INTRODUCTION by Thomas Dalton (excerpts)

The writings are drawn from Mein Kampf, Hitler’s “Second Book”, and various letters and declarations; the speeches include virtually all of his major pronouncements on jews, jewry, and their role in the world. All passages have detailed source listings, for those who wish to confirm the various entries, or to read more of the context.
This book is not merely of historical interest. It’s not just for experts and specialists in World War Two. Hitler’s analysis of the jews, though hostile, is erudite, detailed, and largely aligns with events of the past 70 years. There are many lessons here for the modern-day world—lessons that are highly unpopular, to say the least, but not thereby false. It’s very much a case of ‘those who neglect history are condemned to repeat it.’ And this particular history carries with it a huge cost to humanity and the planet.
Second, to demonstrate that they are well-grounded in history, and that he was justified in his concern.
Third, to show that these criticisms are relevant and important in the present day.
We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to hear out Hitler’s case against the jews.
Hitler on the jews: Learned Assessment of History’s Diabolic Parasite
January 25, 2023

John F. Kennedy admired Adolf Hitler and was prepared to tentatively admit so in his public utterances. He was also highly suspicious of jews, as his father had taught him to be.
He was correctly perceived as a threat to jewish world ascendency by those who ordered, then celebrated, his assassination.
Kennedy was only of sufficient risk to one people, for whom an improbable assassination attempt was therefore worth mounting.
Only (religious) ideology could have held such covert undertakings together, at an operational level. Only an ever-replenishing purse could have ensured treasonous co-operation at an institutional level.
America should stop banging its head against the wall. (As should Britain.)
not indeed become the Chancellor of the Greater German Reich in order to
conduct war!"– Adolf Hitler 1940
“Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said to U.S. ambassador Joseph Kennedy
that the reason why he had made war against Germany was that "America [MY
NOTE* Jewish controlled] and the World Jews" had pressured him. Kennedy
later told this to Admiral James Forrestal, who recorded it in his diary; "neither the
French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been
for the constant needling from Washington," is how Forrestal summarized
Kennedy's recollection [The Forrestal Diaries, entry of 27 December 1945].
Henry Makow is unable to see clearly because he is not a monetary historian.
Hitler was not a Masonic stooge, and NSDAP Germany used its own “credit” to fund the economy and release itself from Versaille debts. The tax roles almost tripled from 33 to 38. Mefobills and Oeffa bills, along with other forms of purchasing power were injected into the economy. Henry does not understand these mechanisms, so he spins yarns.
The Bolsheviks WERE funded by Jewish monied interests out of Wall Street – especially Kuhn and Loeb. Stalin killed Trotysky and nationalized Trotysky’se wall street.
By 1944-45, the “international Jew” had determined that Stalin could not be controlled, and further Stalin was purging Jews from Soviet leadership positions. Stalin had to use nationalism to motivate the peasants during WW2. Who would fight for the international Jew and “brotherhood” among nations? The Jew ideal of tikkun with them at the head of the pyramid fails when reality strikes, and nothing is more real when you are about to die in war. Even today, Russia celebrates the great “Patriotic War.”
In 1926, Mussolini nationalized Italy’s banks, and put usurers and prostitutes in a special zone meant only for them. The usurers had been swinging the stock market by voting absentee stocks. This group of people were stealing from the commons using sophisticated usurious techniques.
The real power of the Jew is sneaky methods of taking usury on populations, and then using that stolen purchasing power to fund their nefarious activities.
So, there is ONE COMMON THEME… don’t get caught up in easily disproved dialectics.
Fascism sovereignized Italy’s money, and “international” corporations came under national control. NSDAP national socialism did the same. Stalin created national communism on the wreckage of Bolshevism.
All of these attempts of a nation’s people to extract themselves from Jewry and their “capital” came under attack. The offensive attacks came from the western democracies, which had already been subverted by that point in time.
(Stalin attacked by the West after WW2, via the cold war.)
Even Churchill can be understood when one follows the money, as he was being paid off by the (((Usual))) suspects.
Trump can also be understood as he butt-smoochios with a faction of Zion, in order to stay alive. He has made nice with nationalist Jews, especially Mossad and Chabbad.
The “international money jews – who are traitors to their host nation” are attacking Trump. Many of these international jews want to have a home in their host nation AND have a escape plan to Israel. Traitor Jews are getting rich off of various schemes, bleeding their host nations. Moving Jobs to China, or maneuvering a Coup in Ukraine, etc. are some of their activities.
With regards to the Mason’s… maybe at the top they have become traitors to their host nation and their people.The red thread of deception and usury by Mason’s does not compare in any way to Jewish history then and now.
Well said Sir. Henry Makow, like so many of his brethren, has been brainwashed from childhood to hate Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist movement in Germany.
Imagine if you are Musk, the Liberals are screaming at you and you don’t want Twitter to turn into a free for all racist platform like 4Chan or the early GLP days. Over time, as the public comes to accept and be open to talk about the Jewish problem, Makow will be let back on.
Makow is wrong about Hitler. Hitler did not gas the Jews, but he did put many off onto Palestine which has created the world’s biggest problem – Israel. It is immoral to put the Jewish plague onto any other nation, and it was Hitler’s greatest mistake. If Hitler could have seen the future, what Jews would do to Germany and Palestine, he may have gassed the Jews to save the future of humanity and his German race.
Before this is over, I am sure the Germans will be decimated by a Jewish caused white genocide holocaust. Hitler has the last laugh meme:
The Reason Henry Makow is Taboo On Twitter
HenryMakow.com – Dec 14, 2022
Kyle Hunt speaks to Dennis Wise about his film The Greatest Story Never Told and asks him about the many arguments that are put forth to make it seem like Hitler was actually working for the jews. They then bring the discussion up to the present days and discuss the issues plaguing our world and what we could do to counter this formidable foe.
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When her dear, faithful eyes
No longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks -
Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.
And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more.
Adolf Hitler -- 1923
Excellent post from MEFOBILLS.
In 1934 Hitler dissolved the freemasonic lodges in Germany. Their property was confiscated and their assets seized.
By a further edict of the Fuhrer, freemasonry was subsequently banned in all Axis nations, as well as in occupied countries like France, Norway and Denmark. Adolf Hitler was the most historically significant opponent of freemasonry of the twentieth century.
Donald Trump is a freemason. He wears freemasonic rings sometimes. In the side-by-side photos, comparing Trump’s and Hitler’s hand gestures, Donald Trump is posing for a portrait shot, so he is consciously signalling his freemasonic affiliation. Hitler’s photo isn’t portraiture. It’s a snapshot, apparently, taken while he was busy with his duties.
Finger stretching, in the manner shown, is something that everyone does at some time. If you spend hours writing or typing or playing the piano (etc,) you’re instinctively given to flexing your fingers in a like fashion. I’ve certainly pressed my hands together in such a way and I’m not a freemason. I would not so offend God.
The same hand positioning, is used in Qigong, by the way.
Yukon Jack on December 16, 2022