November 18, 2022

The Scorpio Show 2022.11.16

Scorpio's observations from his trip to Iceland and multiple political topics discussed with Mike Sledge. (Thanks for fixing your Wi-Fi

Feel free to email Scorpio at


Sean said...

There is no election fraud- only fraudulent elections.

Sean said...

There is no “ballot stuffing”, “early voting”, “dead people voting”
It’s all part of the phony-fake, clown show “reality”

Sean said...

The big question- will mike and Scorpio promote drumph again? Zon Desantis? How will they justify their positions?- the lesser of two weevils?……stay tuned.

Sean said...

Mike loves to bash “conspiracy theorists” while promoting conspiracies, most of which I agree with, but the hypocrisy is off the charts. Does mike still think the sandy hoax was real?

Sean said...

I agree, there will be no “sudden collapse”, instead there will be a gradual divergence of society, where the non compliant will be cut off from the slave class, into a proletariat, which will eventually be stamped out. In the mean time, there will be the need to return to alternate currency and a return to sell sustainable existence.

Sean said...

The Jews have targeted all other races on the planet, so it is up to all the people of the world to rise against them. Are the blacks speaking out against them controlled opposition? Probably, but the Jews always, historically overplay their hand, and I think we are seeing that now. Just because we can recognize a common enemy, doesn’t mean we want to move some negroes into our spare bedrooms or even share a country with them. If the blacks can help us send the kikes to the moon, we can give the negroes Israel.

Sean said...

NJP? Talk about controlled opposition. Mike Pienovich looks pretty jewy to me. Pull up some pictures of these clowns at Charlottesville. Is that what you want to hitch your wagon to?

spoonful said...

Bobby Fischer knew

spoonful said...

Even more than being a bad boy from Boston (min. 15 lockups), I identify by my birthday, which was November 16th, and that certain desert dweller with a tail that can strike you dead . . . can't wash it off

Maxximum Joy said...

I use Starbux for their bathrooms. Burnt coffee sucks.

Maxximum Joy said...

All this foreign intrigue is a waste of time. People need to target their local "corporate municipal administrative jew law" bullshit. That is the battlefield. Calling out your local reps. ALL of the politicians here are bought off by jewish interests while we get the bill.

Maxximum Joy said...

We are a communist country. ANYTHING run by a jew is communism. When corporate Wall St finances Marxism, its communism = judaism = anti Christ = satanism

Maxximum Joy said...

I think some of the younger jews are starting to think "you know what? We are assholes. Kanye is right. And they let Chappelle say what he did. Even "secular jews" are getting sick of their own culture starting with circumcision. Guys like me having been hammering jews and blacks about jews for thelast 15 years . I was "Ayo" 15 years ago but nobody white, especially my "friends" are too afraid to go there.

Maxximum Joy said...

Mark Madoff faked his suicide while his wife and kids went to Disneyland. The next day Mark was "cremated". *poof* gone. Nobody no crime.

ruxpert said...

'afraid to speak truth' = Defeated
Bingo Bango!

Panzerfaust said...

I only listen when there's some impressions otherwise fuck no.

ruxpert said...

ChiCom News? ;-)

Watch: China's Xi Loudly Excoriates Justin Trudeau In Crowded Room
Xi Crushes Trudeau ?

China Just Exposed Everything!
Released Footage & Text of Trudeau, Biden & Xi That Shocks the World!

Scorpio said...

Fuck no- LOL

Albert said...

EVERYONE should Listen to: (Old Guy with 5 Children in France) THIS:

EVERY Word is Spot-On TRUE !!! :-o

Panzerfaust said...

See if Mike can do Jim Fetzer, that'll be a must.

Erik Paul said...

Golly, Wally, hows come when I say "Negro" my comment gets deleted?

Albert said...

