May 19, 2024

Thought Crime Live with Steven Douglas Whitener 2024.05.18

Steven is joined by Sean Tario from

64k CF Download


zapoper said...

Steven sounded as if he had a rough Friday night.

zapoper said...

I've never owned a cell phone in my life and I'm not dead yet. You don't need it. Just pretend that it's still the 80s or 90s and let it go to the answering machine while you're at work.

I was watching a TV series called shooter a few weeks ago and by the third season the characters were "sniffing" for trackers in their clothes but were still running around with cell phones on them. ROFL.

Jumbo Patterson said...

I have a 'burner' cell phone (which never leaves my office) simply because a lot of online outfits need a cell number in order to register with them. People seem to get indignant when I don't answer it... as if it's my duty and obligation to carry it with me at all times.

These smart phones are scary, they definitely affect people's biology and psychology; I thnk we have reached a stage where phones have become an unmissable extension to their being.

I have never owned one, never used one, lol.

zapoper said...

I would put that shit in a Faraday cage when I'm not using it.

Chainsawmiller said...

That would be a cookie/candy tin for those who don't know LOL

Sunday morning rant,

Canada is a fraud, the only legitimate Charter is held by the "Company of Adventurers". These are the families out of the City of London who created and incorporated the Hudson Bay Charter and the Hudson Bay Company. Canada is a corporation and its "citizens" are corporate legal fiction debt slaves, tacitly participating in a lets pretend corporate game.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

Here are 11 very important questions that you need to ask yourself:

Where are the Articles of Confederation, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
Why was Canada known as the “Dominion of Canada” a British colony until 1938, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
Why in 1867 was the BNA act created to be Letters Patent for a Governor General to the Dominion of Canada if Canada had confederated and is a sovereign nation?
Why in 1893, would the British Parliament deem it necessary to repeal certain sections of the BNA act, with the “Statute Law Revisions act” if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
Why in 1931 would the British parliament create the “Statute of Westminster” to nullify the Dominion of Canada, if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
Why in 1946 did a foreign Monarch, King George VI appoint a representative for the UK, a Governor General and then command the Parliament of Canada to create Letters Patent and command the PM at that time to sign on his behalf those Letters Patent in 1947 for his Governor General, if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a Sovereign Nation?
Why did PM Trudeau in 1982 have the government create the “Canada Bill” and then take that Bill to a foreign Monarch and have her parliament pass that Bill as the “Canada act, 1982” if Canada confederated 115 years earlier and is a sovereign nation?
Why do Prime Ministers and other officials when sworn into office here in Canada, swear their allegiance to a foreign monarch, Queen Elizabeth, and not to the people of Canada if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
If Canada is a sovereign nation, why does the Government of Canada in their Interpretations act define Canada as the internal waters and territorial seas if Canada confederated in 1867?
Why was it necessary in 1990 to sue a member of the federal parliament, J. Littlechild MP, to force him to do his duty to his constituents and have the courts rule against his constituents, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign Nation?
Why in the “Constitution act, 1867” of Canada is there no clause that allows for land for the Government of Canada to become a sovereign nation if Canada Confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?

Look up "the myth is Canada" It will reveal just how deep this fraud goes.

Have a nice day

zapoper said...

What about Australia?

Chainsawmiller said...

It seems that every country/farm on earth that you want to enter into a contract with,  so you can interface with your brother and sister slaves, has a comparable human management system in place to harvest your energy, creative or otherwise. I pay attention to this farm here in CANADA, but yeah "they" have perfected the Human resource management system accross this realm. Have a good day, zap my man!

Jumbo Patterson said...

There was a rumour doing the rounds, years ago, that the toffs teach their kids to pass a competency exam in order to claim their 'estate' from the Treasury before the age of seven years.

Whether it is true or not is hard to find out.

Chainsawmiller said...

I don't know Jumbo, but if we understood our position, instead of flying our corporate farm flags like idiots and talking about "our democracy" etc we could very likely turn the tables for a little while. At least until "they" smash us back into yet another traumatic reset!

Jumbo Patterson said...

The only times you see the English Cross of St. George being flown is either when the English soccer team is playing (half of whom are black) or when one of the controlled opp 'far right' groups is demonstrating.

The Union Flag comes out when there is something happening with the Monarchy, like a coronation or if the 'Nation' is officially at war, like in the Falklands.

I'm pretty sure that the Cross of St. George originates from Khazaria, and was introduced by the Normans. (Isn't it ironic... don't you think?)

Jumbo Patterson said...

"I would put that shit in a Faraday cage when I'm not using it."

"That would be a cookie/candy tin for those who don't know LOL"

Thanks for the kick up the ass... the offending instrument is now switched off, inside a grounded iron bread bin and I feel so much better!