Page Deanna's site
Official chat room Spingola
32k CF Download
Al-Qaeda's Air Force: United States And Saudi Arabia
Yet while the Western mainstream press has attempted to paint the Iraqi
claims of American assistance to ISIS as “conspiracy theories” and the
manifestation of jealousy, that same press has been forced to admit that
the bombing campaign has resulted in a stronger ISIS presence in Iraq
and Syria and that the terrorist group has become stronger in terms of
strategic location and military presence.
While the United States and NATO act as al-Qaeda’s Air Force in Iraq and Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League fulfill the same role in Yemen. In addition to bombing the Houthi rebels in a bid to retain ousted President Hadi in power and to prevent the possibility of greater Iranian influence in the region, the Saudis have also provided direct air support for extremists and al-Qaeda jihadis who are currently on the ground in Yemen, themselves taking control of swaths of territory.
***Read full article here***
*Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
While the United States and NATO act as al-Qaeda’s Air Force in Iraq and Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Arab League fulfill the same role in Yemen. In addition to bombing the Houthi rebels in a bid to retain ousted President Hadi in power and to prevent the possibility of greater Iranian influence in the region, the Saudis have also provided direct air support for extremists and al-Qaeda jihadis who are currently on the ground in Yemen, themselves taking control of swaths of territory.
***Read full article here***
*Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2015.04.25
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
No Guest - News and Current Events Analysis
40k CF Download
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.04.24
Jeff Brown on China & 9/11 truth; Chris Emery on OKC bombing anniversary
First hour: Jeff Brown of, Truth Jihad Radio's correspondent in Beijing, reports on the prospects for China helping spread 9/11 truth, and other false flag issues including the three Malaysian airliners that fell out of the skies in 2014.
Second hour: Chris Emery, filmmaker behind A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 reports on last Sunday's OKC bombing anniversary, and previews coming attractions: his forthcoming film Shadow Ring,
an exploration of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its
stealth world takeover plan. The new film is based on the writings of
frequent Truth Jihad Radio guest James Perloff.
During the first part of the hour we experienced difficulties talking with Chris, so Jim Fetzer came on and filled us in on his dispute with Gordon Duff and Veterans Today over the Jade Helm exercises.(BS)
Kevin's blog
32k CF Download
First hour: Jeff Brown of, Truth Jihad Radio's correspondent in Beijing, reports on the prospects for China helping spread 9/11 truth, and other false flag issues including the three Malaysian airliners that fell out of the skies in 2014.
During the first part of the hour we experienced difficulties talking with Chris, so Jim Fetzer came on and filled us in on his dispute with Gordon Duff and Veterans Today over the Jade Helm exercises.(BS)
Kevin's blog
32k CF Download
April 24, 2015
Spingola and Friends 4/23/2015
Deanna discusses holocaustianity, pre and post-war propaganda, mind manipulation,and hoaxology. Be sure to visit the archives at Spingola Speaks for audio files and other interesting links as well as Screening Sandy Hook for news about her recent book.
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
David Duke Show 2015.04.24
Dr. Duke focused on life, health and fitness, spelling out four rules
to help you achieve a more successful and meaningful life. Comparing
life to climbing a mountain, Dr. Duke explained the process of summoning
the courage to take on challenges and harnessing the perseverance to
see things through to a successful conclusion. These rules can help turn
around people who have gone astray, or help focus people who are
already moving in the right direction.
Then he brings on Dr. Slattery and they discuss a news item about a new political action committee called "Bend the Arc Jewish Action" that will focus solely domestic policy. This organization is led by the son of billionaire market manipulator George Soros and will provide campaign financing to progressive candidates who unapologetically push Zionist domestic policy priorities such as open borders and gay marriage. It has never been more clear that the Republicans are the main vehicle of the Zio foreign policy and the Democrats are the vehicle of its domestic policy, and that the system is rigged so that when the Republicans are in office Jews win, and when the Democrats are in charge Goys lose.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Then he brings on Dr. Slattery and they discuss a news item about a new political action committee called "Bend the Arc Jewish Action" that will focus solely domestic policy. This organization is led by the son of billionaire market manipulator George Soros and will provide campaign financing to progressive candidates who unapologetically push Zionist domestic policy priorities such as open borders and gay marriage. It has never been more clear that the Republicans are the main vehicle of the Zio foreign policy and the Democrats are the vehicle of its domestic policy, and that the system is rigged so that when the Republicans are in office Jews win, and when the Democrats are in charge Goys lose.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.04.24
Completion of the Paul / James contention discussion
All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)
No Agenda Episode 715 - "Tom Tatoe" - 2015.04.23
Jade Helm 15; CYBER!; SONY Wikileaks; Six Week Cycle Clusters; Shut Up Slave!; Über Sources; Moral Self Licensing; Shadow Puppet Theatre; ICD-10; Common Core; F-Russia; MIC; Caliphate!; BAustin; NA-Tech News; Mac & Cheese; War on Ca$h; Out There; Monsantooo, and all your usual listening whilst avoiding being "Anally Dominated" as various Internut Trolls and Radio Hosts would have you "Believe" favourites!
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.04.23
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American On The Brink
Listen Download Hour 2 - Clark McClelland
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
56k CF
Renses' site
April 23, 2015
False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer 2015.04.23
David Duke Show 2015.04.23
Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. Dr.
Duke started the show by talking about the astounding results of a poll
that shows that when American and Israeli interests diverge, most
Republicans want the government to pursue Israeli interests. Dr. Duke
named the names of the Jewish puppet masters of both the Obama
administration and the Jewish Neocon masters of the Republican party.
Professor MacDonald explained that there is a tendency of Jews to infiltrate political movements that they view as having a future. While during the first half of the Twentieth Century Jews congregated in the Democratic Party and leftist political movements, over the past several decades former Trotskyite Jews known as Neocons moved into the Republican Party and have managed to completely bend Republican foreign policy to the interests of Israel while dragging their feet on social policy. He points out that Jewish money and Neocon influence can be reflected in the positions of leading Republicans on issues like massive immigration.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Professor MacDonald explained that there is a tendency of Jews to infiltrate political movements that they view as having a future. While during the first half of the Twentieth Century Jews congregated in the Democratic Party and leftist political movements, over the past several decades former Trotskyite Jews known as Neocons moved into the Republican Party and have managed to completely bend Republican foreign policy to the interests of Israel while dragging their feet on social policy. He points out that Jewish money and Neocon influence can be reflected in the positions of leading Republicans on issues like massive immigration.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
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