January 11, 2024

No Agenda Episode 1624 - "Bub" - 2024.01.11


decree said...

cant believe how pro Trump they often are, as funny the show sometimes is, this show is pure entertainment to waste your time and keep up the illusions of alot things including democracy, they only question some thing a tiny bit but never the whole system and sure never the jew(or zionists on that matter)

Adanac said...

It condenses the mainstream circus and comments on it 2 times a week. Mainstream/political news is "pure entertainment to waste your time"! I don't understand why this is such a revelation for so many here? It's a format that works! I often tune in because it give you a pretty good idea what direction the flock is flying.

If you are looking for deeper human truths about mans nature and inevitable folly, try some the classic philosophers like Plato, Aristotle or Plotinus LOL. Naming the Jew can only get you so far, sooner or later you are personally responsible for your own life. If you invest money or participate in usury you are no different than that sneaky Jew you bitch about. Our system is a system of contractual slavery. What is your next move to get out of it?

Adanac said...

If you listen to this,

RFK Jr.'s Israel Defense: Genuine Belief or Deep State Influence?

It still is brings you in to political system that masquerades as a legitimate.

Just keep voting folks, everything is fine! LOL

decree said...

you know RFK jr was visiting Schneerson grave too(think it was september 2023), even if its jsut for PR but my trust for any politician is gone when visiting Schneerson.

Wonder if that was his personal small hat or rented at the place for the photos

Panzerfaust said...
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Panzerfaust said...

I used to anxiously await the Ride Of The Valkyries intro and listened to entire shows twice a week up until Curry cucked to Jews following the Oct 7 aerial holocaust

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

The Mami’s goes full faggot guy thinks you have a small mind

Adanac said...

FF (Fuck Face) its you that is said have a small mind. Why are you projecting your own shortcomings on others? Do you still live at home?

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Post some more flat earf stuff- lol

Adanac said...

Here is one for you FF, it's does a great job showing how both models a flawed. We really don't know what this realm is, but we defiantly know what it is not, as the days go by. You are a child I can tell, but I'll keep playing with you to keep my inner child alive LOL

Flat Earth : 15°


go to 10:34 in the above video where the US army film admits that they use an imaginary sun so the globe or flat earth model will work. It's called mean or civil time. In reality the sun does not move at 15 degrees per hour and so really throws a monkey wrench into both models that use Newtonian physics to explain each.

Adanac said...

*of course