@ Eric Paul

I type: "ni88er" ;-)

It combines writing the "N"-word, with: Others "racistly" SEEING: "nigger" when it is "only" (14)88 ! ;-)

ruxpert said...

just for S&G:
some funny pics

Ann Coulter to Trump:


Maxximum Joy said...

Trump is burnt out. He lost endorsments from "key" endorsers

RiggedGame said...

Sledge is right on when he says the only thing a lot of white people have left is their job. So that cannot put that in jeopardy and they go along with all the societal crap, which brings on the slow degradation. Also true is the fact that the repubs have nothing to offer and cannot raise the white flag of surrender fast enough and then they cry "election fraud". That and the fact that the country is browning up. Very good points to consider.

The most important thing to take away from this show is that "whatever happens is inevitable" and will not be stopped, so just sit back for the ride.

Maxximum Joy said...

Whites are a slave golem to the jews. They are never sobering up to challenge the jew. Most whites are culturally fragmented and disorganized. White women are basically jews with vaginas. When the shit hits the fan, kill every lawyer doctor and politician you can shoot. Thats what is coming. Burn their fucking houses down. There are no solutions its too late.

Panzerfaust said...

After Charlottesville and Jan 6 White Americans learned there is no more right to assemble and peacefully protest, the fed and NGO agencies will infiltrate and flip it into a violent White Supremacist made for TV show.

Maxximum Joy said...

Repeat - whites are jew cucked faggots. Surplus cant figure that one out.

Whites are a slave golem race to the jews. They are never sobering up to challenge the jew. Most whites are culturally fragmented and disorganized. White women are basically jews with vaginas. When the shit hits the fan, kill every lawyer doctor and politician you can shoot. Thats what is coming. Burn their fucking houses down. There are no solutions its too late.

zapoper said...

Chappelle was making fun of the absurd numbers of Russians that they claimed Ukrainians had killed at the beginning of the "war". He went on to say: "How is Russia losing to Ukraine? That would be like America losing a war to Colorado." He was not supporting Ukraine in that monologue.

Sledge had that wrong and Scorpio repeated it it on today's beyond the narrative. Just saying. I agree though that Chappelle is probably in on it with the Hollywood Jews and what not.

zapoper said...

Chappelle has friends in high places. said...

What happen your Brother from another Mother Giuseppe who you betray for green intelligent idiot mike gaddy.

nikosmom said...


Scorpio said...

Excuse me, but did I do a three hour show personally attacking G or Dave Gahary's operation? There were vicious lies told during that three hour slandlerfest, something that I did not indulge in during my rebuttal if you all recall properly. Many of you who are commenting have no idea what really went on behind the scenes at the station. I had to follow my conscience, my intuition and my sense of honor.

Do any of you seriously believe that Gahary was able to walk away from the Sandy Hook lawsuit against him merely by giving an apology? If you believe that, then you are very naive about how things really work in this world. This same man now runs around declaring that Israel had no idea they were attacking an American ship during the USS liberty incident. Does anyone here seriously believe that is a legitimate position to take when there are so many facts in contradiction. There are many other red flags and shady characters being promoted that are quite apparent for those who are willing to look with open eyes.

Mark my words, the endgame over there will not be pretty and I did not want to be part of it. It was not an easy decision for me but I have always trusted my intuition and followed my conscience with major decisions in my life. So at least get your facts straight and know that you have only a sliver of the information before commenting and making ludicrous accusations.

Maxximum Joy said...

