The bus driver said there will be no discrimination on his bus- there is no black and white, I see everyone as Green. That way we are all equal!
As the bus driver opened the door to allow a group of people in, he said; "All dark greens to the rear and all light greens to the front"!
We're not allowed to say that word. The AI was very adamant.

Our government has developed a habit in the past 3 years of imprisoning people who say things that are counter to the narrative. John Carpay, president of the JCCF, Tamara Lich, Freedom Convoy Organizer, Pastor Art Pawlowski, and many others. Some of you will be familiar with Jeremy MacKenzie, the Raging Dissident.
Jeremy has now spent a total of ten weeks in prison, despite the fact that he has no criminal record, served 14 years in the military, often under fire, and has committed no criminal acts. What he has done is to be outspoken in his views of our tyrannical government. And so, of course they activate their controlled media to paint him as an ‘armed and dangerous’ terrorist.

Well, since my body left me
Well, I found a new place to swell
Well, it's down at the end of Horny Street
At Heartburn Hotel
Where I'll be, I'll be so horny, baby
Well, I'll be horny
I'll be so horny, I could die
Although it's always crowded
You still can find a room
For hiding under covers
And swinging like a loon
You'll be, you'll be so horny, baby
I'll make you so horny
We'll be so horny, till' we die
Now, the barman's beers keep flowin'
And the desk clerk's blessed with crack
Well, they've been so long on Horny Street
They'll never, never look back
And they get so, they get so corny, baby
Well, they are so corny
They're so corny, I could cry
Well, now, if your body leaves you
And you want a tale to sell
Well, just take a walk down Horny Street
To Heartburn Hotel
Where you will be, you will be, you'll be so horny, baby
Well, you will be horny
You'll be so horny, you could die
You still can find a room
For hiding under cover
And howling at the moon
Well, they're so horny
They'll be so horny, they could die