October 02, 2021

Unknown is Persona Non Greta - Trolls, Sock Puppets & Hasbara Shills

 What did I see when I remote viewed the Unknown?

Alias John Miller - Sean - Herman the Vermin - Michael - Mike Smith - Mike, Stephanie, etc...

Scientists & psychics strongly suspect that the ugly creature you see above is the low-class vermin that has been polluting this site with its childish bullshit.

The hideous specimen demands much undeserved attention.  

His lowness has infested the Comment Section here at Mami's Purgatory.

The demented vermin and attention whore keeps repeating the same criticisms of jews over and over, yet, when others criticize the jews, all he has to say is crap like this:

""..their father the satan...." fu*k that religious bullshit ! If you are just watching how &%$#@# parasites are destroying your beautiful "rose garden", DON'T BLAME THE PARASITES, YOU IDIOTS!"


"Hello, if you are just watching how parasites are destroying your beautiful "rose garden", DON'T BLAME THE PARASITES, YOU IDIOTS!!!!!"

This living glory hole has "a stench that precedes him" everywhere he leaves his vile "comments". 

"a stench that precedes him" - Noor al Haqiqa



 Here are just a few more of his alleged "comments"...

Unknown said...


    "Australia is being used as a test case.."
    Tell us by WHOM ??

    "..camps they have already built."
    WHO IS "THEY"?

    "...the Turd's wet dream.."
    WHO IS "the Turd.."

    Don't shit your pants, TELL US!!

    Now, if you told us its the slimy PARASITE clique of International Communist- Bolshevik JEW Red Rats, and their down to the bone corrupt non-jew lackeys/traitors in western governments, I would absolutely agree.

    September 22, 2021 at 1:41 PM
Noor al Haqiqa said...

    Hey, Unknown, if you knew me,and most around here do, you would know I have been writing about this stuff since before you were born. I assume everyone knows what I am talking about; I don't hang with fools who don't even know who The Turd is. Or who "they" are. Or "by whom". Noahides noahides bolshevism and all that jazz.

    Your language is (((Tribal))) in origin; after all parasites usually located at bodily orifices. Don't waste everyone's time with your wasted sarcasm. It impresses no one especially hard-nosed little old ladies like yours truly.

    Besides, if you did not know the answers, you would be responsible for looking up the answers yourself. That is how the knowledge game is played.


    September 22, 2021 at 5:51 PM
Unknown said...

    Oy vey,
    you are one of Mami's celebrities....
    I'm sorry, I never heard of you.

    Thanks for answering...now wipe your tribal bodily orifice and say hello to your neighborhood rabbi.

    September 22, 2021 at 7:40 PM
Noor al Haqiqa said...

    As I figured. A piece of rabble rousing crap. Not a celebrity just a decent woman who has been around for decades watching your ilk destroy destroy destroy. Your stench precedes you. My instincts were correct. End of conversation for what it is worth. I don't usually dip my toes into the sewage but I do respond to rudeness. And you are, quite obviously, one cesspool of nasty.

September 24, 2021 at 1:40 PM



 After studying its commentary, the scientists & psychics have come up with a composite character that could be described as a cross-breed between the following specimens:

Kike Smith?

Herman The Vermin?
Trolls, Sock Puppets & Hasbara Shills

Unknown, or Sean, or John Miller, or Mike, or Michael, or Herman the Vermin, or who knows what the jerk will call himself next, is a Hasbara shit disturber who appears to be distracted, scattered, superficial, inane, infantile, insipid, boring, pitiful, spiteful, resentful, envious and nasty as hell. He has been described as dissatisfied, obsessed, rude, offensive and vulgar. He complains all the time yet keeps coming back day after day... to spread his repetitive and less than useless bullshit.



May Your Demon, or Demons, Go With You!

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