March 18, 2020

The Infectious Myth - Coronavirus COVID-19 Panic - Podcast


Amanda said...

Thanks!! Listening now. said...

I talk to people in Europe with the symptom of COV-19. It's not fake and lab in Bohemia-Czech republic, say that the VIRUS was created in LABORATORY and was created "WITH GENETICALLY MODIFY GENES" !!! This guy just reading stuff from book or articles. Look here on video from Bohemia-Czech republic; Language-Bohemian-Czech

zapoper said...

I got bored after 15 minutes. Did he really say that the virus was fake???

Liam said...


The onus of proof is with the one making the claim. This is a maxim in law.
So, good man, admissible evidence is required to prove your claim;
"the VIRUS was created in LABORATORY and was created "WITH GENETICALLY MODIFY GENES" !!!"
Please begin with proof that a virus, any virus, exists when subjected to decent and honourable scientific investigation, that is not bought and paid for research from an indecent scientific group. Pathogens, yes! bacteria, fungi, parasites yes! But viruses, there is no admissible evidence to date.

Remembering many claims have been made your namesake, Adolf Hitler, escaped to Argentina and died there an old man. Again, no admissible evidence has been provided to prove that claim either.

zapoper said...

@ Liam. I got the flu on Wednesday and by Saturday afternoon I was healthy again. The last time I got sick was in 2008 and before that was in the 90s.ç

I'm just going on personal experience but if what I got last week was a bacteria, I would have killed it in 24 hours. One of the things I took was huge amounts of Lugol's iodine 7% and got bored with the dropper and was poring the stuff straight to my mason jar.

Just saying said...

Liam, you should run for presidente of Argentina !!! WooF !!!

Liam said...

Just saying, what, exactly?
Oh! That you have no evidence and are pedaling fear porn! LOL

zapoper said...

Please tell me when I fucking peddled fear porn on here. Remember, I have no control over what radio show guys say.

zapoper said...

How is saying that I got the flu and over came it in three days and a half has anything to do with fear porn?

Amanda said...

from Miles Mathis on corona (I'm not always a fan of his work, but thought the info on the nursing home deaths that were supposedly from the scary virus was interesting):

zapoper said...

The problem with Miles is that everything is fake.

Amanda said...

@zap- Yes, I know, and he gets into some crazy crap with geneology.
But on this one, I still thought the info on the nursing home deaths was interesting. (this one is posted at Mathis' site, but supposedly written by RussellSackett)

Liam said...

Apologies, Zapoper.
The fear porn reference was intended for Mr Richtar and not your good self.

Liam said...

@ Zapoper. I have been using gum turpentine for 6+ years.
But, of late, the last 3 years, I wonder if I need it having habitually adopted urine therapy.
Thanks again, Brizer