March 12, 2019

"Space Whales" & other Great Beasts of Old!

What were the Great Beasts of Old?  In one word, "Monsters".  These are the strange, fantastic and very REAL creatures of legend.   Have you ever wondered what the monsters in the movie "The Mist" are?  Have you thought about the quantum realm of Antman or pondered the Holographic Universe theory? Are you into fantasy and sci-fi?   Are you researching the Plasma Apocalypse?  This video might just peak your interest...


The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Oh look Wanda goes further into bat-shit-dom.... surprise surprise. No I am not. Saw your crazy fucking ass coming a mile away.

Liam said...

Good-on-ya-Wanda. No different to other fables passed off as gospel by who?, who?, who?,who? Next you will tell us dinosaurs never existed and oil is not a fossil fuel.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Chainsawmillerman oil is not a fossil fuel. Everyone with two brain cells knows that one. Oh tell us how wise you are! If it was from dead critters why do the Russians regularly suck it out of the ground deeper than any fossil or even any micro-fossil has ever been found? How did it get down there? I know. But you do'nt have a clue. Dinosaurs did exist. For fuck sake there are huge bones. Yet people will say they were too big to walk around. Even engineers will tell you that one. So how did they walk around that large without collapsing? I know. But you don't have a clue. Huge swaths of the science concerning matter and energy are wrong and lies. And geology is the worst of them! See James Maxlow and Neal Adams. How is it that the continents fit together PERFECTLY on a SMALLER sphere? Go ahead explain that one. Or are you just going to ignore it like all of science does because they refuse to embrace the blatantly obvious. Sure... they are more than happy to tell us some Kaballah story of the universe blowing up from a single point. That makes perfect sense. Sure it does. You people drive me out of my fricking mind. I'd flip out like poor Brendon O'Connell did and run down the street naked if I thought it would help.

Liam said...

OK! I confess, I am in the right place, to be forgiven,yes? I am guilty of "Sarcasm", which is indeed the lowest form of wit.
Oil is not fossil fuel!
Dinosaurs did not exist!
Most of what the royal society has provided is mind control.
Not wisdom, simple claims.
Do you need me to prove a negative?
Dinosaur bones found by who? Ancients? Indigenous folk?
I don't think so, dumbed-down members of my folk indoctrinated in last 120 years.
Poor Brendon O'Connell, (liberal / universalist)indeed a legend in his own lifetime, who like most abrahamics would probably slaughter this here heretical-heathen for logical / critical thought.
Is it the end times"for us again at the hands of the abrahamics?

Liam said...

Thanks Wanda
"Science", whose science?
1% or less of the oceans have been explored and of that 1%, only 1% of species in that 1% have been identified.
Admissible evidence is what I value and alot of so-called science does not qualify as such.