I had a brief interaction through email with Gahary. Asking him what happened to Mike Gaddy. His answer was basically a glib "he grabbed his knapsack and went off to the woods" kind of comment.
Honestly I'm very disappointed in John Kaminski and I feel used. And I don't trust Fetzer and I don't trust Gahary. Anybody with half a brain can tell you Sandy Hook was a hoax. I don't think it's good to keep going over and over about hoaxes because it's just entertainment and it doesn't further the cause of this country which is to get rid of the fucking Jews already. It's like the Holocaust revisionist going on and on about it 80 years ago and people still haven't figured it out. We need to be more Forward Thinking and come up with Solutions. Watching TV and regurgitating jew news doesn't work for me. Americans need to focus on the local level since Federal mandates get handed down. It's easy to watch TV and talk about Trump and Biden but the reality is you need to address these problems on a local level and nobody is doing it. Nobody is cohesive there is no Community anymore. Most of your High tax towns are transient towns meaning people move in and move out and there is no cohesion other than the local football team. But the corrupt lawyers in courts stay the same.
I did find it strange that Giuseppe turned on Dave Scorpio so fast. I'm not sure what kind of friendship you guys had or why you guys were even together as a team. But it sure seems like he stabbed you in the back real quick. The two guys I was actually listening to left the station. Kaminski does these long winded Kaminsky Prose rants and all it does is waste air time. If I was on the air I'd be telling all you motherfuckers to start taking shit up on the local level soon. Trump and Biden are a waste of time

Maxximum Joy said...

Miles of black ribbon on the lone highway ...

Unknown said...

Very disappointed that BB9 had Jewseppie on...could not fact I want to puke every time I here the jew-man speak...I am not a big fan of Gaddy's but I did listen to those 3 hours and he did not deserve that bs. I noticed even the commercials for his shows on SFR call him Jewseppie. If SFR did not stream some good shows from other sources I would stop listing there period.

Maxximum Joy said...

None of these radio hosts get close to William Cooper. Not one. Cooper made a few mistakes but at least he was sincere. If he felt he was wrong she would apologize over the Airways. Bill Cooper brought excellent information on survival and militia and law. There is not another radio host like Cooper. He he brought you real usable information. Nobody else does sorry but that's the truth. I can't even listen to rbn anymore. Actually I've been turning my radio off everything gives me anxiety now

ruxpert said...

If WE were to focus, what should/would WE focus on?

Maxximum Joy said...

Local political and courtroom corruption. ALL your corruption originates from the jewish sector. Learn how to represent yourself in the courtroom because when you hire a lawyer you are considered non compos mentis. A ward of the court. This is basically what jews think of Gentiles: helpless and stupid.

ruxpert said...

Yes, agreed; Corruption is Core Issue/Problem.
So, how can we unite more than just those that might want to go to court?

Maxximum Joy said...

Jews are the core problem, idiot. What are you a fucking jew? You tell me the solution. Dont play games with me asshole.

ruxpert said...

Dear Mr. Joy,
Hypocrisy / Corruption is the problem, NOT the Solution.
Divisive Distemper is NOT conducive to Uniting Our Mighty Might!

Maxximum Joy said...

Fuck off jew. You are the problem. Why dont YOU offer the solution? you double minded kike.

Panzerfaust said...

J. Bruce Campbell was another but he faded away in his senior years.

Albert said...

I AGREE with Steve Elkins ACH Talk !!!


There is: OBVIOUS Election-Rigging !!! :-o

(NOBODY "VOTES": Macron, Turd-Dough, Pelosi, Biden, et-al BACK-IN every-Time! ;-) )

Of course, in-ADDITION: Millions of "non-WHITE"-INVADERS are ALSO "Voting" ...

But, the "SMARTY": "I have a Clever-Take: which is DIFFERENT, and 'SMARTER', and which: No-One-Else can even-SEE, but I am being Very Rock-Solid-Full-Confidence-FIRM on 'MY' 'New' TAKE..." "Pundits" ... ;-)

Are ... Also LIKE: "clever" "slick" (((con-men))) !!!!!!!!! :-o

Dr. OriGinal Larry said...

Hey, Dave!
If you get a chance, check out Pastor Eli James. JB wells has had him on several times, very interesting take on the amish :)

Maxximum Joy said...

Eli James is a flat earth idiot. And ACH backs him up. Not impressed. Albert posted his usual useless gibberish. Im dealing with white autistic adults with arrested development.